Wendy's serving food on Paradise Island – from a mobile kitchen

AFTER a very public debate over plans to open a Wendy’s restaurant on Paradise Island, the company is now serving food at the site – but from a mobile kitchen.  

Psomi Holdings, an affiliate of Aetos Holdings, the Wendy’s and Marco’s Pizza franchisee, blasted Atlantis last week after approval was granted for the Paradise Island restaurant, saying the resort had masterminded a “meritless, aggressive and self-serving campaign” to block the move.  

The Paradise Island Tourism Development Association – after the approval was granted – pledged to appeal against it, even if it goes to the highest court in the land, the Privy Council.  

But Wendy’s has already started serving – bringing its mobile kitchen to the site yesterday. 

The company says the kitchen is fully licenced and legally able to operate on the site.  

One customer who spoke to The Tribune said: “I don’t see any reason why Wendy’s shouldn’t be allowed to be here. The plaza needs something and it’s not out of place with the other businesses here. It made me laugh to see the mobile kitchen after all the arguments, though!” 


Sickened 1 year, 4 months ago

Good for you Wendy's. Don't let those bullies push you around.

B_I_D___ 1 year, 4 months ago

THAT is HILARIOUS!! Touche! Well played!!

immigrant 1 year, 4 months ago

I guess that thorough rodent remediation plan has gone by the wayside?

Josie 1 year, 4 months ago

Good. I no longer live on PI, but at times locals and even tourists want options other than the overpriced food/beverages you get at Atlantis.

SipPis 1 year, 4 months ago

Do they not realize they're making Atlantis' point for them with this trailer stunt? Why would any sensible country have cheap burger joints in their most upscale area? Anywhere else in the developed world you wouldn't see this nonsense.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 4 months ago

and some say shanty towns are all right, but wendys is not good enough for Paradise Island

jackbnimble 1 year, 4 months ago

Funniest thing I have read in a while. Well played, Wendy's. Lol!!

Baha10 1 year, 4 months ago

Not a very clever move at all … in fact very dumb, as just highlights the concerns of those trying to preserve the standard of Paradise Island … simple Question for those who are struggling to engage their other grey cell:

What is more important to The Bahamas Economy … Atlantis or Wendy’s?

Why am I already laughing at most likely “Wendy’s” response from the D Average😂

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