Thompson calls on Davis administration to stop raising taxes on Bahamians




Tribune Staff Reporter


EAST Grand Bahama MP Kwasi Thompson wants the Davis administration to stop raising taxes and fees on Bahamians, saying this would help the country fight inflation.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Thompson pointed to the rise of several fees, which he said has caused hardship for many Bahamians.

“The Tribune of Wednesday, January 3rd, outlined with detail the very real challenges faced by small Bahamian commercial boat owners and fishermen, some of whom reportedly have seen their annual boating fees jump from $260 to $2,600,” he noted. “These increases have a direct impact on the lives of the many fishermen in East Grand Bahama, particularly the East End settlements, including Sweetings Cay. These are fishing settlements. Many fishermen use their vessels to provide for their families and it is cruel to increase registration in such an extreme way.”

“The Fisheries Association president has pointed out to this arrogant and uncaring PLP government that the smaller fishermen may simply be unable to afford these inordinate fee hikes. This PLP government, through its own callous and arrogant actions are placing small fishermen and commercial boaters in East Grand Bahamas and the rest of The Bahamas in an untenable situation.”

Mr Thompson continued: “Of course, all Bahamians travelling internationally will have to pay an additional $2 in ticket taxes to cover this ‘so-called’ tourism enhancement levy. It is the cumulative effect this payment will have. However, it is when taken together with the rise of VAT on medication and breadbasket items, and it is also when taken together with the high cost of electricity that the situation becomes serious.”

“We also understand from the country’s financial secretary, as reported in the press, that the government is planning on imposing a brand new tax on all air freight. The opposition has written to the government and has stated its unambiguous objection to any such arrangement. We also cannot forget the increase in national insurance that will come into effect in July 2024.”

Mr Thompson said the government’s actions have placed an additional burden on the backs of Bahamians who continue to be ravaged by “the inflation crisis”.

“Given the hidden taxes and fees on Bahamians, no reasonable Bahamian can believe the Prime Minister when he claims that he finally has become aware of an inflation crisis and will now seek to do something about it,” the FNM MP added.


sheeprunner12 1 year ago

The PM/MOF gets up in Parliament during the Budget Debate and says "No New Taxes" ........... and his posse hollers and bangs on the desks.

Then, comes the truth a few days, weeks or months later when "fees" start to appear and you can't hear a pin drop from them.

This tax increase is wicked, and our politicians are doing it to us without telling us the truth about the REAL fiscal state of the country. We hear about millions of tourists, but life is getting HARDER for the ordinary Bahamian every day.


ExposedU2C 1 year ago

Calling on Big Deficit Spender Davis to stop taxing Bahamians is like asking him to lose weight....it just ain't gonna ever happen.

birdiestrachan 1 year ago

Poor fellow talking foolishness what boats Bahamians own travel fees so many can not afford to travel you talking about those few boats in east end are you serious , the children in some schools have breakfast talk about that , the lies will trap you

FreeportFreddy 1 year ago

Are you talking in code? Do you realize that if you are the only one who knows the code you just babbling!!

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