MAN SHOT DEAD BY POLICE ‘FIRED FIRST’: Officers’ vehicle struck by bullets during gun battle

OFFICERS at the scene in Antigua Street yesterday putting down evidence markers, including on a police car reportedly hit by gunfire.
Photos: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

OFFICERS at the scene in Antigua Street yesterday putting down evidence markers, including on a police car reportedly hit by gunfire. Photos: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN, who allegedly shot at police, was killed by officers on Antigua Street yesterday.

The incident took place after officers received a report before noon about a “disturbance” at a church in the area and responded to the call.

Police press liaison officer Superintendent Audley Peters said the victim was in his late 20s. 

It is understood that he was not a resident of the area. Supt Peters said a pistol was recovered from the deceased.

He told reporters that when officers arrived at the scene, they saw a male fitting the description that they were given travelling along Antigua Street.

“This male had in his possession a firearm and as a result of that the officers called control to seek further assistance and while doing so they followed the male.”

A short time later, the male entered into a yard west on Antigua Street and the officers rode up and returned and when the officers returned the male jumped the wall from the yard and discharged his weapon at the officers,” Supt Peters said.


POLICE on the scene of the shooting on Antigua Street yesterday.

“The officers, being aware of the threat towards their lives, produced their service weapons and shot the suspect, injuring him. EMS was called and following their assessment, the service technicians determined there were signs of life.”

Asked about the nature of the disturbance at the church, Supt Peters would not disclose that detail.

He also would not say if police suspect the deceased was attempting to rob the church, but said that was not information received in the initial investigation.

The police officers involved were not injured in this incident, however Supt Peters said they will have to follow the protocols for officers who face situations such as this.

A police vehicle was hit by bullets.

 The coroner visited the scene and an inquest will be held into the incident.

 Last week, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe confirmed that police-related coroner’s inquests have not yet resumed as the director of public prosecutions has yet to appoint a lawyer to marshal the cases.

 However, inquests into other matters have started after hearings were initially delayed due to the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, according to Attorney General Ryan Pinder.

 Last year, 21 police-involved shootings were recorded, 13 of which were fatal.

 The Tribune had previously reported that The Bahamas has one of the highest per capita rates of police involved killings in the world, with 11 recorded in 2017, 2018 and 2020.


bahamianson 2 years, 10 months ago

Was the police officer white whom shot the individual? If so, then it should be investigated as a hate crime.

Sickened 2 years, 10 months ago

Lol! There would be riots if the cop was white. Thankfully there are no white cops here so... weapons free!

John 2 years, 10 months ago

It would be a miracle if the cop was white.

sage 2 years, 10 months ago

SO I guess the Police officer was instructed not to mention that the Commissioner of Police is a member of the church that was the centre of the disturbance....and that the persons involved in the incident ....were "involved" huh? Amazing how we skirt around the truth to "protect" some folk in this small community! And what is wrong with calling the name of the big yellow church...on Carmichael Road?

DDK 2 years, 10 months ago

It's like the Wild West. Must we always emulate the U.S. of A?

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Well the police killings are lagging behind the murder rate so they have some catching up to do. And the facts are, if the police dem said he had a gun and if the police dem said he fired the weapon at officers, that is the end of the story. Murder is murder. And dead men can’t talk. Sometimes you have to fear the Police in the Bahamas more than you fear the police in the United States. Police killings in the Bahamas are less investigated and police are less accountable for their actions. At least in the US the public gets to hear both sides of the story. The police and the victim’s.

hrysippus 2 years, 10 months ago

In case anyone missed it, the Bahamas has one of the highest per capita police involved killings of civilians in the world. . It would have been reassuring to those who do not trust the Bahamian police if the hands of the man who was killed had been bagged immediately and then tested for gun shot residue as would have routinely been done in a developed country.

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