Non Conventional Wedding Rings


Tribune Features Writer


AGE old traditions are constantly evolving - especially the ones relating to some of the tiniest details of weddings.
Brides-to-be have ditched traditions from the colour of a wedding dress to its style.


Wedding ring piercing

But one new trend emerging surrounds wedding rings.

Instead of rings which add a sparkle, many women are turning to rings which are stoneless, or even tattooed and pierced ‘rings’:

Tattooed Wedding Ring

Some people may take the route comedian Kathy Griffin took when it comes to non traditional wedding rings. She decided to get a tattooed ring because she said she hated wearing the real ones. However, her marriage ended after four years and now she wishes she never got the tattoo in the first place.

“I tried to get it lasered off five times and it won’t come off,” she said. “I think I’m just going to put a cigarette on it one day and just bite a piece of cloth like I’m a Civil War victim,” she said.
Tanya told Tribune Woman it is for this reason she would not opt for a tattooed wedding ring.

“What if the relationship is terminated? You have a reminder of it every single day and that is there forever. This would not be an option for me because people identify you as a married person by your ring and when are you no longer married you take the ring. I do not like this idea ,” she said.
On the other hand Daniel said getting a tattooed wedding ring may be the perfect alternative to a traditional ring.

“If you are not the type who likes a ring then go for it. I definitely would consider this an option when the time comes. It also eliminates the hassle of trying to find the size and the money too. I do not think there is any better way to show love than getting a tattoo that represents your commitment to your spouse,”she said.

Wedding Ring Piercings

Piercing has become a more modern way of wearing wedding rings. Though some may frown at the idea of getting a ring pierced on their fingers, Taylor told Tribune Woman she could see the benefits of taking this unconventional route.

“For those husbands who like to take off their wedding rings and pretend as though they are not married, something like this would probably stop them! You can’t take it off when you feel like because it looks like hell to take off and put on. I like this idea though. If you could get you ears pierced then why can’t you get your fingers pierced,” she said.
Few Bahamians have either heard or caught onto the idea of wedding ring piercings. Carla said there was no way she would get a wedding ring piercing, because she respects the sacredness of marriage.
“I think marriage should be sacred and rings have been a special part in the equation because they signify the union between two people. I know some people may want to have fun with things, but I just think a ring piercing is tacky and not elegant at all,” she told Tribune Woman

Stoneless Rings

For people who are not daring enough to get a tattooed wedding ring or a wedding ring piercing, then stoneless rings may be a more subtle stray from traditional options.

In an attempt to take the non traditional path some women have chosen to ditch diamonds. Leanne told Tribune Woman why she and her husband decided to get stoneless rings for their nuptials.

“My engagement was no surprise to me because we went together to pick out the rings. We did not see any diamond rings in the jewellery store that we liked so we decided that we did not have to do it that way just because others have done it that way.

“We set our own path and it was an inexpensive one too. I am happy about the choice I made because not once during my nine years of being married I had to worry any stone dropping out,” she said.


denis_h 11 years, 7 months ago

It is an excellent way to have an unique ring after http://www.grooms-wedding-speech.com/">the wedding

adele_stuart 11 years, 6 months ago

For me it is a good alternative and I will do it for my http://www.fatherofbride-speech.com">speech

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