Former PM calls ruling on last speech 'bogus'


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham yesterday condemned the actions of the Speaker of the House as “bogus” and politically motivated after he was denied the opportunity to address the House of Assembly as a resigning member, an agreement he claimed to have made with the Speaker.

Mr Ingraham gathered his papers and quietly left for the “final time” after he learned that his farewell address would not be the first item on the parliamentary agenda according to House rules concerning resigning members.

“I’m disappointed but that’s the reality. I’m out, they’re in,” Mr Ingraham said.

“I expected it. The Speaker agreed with me that I would be able to speak. The speaker is unable to live up to that deal.”

While House Speaker Dr Kendal Major and PLP Leader Perry Christie have denied collusion on the matter, both have also insisted that Mr Ingraham was not denied a chance to address the nation, he was just put further down on the House’s agenda.

Dr Major said that while he granted Mr Ingraham the opportunity to make a statement concerning his “apparent resignation”, he did not consider the letter submitted by the North Abaco MP last week to be an actual resignation, but a “promissory note” as it does not become effective until August 31.

“As I read the letter, the letter states that the distinguished member for North Abaco will resign on the 31st of August,” Dr Major said. “That being the case the House has several other opportunities to meet and so in the view of the rules and the precedents that were set according to the rules we had no reason to change what we were doing.

“The agreement that I made is that the honourable member will speak on the sitting of parliament,” Dr Major said.

“I did not lead him to believe that (he would speak first), I indicated to him in our brief moment of communication that he will be given an opportunity to speak.”

Further clarifying his position at the opening of parliament yesterday, Dr Major said: “I will however allow, through agreement with both sides to make a personal statement at Item J of the Order of Business that speaks to motion for leave of absence, leave to resign seats and new writs, which were the procedure followed in 1994 when the former Member for Montagu, Sir Orville Turnquest, resigned his House seat.”

After hearing the Speaker’s remarks shortly after 10am, Mr Ingraham hastily gathered his belongings and left parliament where he was met on the outside by scores of supporters and naysayers who condemned the fact that the country’s second prime minister would not deliver his highly anticipated speech, formally concluding his tenure of public service.

Mr Ingraham added: “I’m not going to give a farewell speech, that’s the last time I’ll go in the House of Assembly, that’s my final time.”

“Thank you very much to the people of North Abaco who elected me eight times. To the people of The Bahamas, I thoroughly enjoyed my time in office. I did the best I could for as long as I could, and now that my time has come to go I’m happy to go and I thank The Bahamas very much.”


TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

Thumbs up to Comrade Speaker Kendal who did what even PM Christie or no one else across Bahamaland has been able to do, he put the fisherman/lawyer from Cooper's Town in he damn place.

Second to only Jesus I'd say the Comrade Speaker is today Bahamaland's most popular individual and should be appointed as our next Governor-General, for the way he delivered the "Original" Hubert A, a "Kum Ba Yah" that even the "New" Hubert A,. must have been happy to watch play out in the House.

Now, the big question in this long running soap opera being orchestrated by Hubert is; is it really going to be the last time he shows up in the House?

Thousands natives across Bahamland is going join the "New" Hubert A, who is on he knees at this very hour praying it be the last time anyone goin see the fisherman/lawyer from Cooper's Town back in the House.

Our prayers are with the red shirts new leader.


jasoncooper456 12 years, 8 months ago

LOL this is laughable, I can't believe this immature man ran a whole country for years. Why does he think he should be first on the agenda? He isn't even an MP for his constituency anymore. He should've just waited and I'm sure he would've had a chance to speak. Seems like he just loves to hear his own voice. There are much bigger issues at hand than for a speech to be first priority give me a break. Even in primary school they tell you wait your turn to speak. Guess he can't be too mad he made a ton of money during his employment. If he thinks this will somehow bother people he's sorely mistaken he just made himself to look like a 5 year old whos parents didn't buy them candy in the store. MY BLOG: http://tis242.blogspot.com/

pilgrimagerock 12 years, 8 months ago

Sir Lynden Pindling got to say his farewell message because the FNM administration made it possible. They could have allowed the late former Prime Minister to stick around until the entire former cabinet ministers had their say but they didn’t out of respect. This new, new PLP’s wants to have it both ways.

positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

Whatever the FNM did for Sir Lynden Pindling was up to them and from what I am understanding from the newsreport about rules and regulations of the House, it was just not the appointed time for Former Primer Minister to address the House. Thats why our country is so out of wacked, because we are not following rules, all we were use to was making DEALS, and as you know, some DEALS go sour.

maryann 12 years, 8 months ago


Arob 12 years, 8 months ago


We need clarification between the terms “promissory note” and “resignation”. Based on the speaker’s definition, Human Resource Managers should be shivering. Traditionally, when one resigns it is (1) effective immediately, (2) effective according to the rules (usually two weeks after the date of the letter), and (3) effective at the date indicated.

IS THIS EMPLOYMENT SCENARIO POSSIBLE? Imagine Joe Exuma submitting a resignation effective at a future date. Mr. Exuma’s proposed job falls through and he decides to argue that his letter was a “promissory note” and that he has the right to rescind his letter because the effective date is in the future.

The employer says no, we accepted your resignation. Mr. Exuma’s lawyer points to the Speaker's interpretation of Mr. Ingraham’s letter.


concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

what a bunch of sissy and punks ,i mean it figuritivly and literally .i have nothing againts gay people ,only those that run around fooling the public ..PGC you have shown once again you have no b...ls ...you are and will always be the wilsons ,williams and lady p mouth piece ,nothin more nothin less .....HAI bent to no one ..pgc now ur hair is thinning your dying ur scalp ,i believe that has gone to your brain .i use to think you were alright just not that tough ,even voted for u over tommy ,now i see you as a spiteful scared old queen ...

242 12 years, 8 months ago

How the Beres song go? "I see you as a queen and a lady......" lol

positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

I remember when I would have posted a comment as such of 'concernedcitizen', I would have gotten a reply from a certain individual "that I only knew how to insult". but look at them now. Lmfao, I wonder if Micheal Jackson's - Man In The Mirror is included in his playlist. Not intended for concerncitizen, because we have learnt that at times people disagree. I just wanted to mash someone elses corn. And to see a man as a queen... a lady ???????????? Thats scary!! PGC if you do wear a bullet proof vest, don't put it on your chest cause these guys seem to be targeting something else. They probably still listening to Beres (Tempted to Touch) with a life size picture of you in their bedroom. lol

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

no disrespect but i,m just tired of the hypocarcy ,this is 2012 we all know what gay people look and act like ,homosexual and lesbians ...i,m not anti gay ,thats ones choice ,im not a bible thumper either .i,m just so sick of the church going plp supporters that run around sayin adam and eve not adam and steve ,but don,t see the big pink elephants in the room

242 12 years, 8 months ago

mash someone else corn? lol not that serious bro it's all in good fun....good one Positive...I set myself up for that

positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

I'm happy we can joke about it. Oh by the way I did take into consideration when you hit me with that anger management punch weeks back. Like you say, its more entertaining when 'not that serious'. Throw ya some blows later and I look forward to the blows you are more known to swing back.

242 12 years, 7 months ago

You know it's bound to happen many more rounds in this match bro

sturrup2 12 years, 8 months ago

When one lacks a basic sense of logic, one denegrates himself by resorting to name calling. Concernedcitizen, your statements say more about you than anything else. I am not suprised though; in my view your characterization of our Prime MInister clearly exhibits the mean spirited style of one Hubert Alexander Inghram. The only difference is that HAI was not so cowardly as to hide behind a fake name.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

i,m tired of the hypocarcy ,i don,t give a sh,,t if he is gay or not ,i think there crooks ,but everyone acts like theres not at least 6 pink elephants high up in our gov ,,i,m not a bible thumper ,but all they do is quote scripture ,,hypocrites ,,then i remember church here is dress up and play ,it has nothin to do with morals ,,or we wouldn,t have an abundance of 45 yr olds that are great grand parents ,,lmao,,what you mean i go all over town where on the island i live and say it ,and its a plp strong hold ..

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

how late did those jokers have to stay up to come up with that promissary note /registration letter thing ..and the saddest part is under a thousand trees around the country there is thousands of under educated ,under employed or unemployed sayin ,"see Perry dem show Ingraham who boss " as Perry them sit up filing and polishin their nails thinkn of more ways to enrich themselves and who else they could put on gov payroll for the small man to support thru ever increaseing taxes .....................

242 12 years, 8 months ago

Kind of remind ya of communism....

sturrup2 12 years, 8 months ago

Concernedcitizen, does this post indicates your definition of higer learning?

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

No the post indicates my feelings on the matter . The post does not have anything to do with a definition of higher learning ,i didn,t realize we were having a debate on the merits of futhering ones education .Have i used hyperbole to illuminate a point as many writers do ,yes perhaps .Have i offended you by saying someone you support and people around him live alternative lifestyles ,It would appear so .

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

It is indicate your difinition of higher learning ,not inticates your difinition of higer learning . Geez lousie and i can only type with one finger ..lmao

leeza 12 years, 8 months ago

I believe with all my heart that Mr. Major the speaker had agreed with the former Prime Minister that he would be allowed to speak at an appointed time but this was overturned by more senior persons in the party. What bothers me most of all is that Mr. Major is Christian and he needs to remember this and be a man of your word if you overstated your authority then be a man and own up to it. Remember your first allegiance is to your Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Dont allow those uncircumised philistines to cause you to miss heaven and how are they suppose to respect when you are not lifting up the blood stain banner. You knew ahead of time that what you had promised would not be granted then you should of said something ahead of time but to deny it all is disgraceful you need look inside yourself and repent. Naw you know why they say politics is dirty you can make a difference it may not be a popular one with your colleagues but they will respect you for it.

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