Road Traffic chaos

COMPLETE chaos broke out at the Road Traffic Department’s Arawak Cay location on December 31 as drivers rushed to get their cars licenced and inspected ahead of the new year.

Those whose New Year’s Day was ruined blamed equipment failure and a lack of organisation for the crush. They also claimed certain individuals were allowed to jump the line without explanation.

Vehicle inspection began at 8.30am and witnesses say there were soon six separate lines of cars inching toward the inspection garage.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people reportedly spent most of the morning standing outside the office waiting for their documents to be processed.

“A pedestrian took time out from waiting in line to organise the six lines down to one. There were about 300 people in line for most of the morning,” said Jenny Pinder.

“The credit card machine broke down and there was only one cashier window operating.

“Numerous people were handing envelopes off to others, who would enter the double glass doors and return with drivers paperwork complete.

“I have been here since 9.15, it is now 12.45 and there is still 30 people ahead of me,” said Jenny Pinder. “I think they need computers speed up the process,” she said.

“What a way to spend New Year’s Eve.”

State Transport and Aviation Minister Hope Strachan blamed the long lines on a shortage of employees and glitches in the computer system.

However, she said officials plan to tackle the host of problems at the department early on in the new year.

Minister Strachan said: “We have a recurring problem down there and it’s one that has been growing over many years. The department saw a large volume of persons as it is the month’s end and the last day of the year.

“Not only do we have staffing issues but there are systematic problems with the machines that produce licenses and certificates.

“We are comprehensively addressing all of the problems and trying to see how best we could change the way of doing things in the long term and not just put a bandage on them temporarily.”


Mayaguana34 12 years, 2 months ago

Information is still collected as if the computers do not work and as hard working as the people there might be there will always be lines until we let the machines do some of the work - this should be seamless and easy - The detailed forms are filled out without purpose and in the case of a renewal why cant you register the car online? Why isnt the disk printed instead of hand written - Why can I pay my fees fees online? How about just showing up with my receipt to collect the stickers - I have little confidence that there will be any quick fixes and can only benefit from going early in the month and not waiting until the final day like most bahamians -

BoopaDoop 12 years, 2 months ago

I drive by the Fort Charlotte location daily. The day I see no cars waiting is the day I licence my vehicle. For those that wait until the last minute because of money issues, try this. Divide the amount of your licence and inspection by 11. Each month, put that amount aside. On the twelfth month, you will have enough to walk in before the rush and get in and out in 10 minutes. I was initiated in the archaic ways of government business when I was in COB in the 80's. I would have to wait on lines to register and pay for my classes an entire day. It was big conversation among students.

MyBahamianPeople 12 years, 2 months ago

The solution to this problem seems simple enough too me. The problem is we have people running the government that's been there from I was in primary school and haven't caught up with technology. Lines will be there no matter what, but we have other locations you can go to license your Vehicle. The problem is you can only license your vehicle at the other locations which mean you would still have to drive Oakes field to get your drivers license. Why cant you do both at the other locations? Instead of running down the equipment at Oakes Field? The online system never works either. Come on it's 2013!

MyBahamianPeople 12 years, 2 months ago

And personally i've always been against the displaying of personal information on your car's windshield

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