Tribune Staff Reporter
FREE National Movement chairman Dr Duane Sands accused the government of systematically terminating women civil servants, calling it an example of the Davis administration’s assault on women.
These comments came after The Nassau Guardian recently reported Immigration Director Keturah Ferguson is alleged to be placed on leave and then retired, with former Director of Immigration William Pratt set to take the post.
Officials, including Alfred Sears, the new immigration minister, did not confirm the move.
“If you look, you’ll realise that since October 2021 the country has watched as senior women across the civil service have been systematically, sidelined, terminated – gone,” Dr Sands said yesterday in a video message.
“There was Anthonette Thompson at the Ministry of Transport and Housing; Deputy Financial Secretary Athena Marsh at the Ministry of Finance; Director June Collie at the Department of Information and Communications Technology; Dr Geannine Moss, controller at Customs.
“Director Brenda Bullard-Colebrook Department of Local Government; Deputy Director Carol Roach also at the Department of Information of Technology; Deputy Director Faustin Major-Smith at Immigration.
“The most recent one was the Director of Immigration Keturah Ferguson.”
He questioned government’s motive for victimising women civil servants in particular, suggesting a pattern has emerged.
“They’re doing just the bare minimum to save face,” he said yesterday.
“So how can our women feel confident that they are important in the new day Bahamas? I say there is an emerging pattern of contempt for women’s affairs, and this isn’t random or happenstance.
“But a clear, deliberate strategy, marginalize hardworking women.”
He urged the Davis administration to “stop bullying” women, advocating that they are deserving of rights and protection.
Coalition of Independents Leader Lincoln Bain shared similar sentiments, saying Bahamians are living in the “dark ages” as a result of the new-day government.
“This is a dark day, and I’m calling on all Bahamians to stand with the director of immigration, to stand with the deputy directors of immigration because they were standing for us,” Mr Bain said in a voice message on Friday.
“Protecting our sovereignty, protecting our country, and this PLP government has decided to continue with their money-making ways.”
M0J0 1 year, 6 months ago
SMT. I wonder where was his voice when his government brought in all the expats and foreigners to take charge where Bahamians could have and these same ladies could have.
Bahamianbychoice 1 year, 6 months ago
I didn't hear Dr. Sands say anything when the FNM were victimizing Board members and senior executives (women & men) at BPL when the FNM was the sitting government. He sat right there quiet while Mrs. Osborne was accused of "stealing makeup" by the then Minister. Mrs. Osborne and the other Board members sued the government (FNM) and won! He said nothing when senior executives were pushed out of BPL for trying to protect the peoples money, women included. Some of those same executives victimized donated and worked his campaigns. Sickening...
DWW 1 year, 6 months ago
that board needed to go. they were causing problems not solving them. a beaty makeover is not a public purse expense and you know it.
Bahamianbychoice 1 year, 6 months ago
I respectfully disagree. The Board that replaced approved expenditures that were unnecessary and further moved the country to power insecurity, which keeps getting the country deeper in the mud and harder to get out. The court agreed that the previous Board was unjustly handled so irrelevant what either you or I think anyway. The point around the makeup was an attack against a woman in an authority position.
birdiestrachan 1 year, 6 months ago
The sands is all over the place under the bush in the garbage and the swamp looking for something so his party can win an election lipstick on a pig, really doc ,
wellsy242 1 year, 6 months ago
Hopefully the FNM comes back into power so that they can purchase the fuel hedge so that our electricity bills can go back down. My YTD bill has increased 50% compared to the same period for 2022.
TalRussell 1 year, 6 months ago
Comrades, should you take Dr. Duane at his word that the Popoulaces' --- Are living in a 'new-day' where they, --- May yet wake up to live under a 'Coalition of Independents and RedMovement government.' --- Yes?
birdiestrachan 1 year, 6 months ago
The FNM could have put the hedge fund in place they put everything else they wanted to in place’s the problem is the sands and his party has no credibility lest we forget Frank smith and all the other trump up charges, now the sandshe wants to play a saint no way he should wash in the Jordon that may help,**
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