Tribune Staff Reporter


A LETTER has surfaced purporting to show that despite claiming he did not know a woman for whom he sought $15,000 in NIB coverage, Gregory Moss was in fact “personally familiar” with the patient.

The opposition FNM hit out at Mr Moss over the letter, which asks a doctor for help in drawing a payment plan for the woman, but sources close to the former NIB chairman insist he “was not wrong” in getting her much-needed medical assistance.

Without confirming or denying the validity of the letter, the sources said Mr Moss was not acquainted with the patient, but did know her daughter.

But in a statement on Facebook last week, Mr Moss claimed he did not know either of the women.

“Concerning the issuance of a letter of guarantee to Doctors Hospital for $15,000, that allegation is true,” he wrote. “But the aspersion connected with it is patently and demonstrably false. The facts are that some months ago, on a Saturday, I received a distraught telephone call from a lady concerning her mother who was scheduled to have heart valve surgery at Doctors Hospital the following Monday morning at 8am.  I did not personally know the lady or her mother.”

Meanwhile the letter – which appears to bear Mr Moss’ signature – states: “I am personally familiar with [name blanked out] and with her family and assure you that they are very credible and hardworking people.”

A copy of the document was sent to The Tribune by an anonymous source, and several words were blanked out.

FNM chairman Daron Cash yesterday said the letter came as no surprise, and served as confirmation that the public was not told the truth over the matter.

He said: “The stories are clearly inconsistent and go to the heart of why there was a need for change at the top of NIB. In our view, the Bahamian people will not judge Mr Moss harshly for zealously trying to assist a Grand Bahamian in need, whether she was a constituent or not.

“What people are offended and troubled by is the appearance of a cover-up and a general effort to shade or outrightly hide the truth.”

Mr Cash said all various concerns about NIB that came to light over the past several weeks will not simply vanish with the appointment of a new chairman.

The board, NIB Minister Shane Gibson and Prime Minister Perry Christie should all be held accountable, Mr Cash insisted.

“(They) cannot gloss over the inconvenient truth that the entire board of directors of NIB worked hand in glove with Mr Moss and were a part of his overall misguided efforts that have destabilised the corporation.

“His violations of policy, the witch hunt, and the special sweetheart deals were all done with the board’s knowledge and endorsement. They were all complicit and should all be held accountable,” Mr Cash said.

More about NIB is expected to be uncovered when a forensic audit report is completed. NIB Minister Shane Gibson said the report should be ready some time this week, but there was no further update up to press time last night.


proudloudandfnm 12 years, 2 months ago

Yup he was buying votes with NIB money. Only way he could win, the man has the charisma of a rock...

John 12 years, 2 months ago

Everything in this country seems to be scandal ridden, When it ain't friends giving friends kickbacks, they keeping it 'all in the family". Government needs to investigate why only two or three stores benefiting from the $2 million school uniform assistnce Social Serices give out every year, while many other stores ready to close because they cannot sell uniforms what the government is giving away. who friend or family they is?

jackflash 12 years, 2 months ago

This is getting better all the time!!

I wonder how deep a hole was dug for Moss, cause it sure is getting full of all the s*@ht he is accused of!!!

boldtruth 12 years, 2 months ago

Moss is guilty as SIN! He wanted Cargill out of the way to make the way clear for his pockets. When will the reports be released?

jackflash 12 years, 2 months ago

The report will no doubt go before the closed cabnate and then be fixed up so that no wrong doing on the part of Moss or Shame can be seen. Since Cargil is clean they will come up with some other issue as a smoke screen and it will all go away. You just have to 'Believe in Bahamas'!

concernedcitizen 12 years, 2 months ago

a gomez and a christie are doing the report ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmao

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