DIRECTOR of Education Marcellus Taylor has acknowledged some schools in Abaco have yet to return to face-to-face learning amid growing concerns from parents, teachers and students.
During an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Mr Taylor said he is aware that some schools on the island still have issues that are being worked on.
“I think there are a couple of schools that have one or two issues that are being worked out and I don’t know what the specific concerns are that the parents and the teachers are lodging, but we are in Abaco right now and I think we have met with principals and they have said what they need to say,” he said.
Earlier yesterday an official complaint was emailed to the Ministry of Education, a copy of which was sent to this newspaper, noting several schools on the island were still virtual and alleging these schools intended to remain that way until the end of the year.
In this same complaint, a person who said they were acting on behalf of a group of concerned parents, teachers and students claimed many schools on the island have not yet opened even though they say the government has given the okay to get these schools inspected to get open. The person alleged that the government reneged on its promise to have these schools inspected on January 31 and that if they do not address this ongoing “disaster,” agitated citizens will follow through on plans to have a full demonstration march on February 5.
While Mr Taylor was unaware of this complaint - and had no specific knowledge as to which schools this group of individuals claims are still unopened - he said he had no issue with their plans to peacefully protest so long as they clear it with the proper authorities beforehand.
“If they want to march then I guess they are free to march once they get the permission from the police to do so peacefully. We do all we can to do what we can. So, I’m not really aware of the concerns, the specific concerns so I don’t really know why they would be marching, but I mean I don’t have any real thoughts on it,” he said.
CurlyTail242 3 years, 1 month ago
If the director of Education, after visiting Abaco, has no idea what schools are still unopened we are in serious, serious trouble. Everyone in Abaco knows- and he met with the schools and the teachers and the parents. If he left Abaco, and still claims to not know our "specific concerns" and that he has "no real thoughts on it" then we might as well give up on Education in Abaco. The quotes from the director in this article are really embarrassing. I can't imagine we will even maintain our D average if we keep going in this direction.
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