IN this column yesterday, we highlighted the frustration many people felt when investigations are promised but nothing ever seems to be delivered.
We noted several investigations – the alleged assault of two Haitian barbers, the beating of students at a school in Bimini, the investigation of a sitting MP for alleged rape, an allegation of torture by police in Eleuthera, and more.
The failure to expedite investigations – or even carry them out in such a manner where alleged victims have even been approached by officers seeking to establish the facts – leads to a lack of trust that our public servants are indeed serving the public.
In today’s Tribune, we witness another example – this time in the case of a council that has received money to have a beach cleaned in contravention of the law.
The story is simple enough – a party promoter held an event in North Andros, and afterwards looked to pay for a clean-up.
A video circulated after the event showing bottles on the beach – leading to claims the beach was not cleaned. The promoter posted the receipt to social media for a payment of $400 to clean up Cedar Beach. The problem was that the name on the receipt was North Andros District Council. The council, under the law, can only accept money from central government. That is under the terms of the Local Government Act.
The acting permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs is Neil Campbell – and he spoke to the issue yesterday, confirming that the council was given money to have the beach cleaned.
Rather than call in the police for a breach of the law, however, he defended the council, saying “it’s well-intentioned”. Try that excuse next time in a court of law and see how it flies.
He said it “ain’t nothing bad or like they pocket $300, 400” although he did not specify where the money went.
Moreover he went on to say that when he served in other parts of the country, he would tell people to give him a $100 or $200 security deposit that would be returned if the park was cleaned satisfactorily. If he did so as a member of local government, is he admitting he broke the law too?
The president of the North Andros Chamber of Commerce has called for the police to investigate. Mr Campbell says it will only be an internal ministry investigation – though Mr Campbell seems to have judged the matter already by his tone.
The law as it stands prevents, for example, members of councils pocketing money from event organisers. More to the point, it is simply the law. Break it and you should face the appropriate consequences. Fail to uphold the law, and every council will be able to do this, with little to no oversight and leaving the system open to potential corruption.
It is only $400, some might say – but the National Security Minister was happy to name and shame a company that had not acquired a $20 licence to use the national symbols recently. It is not about the money, it is about the law. The law is the law – and it should apply to everyone equally. If some are subject to laws but not others, it is little wonder people lose respect for the systems that govern our society.
Did the council receive money in contravention of the law? Then deal with the council accordingly. There should be no other option.
birdiestrachan 1 year, 8 months ago
The members of the PLP government should walk circumspectly because they are being watched carefully do the right things cross the t Because Mr Pintard song is being repeated there are different laws for different people even if he knows it is not true and it is just drama , but this editorial seems to sing Mr Pintard song,
Sickened 1 year, 8 months ago
Just remember this stance when the FNM get in and start doing their crap. You are not standing up now in support of the law. In a few years I expect you must sit back and keep your mouth shut then as well. In the meantime enjoy the destruction of the country by our politicians and civil servants.
bahamianson 1 year, 8 months ago
The law is not the law for all. Politicians and rich individuals get special privileges that the commoner does not. It is what it is. Stop writing foolish headlines. I called the police station for a party that lasted after 2am with loud music. The police officer asked me I I realized that cabinet ministers were in attendance? I said , "so if cabinet ministers are in attendance and they are breaking the law , you turn a blind eye". He said, " have a good night, Sir". The law is not for the politician or rich individuals like the FTX guy. He came here and bought everybody.
sheeprunner12 1 year, 8 months ago
Inquiring minds want to know ................
So, what about the kangaroo court case that the PLP has brought against Long Island MP Adrian Gibson??????? ............... Where does that rank on this list????????
How come that the media cannot see how wrong it is that the PLP Prime Minister has used the PLP appointed Deputy Commissioner of Police and the PLP appointed Chief Justice and the PLP appointed Supreme Court Justice Grant-Thompson and the PLP appointed DPP Williams/Frazier to bring a ghost litany of charges that have very little chance of standing up under scrutiny of any impartial Court (other than this SC Judge)????????
So ............ this is where the Third World political discrimination starts. In Parliament and the backroom deals and cloak & dagger intrigue of party rivals.
Disgruntledoptimist 1 year, 8 months ago
Integrity is lacking among many leaders. It would be awesome if someone would create a site that tracks these investigations. Post it when it comes to light, and then post the outcome... it will really help us all to see how extreme the issue has become with clear evidence. It always helps to have visuals when trying to prove a point! Any takers?
ExposedU2C 1 year, 7 months ago
You're actually among the disgruntled deceived. For decades now our parliamentary leaders, like U.S. congressional leaders, have been doing as the Chinese Community Party tells them to do.
Ruthless Chairman Xi Jinping and his evil communist regime long ago figured out that elected and other senior government officials around the world are vulnerable to being easily compromised by influential money and 'special' favours, to the point where they are no longer responsive or accountable to the citizenry.
Since 1992 the socialism of SLOP has slowly but surely been replaced by proxy totalitarianism from Bejiing.
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