LABOUR and Immigration Minister Keith Bell yesterday accused the Minnis administration of the “indiscriminate callous haemorrhage” of the public purse to buy extravagant furnishings and decor for an ambassador’s apartment in Europe.
He said more than $1m was spent on lavish items, including middle chairs that cost nearly $40,000, a rug at $18,475, $14,000 for a lamp and $10,000 for a mahogany scroll among other costly purchases.
And while the items were being bought as part of a renovation of this ambassador’s apartment, Mr Bell said the official, whom he did not name, stayed in an expensive hotel at a cost of $20,000 per month.
The renovations at $550,000 or 644,161 euros, together with the hotel stay racked up more than $1m in costs, the minister claimed in the House of Assembly.
He made the revelations during his contribution to the 2022/2023 budget debate yesterday.
“Recently I have seen and I have it here to table if needed an invoice for an ambassador’s residence undertaken by the last administration’s term in office and I wonder if the purchases were governed by the same process,” Mr Bell said.
“Remember when I had this figure up, we jumped from 2018 where there was a decline of the $215m in deficit because of the increase in VAT, we jumped to $799m in 2020 and it skyrocketed to $1.38b, which for a grand total of $2.777b. I am submitting that given the contracts I have in my position that in many respects some of the deficit is attributed not to genuine cases related to COVID or the hurricane but mismanagement and abuse by the former administration.
“Why would the government need to purchase and let me get it right a desert modern upholstered queen size bed covered in shambley damask white orchard print fabric at a cost of approximately $12,000?”
House Speaker Patricia Deveaux then asked for which ministry the bed purchases were made.
To which, the minister replied: “Madame Speaker, I was very clear at the beginning that the honourable for Killarney unfortunately, he is not here today but he came in indicating that an incorruptible government came in on an agenda for trust and they were accountable, transparent and prudent in the people’s finances, but how could he justify then the purchase of a Duke polished steel mirror for $14,000 – a mirror!”
Marco City MP Michael Pintard then rose on a point of order, saying: “I think the speaker asked a wonderful question, which ministry, which department it was so you are able to lay it because we are interested and there are many ambassadors so I’m asking which ministry and which department because we are as anxious as you are.”
Mr Bell replied that the ministry was the foreign affairs and added the items were for the ambassador’s residence.
However, Mr Pintard said: “Madame Speaker, there are those of us unfamiliar with what the member is saying. We are as anxious to learn as others in this place. No member has the right to assert accusations in a presentation without any verification for it to move on. So, all we’re asking for as he makes an accusation, he is duty bound to lay it so the rest of us could examine it.”
Mr Bell continued that his comments were related to the furniture for one apartment for one ambassador appointed under the former Minnis administration.
“What is significant about this and the reason I chose to use this is because this was done at the time when Bahamians were losing their jobs and had to pull their children out of university, lost their homes and had nothing to eat, was in the dark, had to go to the pump. Was arrested by the police while going to the pump and was convicted. Now, we have to clean up all of the mess. We have to clean it up.”
“…There’s a rug for $19,000 and I ain’t get to the part where they decided to stay in the hotel while they’re renovating at $20,000 a month. So, see you got to be fair – but, Madame president, I had to pray about this because you see what they did, they pushed us and former administrations – both PLP and FNM – so far back. They push us far back with this debt and it doesn’t matter who you are and how much money you get. Who purchases a mirror for $14,000 or rug for $19,000? Who does that?”
He continued: “The individual under the former administration started with the entrance foyer, spent $10,000 on a mahogany scroll. See I was very clear. I ain’t know about exquisite furnishings so you have to help me with this, but this is what it is.
“Purchased a polished mirror for $14,000 for the foyer area now, purchased a lamp for $2,000. Then went to the first area from the foyer, you get to the front room. Purchased a cream coloured table for $5,000, a sofa for $14,500, a lamp for $3,000. Then they went to the bedroom. One purchase, a bed now, this ain’t the bedroom set just the bed, the bed for $8,737. Purchased a cocktail table at $9,000, another table for $14,300, a brass and quartz shade for $7,800, and it just goes on and on and this Harper Franklyn blue rug for $18,475.”
“In the dining room, the dining room table was $9,000,” the MP also said. “That ain’t the chairs. The two end chairs were $6,000 each and the middle chairs were $39,000.”
Mr Bell said he was making the point as the Official Opposition has repeatedly criticised the Davis administration about its travel habits, which have brought considerable business back to the country.
He said: “At the end of the day some 644,161 euros or $550,000 was spent to furnish this one apartment. More than half a million dollars. One apartment.
“We have the contracts coming out of beach and parks authority, which were issued out of the office of the prime minister. We now have the indiscriminate callous haemorrhage of the public purse of over half a million dollars and coupled with the monies that were spent at the hotel is over a million dollars.
“This The Bahamas’ money. It’s a European country.”
DDK 2 years, 7 months ago
They all have such delusions of grandeur while The People suffer and/or learn learn to live like they do🤢 These officials simply cannot help themselves. We keep re-electing these leeches over and over and over again.
M0J0 2 years, 7 months ago
This is really just sad really ain't much that can be said but this is a bunch a crap.
bahamianson 2 years, 7 months ago
such fools , we the Bahamian people are. this is sickening.
KapunkleUp 2 years, 7 months ago
Spending other people's money is always fun.
sheeprunner12 2 years, 7 months ago
Why do the PLP Ministers continue to sensationalize these matters without naming persons?
Our people are just too shallow to understand the politics behind this old tactic.
How would Bell know who this ambassador was ..... except Fweddy or Brave gave Bell that information to present and use him like a gofer.
tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago
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Proguing 2 years, 7 months ago
Well at least we know now where that VAT money is going....
tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago
Most Bahamians would be absolutely shocked to know how many ambassadors and other diplomatic staff our small nation now has living the high-life abroad at great cost.
Sickened 2 years, 7 months ago
Still a lot cheaper that the $70million (still to be completed) baseball stadium.
Flyingfish 2 years, 7 months ago
At least the baseball stadium if completed will accommodate me, my family, and many players/fans. This money is a lick for the people.
tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago
LMAO. Keith Bell is a fine one to talk given that he is well known to have been involved in all sorts of corrupt activities during the last Christie led PLP administration. And one can only wonder what misdeeds he has been up to under the current Davis led PLP administration.
Fwreddy Boy Mitchell, who likes to make frequent trips to Europe, will no doubt seek to have that lavishly appointed apartment unofficially designated as one of his favourite 'love-nests' for frolicking whenever he's busy squandering our tax dollars in that part of the world. Then again, Fwreddy Boy may want another apartment exquisitely decorated to his own personal taste at great expense to honest and hardworking taxpayers.
TalRussell 2 years, 7 months ago
Couldn't more agree x 12 asks with Comrade SheepRunner12 ... Why do the PLP Ministers continue to sensationalize these matters without naming (& shaming) who (all) were the involved people and who amongst the big spenders are still on the PopoulacesPurse's payroll ― Yes?
TalRussell 2 years, 7 months ago
I bought a Sealy Ultra Plush Queen mattress on Sale from Sears in 2005 and it set me back $6,333 + Delivery & Taxes but with my own money ― Yes?
themessenger 2 years, 7 months ago
@Tal, you continue to amaze me!
Who woulda thunk you woulda splashed out $6.3K on an ultra plush wanking chariot, mussy come wid heating an lotion, Yes?
OMG 2 years, 7 months ago
And two primary schools to be constructed in two family islands at 14 millipn each. How the hell do you pay that amoint of money for a small primary school.
sheeprunner12 2 years, 7 months ago
Couldn't agree with you more, OMG. Really cannot see those schools costing more than $5million each at most ......... They only accommodate about 100 kids each (at most).
Wonder who will get those BAMSI-like contracts??
newcitizen 2 years, 7 months ago
Just add it to the list of why this place is a Banana Republic. Spend spend spend, while we pay pay pay and we are further in dept than ever before, yet still the gravy train rides on. Nothing to show for it.
The governments (past and present) have stolen so much that there is nothing left. It's all our money they stole, and then took out $11B worth of loans in our names. They are crooks, and pirates, and we only have ourselves to blame. We continue to let the foxes live in the hen house, while we open then door for them to go in and out.
There is no hope for the Bahamas
Topdude 2 years, 7 months ago
You expect our Ambassador to entertain investors and fellow diplomats in in pig sty?. The renovation was an investment and will bring substantial and significant returns to our country for many years to come. Trust me.
TalRussell 2 years, 7 months ago
Comrade TopDude, you're sounding like you enjoy being a bottom dude. There'd be nothing kinky even if the politically governing sisters might be tempted to strap-on for some heavy duty thrusting ― Yes?
Dawes 2 years, 7 months ago
ANd what changes will be brought in so this never happens again? NONE. So they may as well stay quiet. It seems there has been plenty new ambassadors named recently. Release all amounts being spent for them. Let's see if this is a one off or happens all the time. My guess is this is being used for politics and there is no intention of doing anything to change it. Also if this is true make sure all the protocols were followed, and if not deal with that person.
jamesg30 2 years, 7 months ago
Can't wait to see the return on investment on the millions spent on that very strategic trip to the UAE. Makes a million on an apartment look like chump change.
John 2 years, 7 months ago
These are the same governments (Bell inculded) that are now going around threatening to put BAHAMIANS out their homes, garnishing bank accounts. Tormenting b tenants about unpaid property taxes. Government been double dipping on VAT and customs duties since the inception of VAT in 2015, when customs duties and stamp taxes were supposed to be eliminated and replaced with VAT. The VAT came but the customs duties remained . The government collected TWICE the amount is should have from imports plus vat on services but had nothing to show for it. Except a double national bdrbt. Line them all up on a hot,sunny day and fire them! Keith Bell wants the minimum wage to be $350 plus. Imagine paying a child coming bout if school with no skills and no education $350 a week. But we pay people like Keith Bell even more… to take this country to hell in a straw basket ( made in China ).
John 2 years, 7 months ago
‘ “Purchased a polished mirror for $14,000 for the foyer area now, purchased a lamp for $2,000. Then went to the first area from the foyer, you get to the front room. Purchased a cream coloured table for $5,000, a sofa for $14,500, a lamp for $3,000. Then they went to the bedroom. One purchase, a bed now, this ain’t the bedroom set just the bed, the bed for $8,737. Purchased a cocktail table at $9,000, another table for $14,300, a brass and quartz shade for $7,800, and it just goes on and on and this Harper Franklyn blue rug for $18,475.”
“In the dining room, the dining room table was $9,000,” the MP also said. “That ain’t the chairs. The two end chairs were $6,000 each and the middle chairs were $39,000.”,
.so did the Davis Administration do an inventory to determine if these furnitures are still there? And also get an appraisal as for their true value. And if a ain’t equaling ‘b’ then haul their bass before the courts and try recover the peoples money. Did they do a ‘bait and switch’ where the furniture/furnishings were actually purchased and diverted elsewhere or did they pad da rug and t’ief da money outright and outrageous so
SP 2 years, 7 months ago
Haitians running around like crazy ants all over the country, and these clowns standing around talking shyt!
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