FNM criticises list of board appointments


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Chairman Charles Maynard has criticised the government’s recent appointments to the various boards and committees as full of “recycled politicians.”

He also questioned the absence of South Andros MP Picewell Forbes in any of the appointments and commented on the appointment of William Thompson as new Chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas (BCB) — and by default, ZNS.

“The biggest question that jumps out in our mind is where is the new generation of leaders?” Mr Maynard asked. “As we look at the substantial board and their leadership what we see is a lot of the old guard of the Progressive Liberal Party; a lot of recycled politicians and what we don’t see are any new young Bahamians who could actually perform at the highest level on some of these boards.”

The chairman hinted that the new appointments could possibly be based on party loyalty rather than on bringing in new faces.

“Some of them are hard supporters of the Progressive Liberal Party,” he said. “We’re not saying that Progressive Liberal Party supporters shouldn’t be on the board. What we are saying is, what happened to the new generation of leaders that was a big part of their campaign?”

When asked about the apparent absence of South Andros MP Picewell Forbes from any Board – such as BCB as Mr Forbes boasts broadcast experience as a former ZNS newscaster – Mr Maynard wondered if it could be a snub.

“The absence of Picewell Forbes under the leadership of any board to me is glaring. I wonder if Mr Forbes is under some kind of punishment from Mr Christie,” he speculated. “He has not been appointed to anything. He is just a Member of Parliament and I think that there is some reason behind that. I think that all other members of parliament have now been appointed to something or other and Picewell Forbes is the only one now that has not.”

“He would have been the perfect person with the broadcast experience and the feeling for what it would take to really make ZNS into a public broadcast station,” said Mr Maynard. “That has been our pledge from both party’s perspective for quite some time. I was surprised that Dr William Thompson would have been appointed to the exclusion of Picewell Forbes.”

When asked about the appointment of Dr Thompson as new chairman of BCB, Mr Maynard was reserved but noted Dr Thompson’s “allegiance” to the PLP.

“I’ll only say this – I’ve been in the presence of Dr William Thompson publicly stating that he is four things and he makes no excuse for it. One, a Baptist; two, a Valley Boy; three a PLP, and four, something else, but he has always publicly stated that his allegiance is to the PLP and I wonder if we’re going to have an impartial chairman,” he said, before adding: “I know him personally, I know him to be a fair person, so I hope that fairness comes out in his board decisions.”

The party chairman also stated he believes the reason why the government chose Monday to publicly announce their appointments is a result of pressure from the Opposition.

“I believe fairly that had we not made it an issue, that today would not have been the announcement day,” Mr Maynard said. “We probably would have seen this delayed longer so I’m happy that the Progressive Liberal Party reacted our criticism and have now appointed their boards.

“The few boards that I didn’t see listed, I wonder what the status is on those. There are some boards that should be there that I have not see included – I wonder what their reasoning is for omitting them.”


242352 12 years, 8 months ago

What is the difference between a Board, a Committee and a Consol?

Are they paid? Do they get a stipend?

Anyone know how much?

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

as far as board chairman and assitant they are paid ,i don,t know about the rest ,but who would want it if they weren,t paid .the pay is good but the gravey is all the conventions they dream up to go to and all the friends they direct work too in motivational seminars and what not ....L miller getting 100,000 grand a year as chairman of bec ,B Bethell getting 90 grand a year as senior consultant to the minsistry of finance ...

TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

So refreshing to awake to the new found Independence of a red shirt.

Good to know that Comrade "Five Piece Chicken " Charlie can finally express such care and concern for another politician, considering that under the "original" Hubert A, him wasn't even allowed to have any feelings, much less express them with such macaroni, cheese, roast beef and black eyed peas abundance.


Bahamagyal 12 years, 8 months ago

Mr Maynard sir, would u mind telling the Bahamian people if the FNM appointed those with loyalty to the FNM when the party was in power. Because it is absolutely sickening for me to listen to u point fingers at the PLP in almost every issue of the Tribune of faults that ur party is aalso guilty of.

spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago

Thank you. The sad part about it is there are people who don't see how foolish his statement is.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

i don,t remember the fnm putting some one at BEC that owes them large sums of money ,of course all parties put their supporters in these positions although Ingraham did put some plps as he did on the island i live on ..mr maynard should talk more about the quality or lack there of ,of some of the apointees not their political leanings

spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago

Right! I know some day you would've made a comment that is not base on political affiliation, you just went ahead and did it. Good for you.

TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

Look no further than the newly appointed face of Comrade Zhivargo to understand how the red shirts continue to do their own rejected, old bodies recycling program. Even he claims to know something about how our parliamentary model of Westminster governing operates.

Just maybe, this foregetful reporter can review and report back to their readers with the names the thousands of political" appointments made from 2002 - 2012 by the "original" Hubert A, before they start back at doing the red shirts nasty bidding?


concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

so maynard and laing are no prize ,what about miller ,shame ,drive to the plane pinder ,baltron, the funnel ,bethell, mother, i like to travel with a group of giggling girls, pratt ,and can,t frank wilson ,a very good business man ,afford to do this pro bono..there got to be something for neville ,dey my bleachers, wisdom and what about, not so pleasant bridgewater...

Mayaguana34 12 years, 8 months ago

I got no problem with the Boards being comprised almost entirely of PLP's but should the country suffer from the desire to reward your friends and punish your enemies?? Godrey Eneas is a great Bahamian but does he need to be on four boards? Phil Galanis is great choice on the trade commission but who are the others and what are they qualified to do?? - These are serious appointments and our failure to insist on using the best Bahamians available to us is a mistake that will soon bear fruit

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago


242352 12 years, 8 months ago

Lets talk sports....

There is no board for the only two sports going to the oylimpics!

No Swimming and no track and field.

Unless I missed it...

TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

Comrade 242352 what an excellent suggestion. Get with it Tribune's Comrade Stubby, since this is Bahamaland's 39th birthday, although you wouldn't know it from your newspapers lack of mention.

I thought we had like 25 athletics who qualified to fly over to our Mother Queen's London? 

While they at it, I asking for Comrade Stubby to host an online petition to start we own "Bobsled Olympian Training Team." If Jamaica can do it, why not Bahamaland? We got Hawkins and Collins Hills and Sears Road as perfect training grounds. 

Former red shirts minister of sports "Five Piece Chicken" Charlie got lots of experience working with wooden Sports Bleaches, so how hard be him convert an old Picnic Table or two, into affordable Bobsleds, using old roller skates wheels?

I'm sure the "new" Hubert A, would loves get him out he hair. He might even kick in a few hundred bucks of sponsrship, just to rid himself of Charlie.

And, ya knows Charlie gotta have some great finger lickin connections to KFC, so he can bring them on as a major corporate sponsor.


concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

Charlie can, t ride the sled though ,he,ll break it

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