Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

EDITOR, The Tribune.

On July 24, 2011 the State of New York legalized gay and lesbian marriages aka same sex marriages. There were outbursts of laughter, celebrations and same sex partners were lining up outside New York churches to get married. Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York even presided over the wedding ceremony of two of his top aides.

This has sparked world wide debate, specifically in the Bahamas. Proponents of gay marriages are saying that they want equality and they want to be recognised by law. But how can we give equality to an agenda that is flawed and in my view wrong? Gays and lesbians have been around since the beginning of time. But never before has this agenda of equality and acceptance been pushed so vigorously. Additionally, this is not the first time in history that persons with views contrary to the norm tried to impose their will on society.

Up to the 19th century, Africans were removed from their homeland and sold into slavery. The white slave master believed that blacks were dumb and stupid and could do nothing else but be enslaved. The enslavement of Black people was wrong from the start and eventually, the “powers that be” made this practice illegal on August 1, 1834. The effects of this evil act are still alive and well today because many Black people are still enslaved, albeit mentally.

In 1954, the US Supreme Court unanimously outlawed segregation in public schools. Even though the struggle continues for many blacks in America to receive an education comparable to his or her “white” counterpart, a fundamental wrong was righted and even though segregation now exists more than ever in other forms, a step was taken to preserve human rights in America. In my view this was the correct decision.

And now enter the gay and lesbian activists. Their struggle has nothing to do with race and as a result we now have blacks and whites fighting in unison to further their cause. They believe that their “struggles” can be compared to the aforementioned events listed above and that the equality that they seek is a basic human right. The term equality has taken on different meanings in recent times because of society’s ever changing views. However, their cause is only adding to a long laundry list of other harmful behaviour that is decaying our society and indeed the world.

I admit that the government or the society cannot police what people do in their homes. But there is a reason why some things should not be legal or given the air of legality. Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women in my view are acts that are immoral and should be condemned whether in private or in public in the highest order. Married men and married women who cheat on their spouses should be condemned. Heterosexuals who engage in sexual activity before marriage should be condemned. Single parent homes with mothers or fathers should not be encouraged. Aren’t all these acts contrary to God’s teachings? Collectively, these acts and/or lifestyles invariably contribute to society’s decadence and imbalance. Society’s liberal views and lifestyles have opened up a whole new can of worms in recent times. We have become desensitised to care about murder victims, armed robbery victims and even people who loose their homes. We have become a society that does not mourn for ourselves or each other and as long as it does not happen to us we convince ourselves that we are okay.

We have ceased to confront problems head on, but rather we speak about them in a “hush hush” way and expect them to just go away. We are also now through very careful public campaigns and by way of television programmes being desensitised about the immorality of the gay and lesbian agenda and advocates worldwide and indeed in the Bahamas are pushing their agenda in the hopes that lawmakers will pass laws to accommodate the alternate lifestyles that they have chosen. As usual, when confronted with tough issues Bahamians collectively sit back and let the “games go on.”

The Reverend Simeon Hall has strongly advocated against gay and lesbian behaviour for some years now. Last year, he called for MSM (Men having sex with men) to come forward so that they could be prayed for. While this is admirable and the right thing to do, the good reverend must also realise that in his capacity, he should just as strongly be condemning fornication on all levels and praying for all that fornicate. The message should be clear and balanced. After all, are we not a Christian nation?

Inscribed on all United States paper notes and coins are the words “In God We Trust”. But yet laws are being passed in the US that go contrary to the meaning of those words. In the Preamble to the Bahamian Constitution it says “and an abiding respect for Christian values and the Rule of law”. But yet we in the Bahamas have supported in principle a very controversial United Nation’s resolution that affirms equal rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender. I believe that this vote goes contrary to our Christian principles. I am also made to understand that we have given ship captains the lawful right to marry persons on the high seas with no distinction being made between male and female. I decry that if this is a truth, this is a shameful act. The actions of some churches have further confused some of our citizenry and given some of them the “green light” to carry on with their immoral behaviour. Sinners are rampant in the church, but yet they are allowed to sit on church boards, testify to unsaved members and sing in the choir. It baffles me how the church is using the name of the Lord to sanction gay and lesbian marriages when God has clearly stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and that we as humans should procreate.

I speak to and interact with persons of all sexual persuasions daily. This is a normal routine in today’s world. But I cannot support the actions of any one engaged in sexual activities that go contrary to God’s will. It is wrong. Dead wrong. We need to get back to the basics. Right can never be wrong and wrong can never be right. Will we next have a group advocating for marriage to ten year olds?

I listened to Aaron Green, a gay and lesbian activist and I was utterly impressed with her level of intelligence. She was commenting on Bishop Hall’s statement on MSM’s high rate for contracting the HIV virus. She said that Bishop Hall needs to focus on the behaviour of all sexually active people as opposed to just one group. I believe that she made a valid point, but I cannot agree with the lifestyle that she supposedly supports. Some will say that the liberalisation of the gay and lesbian marriage agenda will add to our tourism figures, being that a lot of our visitors come from New York who last year legalized gay and lesbian marriages. This may be true but someone once said that if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. The line where we stand in the Bahamas should not be drawn in the sand but it has to be chiseled in concrete. The gay and lesbian agenda goes contrary to humanity’s moral and survival code. Activists are using great penmanship and campaigns to try to convince the majority of citizens of the world to accept their alternate lifestyle, but deep down, most of us still have a good sense of good and moral behaviour. And we need not only tell our children the difference between right and wrong, but we have to show them as well. I firmly believe that we should be condemning “scheming” between men and women just as we are condemning gay and lesbian activities. Our values have deteriorated as a people and as a world.

Jean Toomer said that “Acceptance of prevailing standards often means we have no standards of our own.” Are we to keep shifting the stake and let the chips fall where they may? Or are we going to get back on track and enforce the values and moral systems that we as Bahamians know to be Godly and Christian-like?



September 17, 2012.


ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

Firstly, let me congratulate you for writing this article all by yourself. It must have taken a really long time. I think you had a few minor lapses in logic but they can be easily addressed and corrected. I will quote a few of them:

"But how can we give equality to an agenda that is flawed and in my view wrong?"

I have absolutely no idea how you can believe that anyone wanting equality is "flawed" especially when you've already referenced injustices that never should have existed because they disrespected people's humanity. Perhaps you only referenced these decisions because in "your view" it was correct.

Please understand that firstly, no one gives a damn about your views, and secondly, your views have nothing to do with what is correct and what constitutes as equality or not. Segregation and slavery were wrong in their own right, not because you disagreed with them.

Next, "Their struggle has nothing to do with race and as a result we now have blacks and whites fighting in unison to further their cause. They believe that their “struggles” can be compared to the aforementioned events listed above and that the equality that they seek is a basic human right."

Firstly, contrary to your extremely intelligent beliefs, even struggles that have nothing to do with race can be meaningful. Perhaps your own beliefs about what constitutes as a struggle or not should not be based on the color of a persons skin like slavery was. Secondly, I doubt that slaves would believe segregation was a big deal compared to what they had to endure and yet segregation was still wrong, was it not?

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

Next, “Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women in my view are acts that are immoral and should be condemned whether in private or in public in the highest order. Married men and married women who cheat on their spouses should be condemned. Heterosexuals who engage in sexual activity before marriage should be condemned. Single parent homes with mothers or fathers should not be encouraged. Aren’t all these acts contrary to God’s teachings?”

Thank you for including the phrase “in my view” because it is exactly that and we have already concluded that society does not change and things are not right or wrong based on “your views” and so whatever they may be have absolutely no place in an article about whether or not gay marriage should be legalized. Now, I have a question for you. Have you ever even read the Bible? Because the last time I checked Jesus spent most of his time professing the value of forgiveness and not condemnation. Your listing of just how many types people you believe should be condemned, Bahamians especially, merely shows how little you actually know about Christianity and how greatly you despise your own people. At this point in your article, you have effectively attacked or offended all gays, lesbians, Bahamians and Christians with your ignorance so once again I have no idea who could possibly be paying attention to you at this point but nevertheless, you carry on. I love your question “Aren't all these acts contrary to God's teachings?” because while you probably believe it to be rhetorical, the fact is that you do not truly know and another fact is that it's not. There is never any mention of gay marriage in the bible and especially nothing about lesbianism so I weep for the even more ignorant who allow themselves to be swept up by anything that sounds convincing enough from anyone without bothering to check the facts for themselves. Apparently, much like yourself.

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

Why don't I take this moment to ask you if you plan to do any work on Sunday. Because if you are, you should probably be killed based on the teachings of the Bible. Any woman who wears men's clothing as well. I assume you also agree that women who are raped should marry their rapist as well. Of course you agree with slaves and women being completely subservient to their masters for life so it would be silly to ask. Or, if you disagree with any of these statements, you can actually pick up that book you claim to have read and actually find the verses that relate to these atrocities and see for yourself. Please also look for references of ten headed beasts, witches, giants and unicorns for they also make appearances in the Bible. Since you will most certainly be too lazy or simply unable due to the mere magnitude of your stupidity to sit down and read anything sensible, I suggest that you search for these quotes on google. It should be much easier on your brain.

Another of your quotes: “However, their cause is only adding to a long laundry list of other harmful behavior that is decaying our society and indeed the world.”

I hope that this long list includes religion, pastors, and people like yourself who would like to infringe on the rights of people who have done nothing to you. Should we outlaw everything you disagree with or just the things we can actually prove are “decaying our society”. Can you really not see that you are the white supremacists who did not want to end slavery and segregation and when history is written you will be the malicious, arrogant evil that was trying to keep with fellow human beings down. But please, let me know exactly how gay people have personally decayed your life and all the terrible murders and rapes they are committing in our society because we really need to do something about it. I am so incredibly behind in my knowledge because the last time I checked over 90% of theft, rape and murder in the Bahamas is committed by heterosexual males. Yet, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that because “at least they're not gay” and so we shouldn't do anything. How about we look at the good homes these people create because statistics will probably show that all bad people everywhere either had gay parents or grew up in a single parent home, right? No one respectable has ever come from non-typical situations. Lance Armstrong, Shaquille O Neal and Bill Clinton certainly don't even exist.

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

“We are also now through very careful public campaigns and by way of television programmes being desensitized about the immorality of the gay and lesbian agenda and advocates worldwide and indeed in the Bahamas are pushing their agenda in the hopes that lawmakers will pass laws to accommodate the alternate lifestyles that they have chosen.”

You are definitely correct sir. Shame on those news stations for realizing that gay marriage is a controversial issue and not immediately ignoring that and forcing their own beliefs onto the public. Shame, shame I say. And shame on those Blacks who believe they can marry Whites. How dare they try to make the church accommodate such an abomination. If they are going to choose to go against God's teaching we should not pat them on the back as if it is a good thing.

“Last year, he called for MSM (Men having sex with men) to come forward so that they could be prayed for. While this is admirable and the right thing to do, the good reverend must also realize that in his capacity, he should just as strongly be condemning fornication on all levels and praying for all that fornicate. The message should be clear and balanced. After all, are we not a Christian nation?”

Yes, let's pray for these tainted souls to be cleansed so that they will no longer attempt to be with the person they love. Why don't we pray for everyone who does anything we don't agree with to be changed so that they can be just as good and perfect as we are. However “balanced” a message that is, let's examine the Bible again and see whether or not balance was a big value for God. If you do exactly as he says, you can have everlasting life, giant mansions, walk on streets paved with gold and feel nothing but happiness and sunshine for eternity. Yet, if you find the idea that a magical Jewish man went around performing magic tricks, came back from the dead, walked on water and is the son of the creator of the universe you will be tortured for eternity. Very balanced I would say. God forbid you were born in another country where a different religion is in the majority cause then you're screwed. God forbid you don't ask for forgiveness for each of your sins even when do nothing is a sin in and of itself. God forbid you be Jewish like Jesus himself was. Cause then you'll have to learn a lesson by being tortured forever which I guess makes everything okay. I like that you asked whether or not Bahamas is a Christian nation again because truly, you don't even know what that means. You like to believe it means people should be whatever you say and that we should stop progressing because the Bible hasn't changed and we shouldn't either. So once again, you prove your eternal ignorance.

ParalagloriadeDios 12 years, 5 months ago

Okay, so I really shouldn't be replying to this, but you mention something that brings up a point that I really want to make. You say, "Yes, let's pray for these tainted souls to be cleansed so that they will no longer attempt to be with the person they love." So I want to talk about love. Why do people have to "be with" the person that they "love"? Our current society does not even know what love is. This generation has been raised to think that love consists of fleshly desires and lusts that must lead to sex (and then to indemnify the sex, they get married). Here I will raise the example of David and Jonathan's relationship. They truly loved each other. 1 Samuel 20:17 says "[Jonathan] loved [David] as he loved his own soul." But were they trying to get married so that they could have "sex"? Heck no! Because true love does not involve sex! (Two men nor two women can really have sex anyway) Unfortunately, young heterosexual couples don't get this either. They think that they "love" each other so they get married to legalize having sex, and then, "Oops, we don't 'love' each other anymore, so let's get divorced." Does anyone besides myself think that this is majorly messed up? The foundations of our society are crumbling, and the issue of gay mariages is only one result of this unfortunate fact.

ParalagloriadeDios 12 years, 5 months ago

"(Two men nor two women can really have sex anyway)"

  • I meant CAN'T

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

I am not sure who you mean when you say "our current society" and "this generation" so please reference me to the statistics you are drawing from that prove for which people do not know what love is. Not that statistics can be accurately used when talking about something so subjective anyway, especially something like "love". Of course, you certainly know what love is (you not being a part of the society and all) and I'm sure and your version of it has absolutely nothing to do with sexual intercourse. I suppose "make love" is a terrible misnomer for sex between people who "love" each other as well. If you have been raised to believe that sex is wrong, disgusting and simply mutual masturbation then I urge you to think deeper about its emotional and spiritual effects. If you have no such experience with sex then please do not force baseless opinions onto others and claim that an entire generation is as clueless as you are.

Secondly, I do not understand your biblical quotation. If you believe that "loved" in that sense is the same "love" shared between a married couple then you are letting yourself be constrained by the English language itself. I would like to refer you to a language like Greek that has more specific words for the many types of love to clarify whatever argument you are attempting to make. The love between family members, friends, and lovers are all different and cannot be thrown under the one umbrella of "love". As you have proved, it makes things very confusing and leads to a terrible argument.

The other major discrepancy in your response is that you seem to believe that legalizing marriage and marriage itself has something to do with love and sex at all. You are most mistaken if you believe that marriage is currently required for two people to have sex legally. You are also mistaken if you believe that most couples would go through the entire marriage process simply to engage in sexual intercourse.

If you are unaware, legalizing marriage is not and should not be made into a subjective dilemma. It has nothing to do with personal opinions or love or sex. Marriage is a legal procedure that is currently not restricted by a person's religion or racial borders. As of this day there are thousands of Muslims, Jews, atheists and inter-racial couples who are all equally "married" by the legal definition of the term. Whether or not they fit into your or the Christian definition is irrelevant and a damn poor reason to deny gay or lesbian adults the same rights.

If you oppose gay marriage because of your religion or versions of love, sex or right and wrong then please also try to undo everyones marriage up until this point that does not fit into your standards. Hopefully you begin to realize that marriage is already unrestricted by who is or is not Christian and follows the rules set by that particular "holy" book and that a persons rights are not subjective.

ParalagloriadeDios 12 years, 5 months ago

The reason why I did not want to get into this argument is because I knew that you were going to pinpoint certain things that have nothing to do with the main point, and then carry on about them. The my point is that the kind of love that exists between a man and a woman should not exist between two men and two women. This does not mean that they cannot love each other; their love can be very great, but not to the point of “marriage”.

There were many things mentioned above that I definitely did not say. Never did I say that sex was wrong, or disgusting, or that it is mutual masturbation; it is a very beautiful thing when used for the right purpose and done under the right circumstances. The pleasure that results from it is supposed to be a reward. Again, I say our current society does not believe in these statements. You validated this fact by saying that, “[I am] mistaken if [I] believe that most couples would go through the entire marriage process simply to engage in sexual intercourse.” Exactly! No one really cares anymore.

Therefore, the whole thrust of my previous post was this: In the event that a couple wants to justify living together, they would get married. I took this approach because I can find no other logic for LGBT couples’ desire to make their “marriage” legal. This is a free country after all. Why do they need the admonition of the state and government? Why do they have to make this an issue of equal rights? This has less do do with rights, but everything to do with the definition of marriage. It exists between a MAN and a WOMAN. Outside of that, marriage is undefined, which is why I put it in quotes.

If we redefine marriage, we would then be tempted to modify the definition of a man and a woman! This is what it is coming to. I hate to say this, but it all started with granting women equal rights as men, which implied that women are exactly the same as men, and this statement can be argued. You can attack me for saying this, but the truth is the truth.

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

Also, "Why do people have to "be with" the person that they "love"?" This was possibly the most arrogant and pessimistic statement I have ever read and will not dignify it with a drawn out critique. I believe that most sensible people will be able to point out the many things wrong with that question.

ParalagloriadeDios 12 years, 5 months ago

Depends on your definition. By "be with" I meant marrying.

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

“Inscribed on all United States paper notes and coins are the words “In God We Trust”. But yet laws are being passed in the US that go contrary to the meaning of those words.”

Just so you know, the United States have separated God and State and time and time again refused to pass laws that endorse a specific religion because they respect the multitude of people and religions that live within the country. Perhaps you should not take all your information from what is printed on pieces of paper because you may begin to misconstrue their meaning. I would bet that you have never even read the American Constitution and that you have no idea what actually governs what laws can and can't be passed. All you know is what you've seen on the dollar and think that it supports your personal views. But I don't blame you for that really. As an ignorant fool, who can really expect more of you? I doubt anyone would expect you to actually do research before writing anything.

“Sinners are rampant in the church, but yet they are allowed to sit on church boards, testify to unsaved members and sing in the choir. It baffles me how the church is using the name of the Lord to sanction gay and lesbian marriages when God has clearly stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and that we as humans should procreate.”

This one actually made me laugh. Please go tell the churches to remove all the sinners from their churches and choirs so that only you may be left in the entire building. I am not a supporter of Christianity and even those like me know that by your holy book we are all sinners. I have already suggested that you actually read that so this particular quote does not receive a tirade. As you have also mentioned, procreation is very important. However, as I have mentioned, you do not think very much. Do you really think that increasing the population of the Earth is an extreme concern at this point in time? At that our actions in reference to marriage and sexual relations should be prioritized in terms of creating more people? If you do, then please also google the current population of the planet and the rate at which it is increasing. If those numbers do not make sense to you, please have your pastor pray for you.

ClearlyThinking 12 years, 5 months ago

"But I cannot support the actions of any one engaged in sexual activities that go contrary to God’s will. It is wrong. Dead wrong. We need to get back to the basics. Right can never be wrong and wrong can never be right. Will we next have a group advocating for marriage to ten year olds?"

Do you know the problem with always going back to the basics? It hinders our ability to move on to more advanced thinking. I do not know if you realize this or not, but when Jesus was supposedly alive he said many controversial things that the people of that time did not agree with. Most hated him for it and he was killed for it (since I have it on good authority that you do not know the story of Jesus Christ). You clearly think that you define right and wrong and so I hope you take this moment to realize that you are just a man and that you do not cause this planet to revolve around the Sun.

“I listened to Aaron Green, a gay and lesbian activist and I was utterly impressed with her level of intelligence.”

I am not surprised. Perhaps you should have ascertained a bit more from listening to her but I suppose you can only teach someone so much in a day.

“This may be true but someone once said that if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

This line also made me laugh. More than the last in fact. Someone also once said, “The world is flat and anyone who doesn't agree is stupid,” and I hope you don't write another article based on that as well.

Lastly you write, “Or are we going to get back on track and enforce the values and moral systems that we as Bahamians know to be Godly and Christian-like?”

You are most certainly right on this, we need to get back on track. Because that's been going so well so far. Our crime, theft, murder, and HIV rates are envied world wide. Our national average is higher than just about everywhere else and clearly, from just looking around Nassau, we are a clean, tolerant people with high moral and social standards. Our biggest problem now are these damn gay people who are trying to ruin all the good things about our country.

Signed, Clearly Thinking

VickySawyer 12 years, 5 months ago

Dear DEHAVILLAND MOSS funny how you quote the preamble of our constitution but did not add the part that goes against the bible outlawing slavery when slavery is clearly supported in the bible. Even in Exodus a father can sell his daughter as a slave. I can go on and on with the many flaws in using your god and bible as an excuse to deny other people equality. The Bahamas constitution states freedom of religion thus freedom from religion.

pilgrimagerock 12 years, 5 months ago

Slavery is not a sin in God’s Eyes but how they were treated was. Ancient and Modern day slavery will always be a civil rights issue. I too agree with Aaron Green’s comments that Bishop Hall needs to focus on the behavior of all sexually active people as opposed to just one group. Very well said on her behalf. In this country, we have too many hypocritical bible-based self-proclaimed Christians who just love to throw stones at sinners. With that being said, let me be clear that I do not support homosexuality or the many forms of fornications because it is a sin not a civil rights issue. Peace.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 5 months ago

Two things come to mind after reading your letter Mr Moss .First to blame slavery only on the white man absolves black people of their part in the horrendeous practice .It was the black warlords killing and conquering to supply the people for slavery from inland Africa .Secondly it appears to me its are macho homophopic young males that are raping ,robbing and murdering our brothers and sisters and destroying are once peaceful society ..

leeza 12 years, 5 months ago

Everyone knows when they doing wrong whether they admit to it or not. When God made us he made us with a part of him and that is the reason why we search to find something or someone that complete us which only God's Spirit can. Fornicators, adulterers, child molestors and all involved in the illegal sex acts they know that they are wrong, are they looking for from grounds to legalise their acts no these people do what they do in hiding in the dark. OH NO! not the Sodomites, thats what the bible called them dont pretty it up but Gays ''cos dey een happy' dont fool yourselves dont believe a lie they are wrecked souls who needs a savior. these persons want to be given rights to Sin and want to call it marriage they could never bejoined in HOLY MATRIMONY because they can never be one flesh that impossible. Marriage was ordained by God and no one I dont care how intelligent they are how much title they gat or whatever Aaron Green is a mixed woman who also needs delieverance. This sin is an abmonition which carries very severe repercussions. Say what you want about the fornicators and adulteres which is wrong but a child can come from those relationships and God can use these children but nothing natural comes from man on man woman on woman because this is unnatural!

proudloudandfnm 12 years, 5 months ago

Man religion is just so stupid! Amazing how someone can say they are christian yet stand in line to condem another.

I am hetero, physically I cannot react to a man's advances, my body will not react. So how is it my sexuality is not a choice for me but a choice for others?

Homosexuality is not a choice, we are born to be who are to be.

Stop pushing your views and opinions on others and learn to live and let live.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 5 months ago

well said ,i,m hetro also ,i don,t judge anyone by who they sleep w/ but if they are nice and honest ..if the stuff these bible thumpers believe is true ,lightin bolts would he hittin these churchs every sunday ,,more hocus pocus, trickerey and greed goes on in church then anywhere,,and i wonder how God feels having become their personal numbers handicapper ,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

sixandchange 12 years, 5 months ago

It is quite simple Moss. If your religion and your god prevents you from participating in homosexual behavior, then do not participate. Why you think it is justifiable to legislate your religion into laws that hold back the development of people that do not share your beliefs is testament to the aggressive, intolerant and narrow minded views of your god.

I truly pity your ignorance and eagerly await the not-to-distant future where your religion is mocked yet again in history for being a hindrance to the development of basic human rights. You are literally going to watch over the coming years as the US and world around you fully accepts the legitimate right that all human beings have to live unhindered and unmolested by the ideas and rules of a religion that they do not adhere to, but that would condemn them regardless.

Your untenable position on the matter and obvious religious bias has no place in law making. You can humbly put your god aside with the many other gods that are also not in any legitimate position to govern and dictate the lives and well being of citizens free from such superstition and dogma.

leonardo85 12 years, 2 months ago

The same sex relation is a controversial issue. Mostly the society is still against it, not many people are open towards accepting same sex relations. Regardless of sexual orientation every couple want to enjoy their relation. Sometimes they need to boost up their sex lives with some spicy stuff like http://baremaidens.com/tour/nutourp2/in…">Wow Porn.

Understandfacts 12 years ago

You cant condemn people for what the believe. Or if they believed they were born gay or lesbian, but as a Christian, knowing right from wrong, it is your duty to carry out God's will. If you as a Christian believe that this is wrong, and you provide illustrations to solidify your point then by all means. People will criticize and critique. Let them do so.

If you as a Christian believe something is wrong continue to speak out. God has sanctioned marriage between man and a woman and though we may all not feel that we are attracted or have intimate or higher feelings for the opposite sex, and we feel it is easier or natural for us to like the same sex, this does not mean it is right.

At the end of the day, we all will have our day before God, The Jews, The Muslims, The Christians, The Atheists, the Heterosexuals the Homosexuals and we will have to give an account for our sins, and when we do, may God have mercy on our souls.

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