Nottage upset at Christian Council


Tribune Staff Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Bernard Nottage said he was “disappointed” the Bahamas Christian Council did not voice its objections to the wording of the gambling referendum question when the question was first presented to them, prior to its release.


Dr. Bernard Nottage

Speaking in the House of Assembly yesterday, he explained the government presented both referendum questions to the BCC “for review” and gave them the opportunity to personally speak with the prime minister on the questions, before they were presented to the public.

A letter sent by the Council and the Save Our Bahamas Vote No Campaign to Dr Nottage objected to the wording of the referendum question: “Do you support the regulation and taxation of Web Shop gaming?”

They believe “regulation” should not be used, as this implies gambling is already legal; rather, they said, the “correct and transparent word” that should be used in its stead is “legalisation.”

Dr Nottage explained yesterday the use of the term “regulation” in the gambling referendum “implicity covers” legalisation as unlawful activities cannot be regulated.

“The questions were presented to them for their review and no objections were raised,” he said. “They were informed of the process that would ensue, given the dates for the issuance of the Referendum Order by the Governor General and the schedule thereafter ending with the poll.”

All questions raised by them were “answered comprehensively,” Dr Nottage continued, and there were no concerns expressed regarding the wording of the questions.

The concerns came later in a letter from BCC president Ranford Patterson on behalf of the Council and the Vote No Campaign when they “alleged the question was incorrectly worded,” Dr Nottage said.

“In my response to them, I pointed out that the questions which were contained in the Order issued by the Governor General on January 2 accurately reflected the propositions upon which the government wishes the public to vote,” he said.

“I also expressed disappointment that the objections were not made when the questions were presented to them earlier. More importantly, I pointed out to them that an unlawful activity cannot be regulated and that the word ‘regulation’ implicitly covers ‘legalisation’.”

The results of the January 28 referendum – which also contains the question, “do you support the establishment of a National Lottery?” – will be determined by a simple majority of the number of “yes” votes versus the number of “no” votes for each question.

Dr Nottage said a maximum of three local observers per polling station will be appointed with a view to “ensuring the fairness of the process” and one should represent the “no” vote and one the “yes” vote.

Voter registration for the referendum closes today at 5pm. Persons who voted in the general election are eligible to vote and do not have to register again; and persons who registered to vote after the general election, do not have to register again.

“Qualified persons who are desirous of voting in the advanced poll have until (today) to submit the relevant application form to the Parliamentary Commissioner,” Dr Nottage said.

“Persons who reside overseas, a complete Form J must be submitted. Special voters, namely election officials, those who on referendum day are likely to be off island, hospitalised, (or) undergoing medical attention, must complete Form K.”


TalRussell 12 years, 2 months ago

First PM Christie attacks the BCC and now the leader of the official opposition joins in on the attack against the BCC?

Comrades like I been saying since the PM Vote "YES" "Thing" started, both the PLP and red shirts are guilty of having accepted cash donations from the numbers "Bosses" to finance their election campaigns, placing both party leaders in crystal clear conflict of interests positions.

Maybe Bahamians could have found it in they hearts to respect them if only they had big enough man balls to have come right out and declared their Vote "YES" support?

Come January 28, 2013, if PM Christie does not cancel his "Thing," Bahamians will forget all about being gold or red shirts, and insist that the Commish sends he policeman's to deal with the numbers "bosses" criminal activities?

Yes, Jesus did have two daddies, but there are more than two numbers "bosses," to please and although they may believe they can all walk on water, any "YES" promises made ain't going work out so good, come January 28, 2013?



Concerned 12 years, 2 months ago

Please Dr. Nottage shut up. Please shut up!! No government should require outsiders to proofread the information released by the government. What kind of incompetent government writes documents whose meaning are implicit? Be explicit in meaning and there will be no confusion. Don't blame the Christian Council - blame the people who sit around the table with you in Cabinet. Blame yourself.

Gadfly 12 years, 2 months ago

There are numerous substantive issues that have not been and will not be addressed before we are asked to vote on January 28th, however, I am somewhat dumbfounded by the above explanation of Dr. Nottage who states that the term “regulation” in the gambling referendum “implicity covers” legalisation as unlawful activities cannot be regulated. If Dr. Nottage is correct, then I am afraid it can also be argued that it does not matter whether the "yes" or "no" vote prevails because either outcome satisfies or "implies" the condition precedent that the activity we are being asked to regulate is legal. Therefore, a "no" vote only means no to regulation. Oh what a slippery slope. No matter which side one supports, on such a serious and substantive issue with potential wide ranging consequences, we can do better than this!

maryann 12 years, 2 months ago

With that 100.000 web shop account holders PGC is speaking of quite alot of them are people who are not eligible to vote in this country because they only holding permits or have up to five different accounts.. Tis government claims they donot have a horse in this race.but is sure making this referendum top proirity spending what little we have already and crying about borrowing more money after only nine months in office . When they can simply pass or ammend whatever laws in the parliament to legalize gamblingt no money needs to be spent if the vote was done in Parliament. but no they donot want this on their heads just looking to throw the blame on the average Bahmian voter. just to payback their campaign donors for assisting them with flying or getting to every inhabited island in the Bahamas during the recent election.Are we the Bahamian people going to spend the next four years running to and from the polls ? Why did the people elect this government when it seem like we are going to be running to and from the polls?

dude 11 years, 9 months ago

it will never make a change if you voted or not

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BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

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