PM: KEEP MURDERS OFF THE FRONT PAGE – Davis says local press coverage of killings harming tourism

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis.

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis criticised local press coverage of the crime rate yesterday, saying prominent reporting of murders has a ricochet effect that is harming the tourism sector.

His comments quickly drew attention to the Progressive Liberal Party’s infamous decision to erect billboards around New Providence highlighting the murder rate under the last Ingraham administration, a move Mr Davis defended, despite fear that it would deter tourists. 


The PLP erected billboards around New Providence highlighting the murder rate under the last Ingraham administration.

The country’s murder rate has repeatedly grabbed headlines this year and sparked travel advisories from the United States and Canada. Mr Davis said concern is growing about the nature of media coverage of the incidents and the potential tourism fallout.

“Right now, the hotels are seeing some fall off, but more importantly, those who are in the hotels today, they’re not coming out into the community,” he said yesterday during a meeting with religious leaders.

“They’re not going to the restaurants, for example. They’re not going sightseeing as they used to.”

Mr Davis urged the press to understand their role in maintaining the country’s reputation. He said other countries give less prominence to certain crimes than the local media does.

 “I want to call upon the press to be sensitive,” he said.

 “I think they should see their role as trying to help the country. I’m not saying not to report, but where you report, it may make a difference.

 “And all I ask them to do is check, check to see where their crime report is. Check Trinidad, check the United States, just check and see where it is. It’s never on the front page.

“But every bullet that is fired appears to be front page news on all of our daily news. And what happens, AP picks it up, Reuters pick it up and what happens, and it’s continuing.”

After yesterday’s event, a reporter asked Mr Davis about the PLP erecting billboards highlighting the murder rate in areas trafficked by tourists and locals ahead of the 2012 general election. The billboards said there had been more than 490 killings under the Ingraham administration. The PLP campaigned that it had the answers to violent crime, while the Ingraham administration did not.

 At the time, Mr Davis accused Mr Ingraham of “suppressing free speech” when the government removed the banners. PLP supporters then replaced the signs in certain locations.

 “We cannot hide the truth,” he said. “Are we about hiding the truth? Are we going to be concerned about the impression that the truth gives? The only way we can get rid of these things is to address the issue.”

 “The fact is that there were more than 490 murders in this country. We cannot run away from that.”

 Yesterday, Mr Davis said: “That’s the past. I am looking forward.”

 “What I am saying now is, I now have evidence that this is impacting how it’s accepted in the international community. I didn’t have evidence then on how it was accepted, and now that I know how it is accepted, I will say to the press, just be responsible in how you report to ensure that you don’t harm your country.”

 During yesterday’s event, Mr Davis revealed that long-promised anti-gang legislation will be released next week.

 He said a plan of action is underway, with the government preparing to launch an aggressive campaign to promote and protect the country’s reputation.


bahamarich 1 year, 1 month ago

Wow Just cover up the problem instead of working to solve it

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Stop ya lies… no one asked for anything to be covered up… the PM simply asked to cut down on sensationalizing crime! Even an idiot knows that if you crash the economy with your continued negative reporting band yellow journalism, the crime situation will get even worse. You call this country and it’s government corrupt but most Americans do not agree with what is happening in tTye BaHAMAS and The international response to it.

moncurcool 1 year, 1 month ago

So did the PM not see this as an issue when he sought to coordinate plastering New Providence with billboards on the murder count in 2012? Was it okay for him to do it then, but not ok for the media to do it now?

The PM is only being hypocritical as the chickens have come home to roast. What you sow you will reap.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Do you know at one time Canada had what was known as a ‘fruit machine?’ It was a device they used to test males employed in government and in the military to determine if they were gay. In short the subject was forced to watch porn and his bodily responses like sweating, eye motion, twitching etc were all monitored. Then a determination was made ( by the machine ) if he was gay or straight. The bottom line is Canada is now a country that has opened its doors and is eagerly welcoming gay people. After subjecting it’s military and it’s government workers to that humiliating experience and firing or dismissing hundreds of them.

DreamerX 1 year, 1 month ago

You literally did not address the actions of the PLP using crime rates but turning around to say it's shouldn't be done. PLP Bot doesn't matter what is said.

DreamerX 1 year, 1 month ago

A single critical thought could have saved you from looking this embarrassing. You would never allow anyone you disagreed with to ask to hide the truth...

hj 1 year, 1 month ago

And this is coming from the same people that few years back erected billboards all over Nassau about the number of murders. I suppose they were more interested in getting power than the good of their country back then. And then we wonder why our country is at its present state.

AnObserver 1 year, 1 month ago

How about you do your job as a government and enforce law and order? Is censorship really the best way to deal with societal problems?

moncurcool 1 year, 1 month ago

Yesterday, Mr Davis said: “That’s the past. I am looking forward.”

“What I am saying now is, I now have evidence that this is impacting how it’s accepted in the international community. I didn’t have evidence then on how it was accepted, and now that I know how it is accepted, I will say to the press, just be responsible in how you report to ensure that you don’t harm your country.”

Typical hypocrisy as to why nothing will change in this country.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 1 month ago

Bad news is big news it will stop when murders stop what mr Davis did might haven seem Right at the time, but time has shown it to be wrong crime is not FNM or P!P

Sickened 1 year, 1 month ago

How proud of you right now of Davis? Don't worry you're not the only one embarrassed by him at the moment.

zephyr 1 year, 1 month ago

You sow the wind - you reap the whirlwind - PLP!

ExposedU2C 1 year, 1 month ago

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

The fact that The Tribune is unashamedly attempting to misconstrue what the PM said confirms they have no good intentions for this country. And the PM and the government should retaliate and yank the government’s lucrative gazette from the Tribune/Guardian Dynasty/Monopoly until they agree to do more responsible and fair journalism, even if the government have to set up an online government notice portal until another more reputable print media can get the contract. Encourage Our News to get into the print media and assist by giving them the correct. The PM was not asking the media to hide or bury any news, but simply desist or tune down the sensational and yellow journalism. And it is now convincing by their behavior that their clear intent is not for the best interest of this country. That one on Guardian Radio this morning list all his credibility this morning when he was snickering and sneering all during the segment of his show about the PMs remarks. Not unlike a cackling hen. But Bahamians must remember that every time this economy shows some signs of life these kinds of things happen. We should remember what they did to Haiti when it had the most booming economy in the world. And not to forget that the only bombing that ever took place on American soil was when tgere were accusations of RAPE of a white woman by a Black man ( sounds familiar?). And they lynched and killed dozens of black men, bombed and destroyed what was then known as Black Wall Street. And even right next door in Florida where descendants of slaves built from scratch many areas , like the Grove. And further North from there was another Black city known for its charming residents, it’s quaint bet elegant hotels and its booming economy. And the invaders and haters decided to build a highway right to the middle of that city. Today the area is known as Overtown and has been reduced to one of Douth Florida’s ghettos. So know Tge BaHAMAS knows there is a conspiracy to destroy its economy it must follow the lead if Jamaica and embark on an anti-negative publicity campaign. And it must make more effort to grow more of its own food. One of Jamaica’s video say ‘in Jamaica we eat real food, not chemical food.’ And don’t forget how they sprayed the mountains of Jamaica with parquet. Claiming it was part of the ‘war in drugs.’ But it was an attempt to kill out tge Rastas who escaped slavery and still live up in those mountains. God will have the last word and the final judgment.

rosiepi 1 year, 1 month ago

How did the issue of reporting the truth about this government’s lack of will to effectively combat crime and corruption become food for this dog whistle of racism?? Eleven years ago in opposition Davis said “are we to be concerned about the impression truth gives...or are we about dealing with the issue?”

And now having been given the reins of gov’t twice Davis has failed to take up that cause.and in his hypocrisy he says the press needs “sensitivity” but means censorship.

It’s proof that the only means Bahamians have in order to prompt a response on crime is the press. And Davis is refusing to acknowledge that his gov’t and the RBPF’s corruption vaulted this issue onto the front page, and into international media by their fumbling attempts to suppress two police reports of rape by American victims of this crime.

In doing so they gave two tourists a platform to rightly call out the demeaning manner and hypocrisy they experienced at the hands of those Bahamian institutions they foolishly believed upheld law and order.

There’s one shill here baying of the white man’s oppression while spewing misogynistic rhetoric that beggars belief.

Here’s a tip, the next time you attempt to call up such a cause, pray remember that your bigotry towards those who got you this far negates all credibilty. And likely earns you a cold and barren life…

themessenger 1 year, 1 month ago

I've said it before; In life it's important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong. This would apply especially to bigots like John and those brainwashed crabs like Birdie.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

@ messenger I am not a bigot. I have been delivered from control freaks, like you! You attempt to control people by fear and false propaganda. Slavery of Black people will not occur a second time!

moncurcool 1 year, 1 month ago

So true. Could not have said it better.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

To that I say get thee behind me Satan. Your veiled threats will fall back on you and your kind ten times over.

DreamerX 1 year, 1 month ago

You made open threats against the publication but now you need to be protected? What is the point in engaging in discourse if you can only advocate for your party and lack any ability to respond to anyone's ideas. All those words only when you make allegations, short to no words to display your reading comprehension and critical thinking.

Is this account a bot?

rosiepi 1 year, 1 month ago

I read no threats here, just the unvarnished truth to an egoist who true to form, refuses to own his duplicity.

I recall PM Chrètien’s wry remark in the ‘93 campaign to the Tory attack ads featuring his facial defect and it’s appropriate here.

“It’s true I talk out of the side of my mouth. I’m not a Tory, I don’t talk out of both sides!”

bahamianson 1 year, 1 month ago

So , how did this gentleman become a top lawyer , to his followers standards. He dies not seem to be too convincing on his lies and cover-ups. He does not seem logical. How can he speak about advisors when he advises people for a living? He went to a friend's jewerly storw when we were supposed to be in lockdown. He had no clue about the Bamsi fire that cost tax payers 2 milion dollars. He was minister when the plp supporter got a contract without insurance. He left Bahamians to fend for themselves during Covid when he told us that his daughter wanted him near her, apart from leaving his wife here. How can the captain of the ship leave his people and abandon ship while Bahamians fied because they did not have the influence and money that he had. This looks terrible on his behalf.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Now that Britain has sent a warship to the waters of Guyana where US has military assets guarding Venezuela the unrest or tge uncertainity of a war in this region can bring this whole saga The BaHAMAS is facing to a head. Just don’t be hoodwinked and bamboozled by the invaders.

bahamianson 1 year, 1 month ago

He is another Joe Biden.

quavaduff 1 year, 1 month ago

You only wish the Bahamian economy was performing like President Biden's economy. And that is with no help from the treasonous republicans. President Biden's excellent economy fueled the Bahamian tourism trade and still does. Focus on fixing the gun problem by focusing on easy gun access in republican run Florida. And keep the violent/gun criminals locked up.

ScubaSteve 1 year, 1 month ago

Exactly!!!! The real and easy solution is to remove guns from the streets. It's really as simple as that...

realfreethinker 1 year, 1 month ago

Brave refuses to apologize for his posters about crime. He just brushes it off and said it'sw in the pass, now he of all people is asking the press to not report. What a turd!!!!

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Do you know what a ‘fruit machine is’. And what it was used for. And how many people lost their jobs because of these machines ? And what is the position now if the people behind used these machines to fire people comparing then you now?

birdiestrachan 1 year, 1 month ago

The lady from the USA embassy has no fear in the Bahamas this situation runs deep both Newspapers carry water for the FNM but the bucket is full of holes a FNM business is under Attack, crime has become a political football

bahamianson 1 year, 1 month ago

Hold on, if you swing one way or the other, that is fine. How are you just going to pretend that the elephant in the room does not exist. Have you forgotten the billboatds erected under the fnm? Have you forgotten what brave and the plp said? Have you forgotten? Now, you do not address this? The fnm and the plp play around with the Bahamian people, and I have voted for both in the past. You clearly do not want to see . You remind me of the mothers whom say. " not my good son."

pablojay 1 year, 1 month ago

Just highlighting Birdie's response to this article shows PLP cult like thinking. I spoke with over a dozen of my PLP acquaintances at the time and i was dumfounded that not one of them had a problem with the signs being erected . My 10 year old grandson said at the time that it would frighten visitors and make them either stay in their hotels or go back home,but here is Birdie defending an eminent attorney who would later become leader of my beloved Bahamas,on his not being able to understand what a 10 year old could....only in The Bahamas.

moncurcool 1 year, 1 month ago

Sorry, but birdie's response is not cult like. It is plain ignorance, lack of critical thinking skills, and stupidity .

sheeprunner12 1 year, 1 month ago

The New Day PLP has sown their own downfall .......... I have NO pity for them.


TalRussell 1 year, 1 month ago

Shouldn't it be kept to the criminal organizations' to carry out the intimidation of Reporters'. --- Yes?

Sickened 1 year, 1 month ago

It is. The PLP is the biggest.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

This is not the first time the government has been at odds with the media and The Tribune in particular? Remember when Fred Mitchell used to buy a handful of Tge Tribune and burn them in the The Parliament Square. And wasn’t a writer for The Tribune ( who wrote Insight deported? And didn’t Sue Lynden leave office refusing to give tge Trubune an inkling if government’s business? The question is why all the hostility now between Rhe Tribune and the PM? Is there no middle of the road? Manybe tge Trubune needs to continue with its blaring headlines knowing the negative impact its having in the country and the economy and maybe the government needs to yank the government needs to yank the government’s gazette, or at least part of it from the Tribune Dynasty because they helping make ‘tings tuff’ for the Bahamian people. Hit them v where it hurts the most… in their pockets.

The_Oracle 1 year, 1 month ago

So not concerned about Bahamians being killed by Bahamians, only tourists and the optics of crime.........

moncurcool 1 year, 1 month ago

Hit the nail on the head.

No concern for your citizens.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Joe does the Tribune blaring headline benefit the country or help in the fight against crime? Except to appease maybe four of the six bloggers this paper has. Remember when a youn man got in trouble for firing a gun around a college campus in Florida. The Tribune’s headlines about this matter took up half of the front page the print was so large. And the campaign against this young man, a national athlete, persisted and continued throughout the trial. It even superseded murders on the front page. Fortunately the young man completed his trial, paid his penalties, completed college and returned to The BaHAMAS, and still represented the country on national teams. And thank God he survived the poison pen.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

The issue of serious crime started in this country when the DEA and otherUS agencies came here and coerced the Unsuspecting Bahamian government to lock up little school boys for small amounts of marijuana. Put them in jail with the hardened criminals, disrupt their schooling and their education. Give them a Criminal Record for ‘DANGEROUS DRUGS’ in fact make it to include ‘with intent to supply’ and make it impossible for them to travel outside The BaHAMAS or to find employment within. And don’t take my word, check the criminal records. Everything was downhill from there. Then they brought cocaine into the mix and tge ‘gangs’ culture and the weapons and now the high powered weapons. Then they plaster on every newspaper come, liook see! Murder, murder, bloody murder everywhere! Whilst it is them who do their dirty nasty works of Satan ! Call it bigotry racism, whatever! But there will be no second slavery in this country. And if your actions are taking bread out my mouth or out the mouths of my children and theirs, you is s public enemy to the highest degree and s traitor!

themessenger 1 year, 1 month ago

@john, I’m unsure of which drugs you use to maintain your constant state of spacial disorientation in the fantasy world in which you reside, but I’m sure they’re dangerous. You need help.

trueBahamian 1 year, 1 month ago

Lol. It rough here. There are some elements in John's comments that are true. Imprisoning someone for small.amounts of marijuana doesn't serve any benefit to.the state. It only creates a scenario for that individual to slip further and further. You take potentially a good person and you transform them into someone hardened and angry and you take away employment and movement which creates the recipe for a serious criminal.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Your ways are not my ways, hence reality and even an inkling of the truth appears like a drug to you. And it is dangerous to your agenda because yours is a wicked one.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Your ways are not my ways and your message is not my message. My drugs is reality, and yes sometimes it can be dangerous when facing people like you. What drugs are you on?

themessenger 1 year, 1 month ago

@john, what drug am I on? I get a natural high, not to mention serious entertainment, from winding you up so easily just like the proverbial cuckoo clock you are, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! 😂🤣

John 1 year, 1 month ago

The two men accused of raping the two female tourists ) or stool pigeons maybe) have been released from police custody pending further investigations. How do you handle the situation when the alleged victims of the crime refuse to cooperate with the relevant authorities, but instead take to social and international media spreading their versions of the incident. Imagine if the police or the accused had taken that road…. Hold on let’s ask Donald Trump!

hrysippus 1 year, 1 month ago

How do you Fill Up a major politico with a full helping of Hypocrisy? Fred gone quiet, aye?

trueBahamian 1 year, 1 month ago

Lol. It's censorship of.the press. The US and Canadian governments didn't place a travel advisory because the crime information was on the front page. This guy! Lol.

TalRussell 1 year, 1 month ago

Sure reads like, they've upped the stresses' level for Front Page Crime Reporters'. ---  Tribune has reason to read the proposed amendments to the Bail Act. --- “You couldn't write this." --- Yes?

wellsy242 1 year, 1 month ago

what is good for the goose is good for the gander

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Well there hasn’t been a murder is almost a murder in at least a week, and hopefully that according to police , they have made some key arrests of murder suspects, they have tied crimes together and that is helping them solve some of the murders and they have identified four major gangs and are in the process of disabling them, there should be some peaceful days and non murder front page days ahead

BONEFISH 1 year, 1 month ago

Oh the irony. This is the same person who had no problem erecting billboards broadcasting the high levels of murder under the FNM. The shoe is now on the other foot,

trueBahamian 1 year, 1 month ago

This is interesting! A lot of countries don't place crimes on the front page of their newspapers because an incident isn't relevant in the context of their population. If you have 250 million people a handful of murders on a given day does not move the needle to be a major event to capture the front page of a paper. But, when you have a similar amount of murders happening in a very small country it is a major event that will warrant a front page coverage. The PM is being a little naive or thinks the population is, it doesn't matter where you place it in the papers, governments will advise their people it's an issue. Do you think if the local papers put it deep in paper the US Embassy won't know there is a crime problem? It is idiotic to think placement in a paper is the issue here. It's laughable the PM would say something so silly. That spells he has no strategy to combat crime. If there was a strategy you don't need to tell the papers where to place a story or how to write or to check with him if they can do it or not. He's trying to censor the press. It begins with the message hurts tourism. It will continue to other things as he doesn't want to show they don't have control. Crime is bad and they're spending money like no tomorrow but the country is running deficit after deficit. Mr. Davis please run the country and do what you said you would do. Don't look around to see who you can blame for something to make it seem as if you're less incompetent.

zemilou 1 year, 1 month ago

The population of New Providence is equivalent to that of a small city in the USA. City newspapers would be covering the murders especially as the murder rate per capita in NP is alarmingly high.

pt_90 1 year, 1 month ago

Irony: This made the front page.

Wait till this gets picked up in the intl media.

trueBahamian 1 year, 1 month ago

Lol. Can you imagine someone reading this and thinking that guy is talking censorship of.the press. That's going to cause more of a stir than the crime issue. Now tourist start to think this is a failed state.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

Maybe that was the Tribunes editor’s intention. Add fuel to the fire. Then run back to his hometown whilst the country ‘burns’ too. Even to find a more raging fire where he runs to.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 1 month ago

All the rabble rousers keep one issue in mind if there is a full out it will be no respect of FNM or PlP be care full how ditches are diged the one who digs the ditch may fall in note the situation in the other place that fall out may put him out of business

John 1 year, 1 month ago

The real news story should have been ‘ The Police say they have solved 50 percent of the murders occurring in 2024 AND a number of the murders were connected.’ Meaning there was no outright increase in crime and now that the persons involved in that incident have been arrested and have ( unfortunately) lost their lives, the crime situation should deflate to usual levels . But for The Tribune, it’s attack on the prime minister was a bigger headline in a moment where the country was in crisis and many people where in sonic and the international press was feeding on the situation, Snd for those who question my sanity, maybe you should question the rationale and agenda of the management of the Tribune media who had their cackling hens focus on their fight with the prime minister rather than the real news headline that could help put this country back on its economic feet, turn things right side up and restore the surety of safety amongst the tourist population. And a quick research will confirm that when it appears that talk show hosts are being dictated to at a micro level, not only do those hosts loose credibility and popularity, but their show audience fry up and the show disappears within a matter of months . That is not just here in The Bahamas but the industry standard. The Tribune’s only FOUR bloggers are so use to coming here posting hate filled and disparaging remarks about Bahamians and The Bahamas, their feathers become ruffled when their comfort zone is interrupted. So carry on smartly. The Tribune’s management had clearly demonstrated their intentions.

John 1 year, 1 month ago

‘ 34Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father. b ”

SP 1 year, 1 month ago

"The PLP campaigned that it had the answers to violent crime, while the Ingraham administration did not".

The PLP and FNM failed education and immigration policies are the chief engineers of crime!

We will continue to have increasing crime issues until we rid ourselves of the useless PLP and FNM.

sheeprunner12 1 year, 1 month ago

This headline is the same reason why the New Day crew should have NEVER been elected to Government. They are making HAM and his FNM Government look real GOOD right now.

If HAM takes over the FNM soon, it will be another FNM landslide in 2026 ......... but I am not sure about Pintard's prospects.

themessenger 1 year, 1 month ago

And what makes you think, considering HAM's rejection and boycotting at the poles by the FNM faithful during the last election, that he will miraculously rise from the ashes of his own immolation?

ExposedU2C 1 year, 1 month ago

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

carltonr61 1 year, 1 month ago

In Chicago deaths ate on page 35. No head lines. But if you saw the figures!

TalRussell 1 year, 1 month ago

Shouldn't go as far as to directly taint someone as being corrupt. --- Unless you're prepared to be summoned to brung the Proof! .--- Yes?

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