Former PM delivers resignation letter


Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham delivered his resignation letter in the House of Assembly today. It will take effect on August 31st. Mr Ingraham said he will make a farewell address to the nation on July 25th in the House of Assembly.

More news to follow . . .


CollegeKid 12 years, 8 months ago

A great leader....the best of our generation. Some may not see that now, but in the next five years, they will. I wish Mr. Ingraham all the best, and this present government all the best as well in continuing the great things that Mr. Ingraham has started, and starting some great initiatives of their own.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

thanks for good goverance PM Ingraham ,you are missed already !!! enjoy yourself ole boy you did us proud !!!!

Reader 12 years, 8 months ago

Thank you for your service to our nation... You have worked hard to make it great and your accomplishments will last for generations to come. May you retire with both grace and dignity, head held high for a job well done.

des 12 years, 8 months ago


concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

perhaps you should look up the definition of the term dictator ,also remember W Jones has a tv and radio liscene ,because of the man you call a dictator ,strong leader ,yes ,head strong at times ,yes but dictator is pure hyperbole ...

TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

Comrades you know I ain't one get involved in the "Original" Hubert A's, or any other politicians personal business, but should Jesus decide to return before August 31, 2012, I ain't seeing how Jesus going trust that Hubert really ever had in he heart to resign?

Comrades all I saying is there is good reasons for one them Angels to have marked a big "?" mark right alongside Hubert name in that big Lamb's Book of Life? You know in that column, if ya going upstairs or downstairs?

Now, I aint saying which direction Hubert may be heading, cause that's a Jesus call, not mine, but for sure Hubert may have some credibility issues.

spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago

Despite Hubert Ingraham being arrogant and to stubborn, the Bahamas will miss a politician like him and I will tell you why. Looking at his record it shows that he is a man who cares about his own country and not the money that he can get from it, him and Christie, if you look at both of their financial statements it shows both of them around 2 million dollars, so I don't think money is their motivation. The times has change and I don't think both of them change with it, but if you look at what the Bahamas has for the next generation of politicians, please fast and pray because those guys look like their motivation is to line their pockets.You might have said some and done some sensitive things to politicians on both parties but you was still a great PM who care about your people.

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