Tribune readers back tougher surrey rules

VOTERS in a Tribune poll have backed the suggestion of stricter guidelines for surrey drivers, following the death of a surrey horse last week.

An overwhelming majority of 96.15 per cent were in favour of stronger measures, which are said to be under consideration by the government, after a 22-year-old female horse named Bloody Mary collapsed and died on the corner of Dowdeswell and Christie Streets last Tuesday.

Commenting on the issue at tribune242.com, “Susan” took the idea of new regulations a step further: “Actually, I don’t think there should be Surrey horses at all. It is an activity that is way outdated in my opinion.”

“Banker” had harsh words on animal treatment in general: “Bahamians as a rule have a very poor record of animal treatment. Look at the proliferation of feral, wild potcakes. When one drives on Yamacraw Road or points south, it is not unusual to see dead potcakes on the road, killed by cars. The horses are mistreated as well. They are skinny, malnourished and forced to work in the heat of the day while their owners flout the rules of not driving them during the hot hours. I checked and half of the watering apparatus at the horse stalls at Prince George Wharf do not work. Surely we can find another means of revenue generation that does not involve cruelty to animals.”

‘thinkinglady’ wasn’t hopeful that new legislation would make a difference: “It is so unfortunate about what happened to the horse the other day. I understand that the animal was dragged in the street being pulled by a truck? Are you serious? The problem with us is that no one wants to be held accountable for anything and that makes a lawless country. It’s so confusing for many when they make these strict laws and yet they are still not enforced. It’s like going to the bank to withdraw, but you have $0.00.”

• Visit tribune242.com for a brand new poll.


sixandchange 12 years, 4 months ago

Don't be silly Tribune writers, your readers are not simply in favor of "stricter guidelines." Represent us honestly, we are absolutely against the idea altogether. Don't offer us the lesser of two evils, stand up as a periodical and speak accurately for the Bahamian and international community at large by recognizing that anything short of completely banning the use of surrey horses in the Bahamas would be an outrage and only further prove the inability of government and media within the country to effectively represent their citizens.

positiveinput 12 years, 4 months ago

thinkinglady, yes lets be serious. How would you suggest that the horse be removed from the streets. Do you think dozen of men would gently pick the animal up while one carefully holds its head from swaying lifeless. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! And way the hell you people get this stupid phrase from, 'Are you Serious'?. Hell yeah and they proved it by doing so. Now dont get me wrong, I love animals but to see the stupidity some people would try and justify which is so far fetch from the situation.

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