Man held after video appears to show him offering money ahead of by-election


Tribune Staff Reporter


A BIMINI resident is in police custody after appearing in a video offering people money ahead of today’s by-election.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Bernard Bonamy, Jr, said last night the suspect was flown to Grand Bahama and was in police custody.

He said more people could be questioned.

In the video, the man dressed in FNM paraphernalia flashed a load of cash, urging supporters to bring their voter’s card in return for the money.

“I got the bag, I just got word, I have $50k, got to spend today,” he said.

“Bishop say it got to go today, so y’all come check me. I got the bag, bring your voter’s card.”

After the video was published, Progressive Liberal Party chairman Fred Mitchell said: “The public has now heard in clear terms from an FNM supporter that he has the bag, that he had 50k, and to bring the voter’s cards.

“He summoned the name of Bishop Ricardo Grant in aid and comfort.

“The PLP needs to say nothing more than the facts speak for themselves.”


Sickened 1 year, 4 months ago

No matter which party this moron represents, he needs to be locked up in prison (to get his licks) and then put in Sandilands for his remaining years. He's too dumb and dangerous to be among us.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 4 months ago

I tell you I believe there's a secret society of "the Dumb" meeting in the dark corners and strategizing to destroy the Bahamas by spreading ignorance.

wellsy242 1 year, 4 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a setup to make it look the FNM did this. Anything is possible with this new day.

concernedcitizen 1 year, 4 months ago

Who would buy votes like that and flash the whole bag of money and say how much he got in the bag ,,,and let someone film it ...Wonder if the police already gave the PLP the evidence back lmao

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 4 months ago

The police save him from getting his you know what beat by a thief

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 4 months ago

ROTFL, I hope Fred don't get questioned. I wonder if they buy him FNM underwear too, lol

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