Tribune Business Editor
“Productive” discussions between the Government and real estate-related professions over the ‘first-time buyer’ Stamp Duty exemption should stimulate “a far stronger and more active market”, Tribune Business was told yesterday.
Adrian White, head of the Bahamas Bar Association’s real estate committee, said talks involving the Bar, Ministry of Finance and the Bahamas Real Estate Association (BREA) had focused on removing the “difficulties” some first-time buyers, and their advisers, had experienced in both accessing the exemption and appealing its refusal.
Telling this newspaper that resolving the issue was “key to the consistency” of real estate sales and providing “comfort” to all involved, buyers, lenders, realtors and attorneys, Mr White said both BREA and the Bar were working to provide suggestions for how the exemption process could be improved.
Tribune Business revealed last year how first-time buyer applications were being rejected by the Treasury, which was adding the value of any mortgage financing to the purchase, or conveyancing prices.
In many instances, this was pushing first-time buyers above the $500,000 Stamp Duty threshold above which they would not qualify for the exemption, and Mr White told Tribune Business that other issues were also discussed with the Government.
These included whether first-time buyer applications could seek the exemption on 100 per cent of the Stamp Duty due on the sale, rather than just 50 per cent, and that banks were requiring mortgage clients to set money aside to pay the tax due to uncertainty over whether they would get the exemption.
Assessing the importance of resolving these problems, Mr White told this newspaper: “I think it’s key to the consistency of sales, and the comfort of both lending institutions, first-time buyers and realtors, as well as attorneys, to know what is acceptable, what will be approved, what will not be approved, and to ensure these policies are consistent with what is contained in the Stamp Act.”
The talks between the Government and private sector were aiming to develop a solution “in everyone’s interest”.
Mr White said the plan was to ensure “there is clarity and a fully-functioning system that is more productive, which enables a far stronger and more active lending market, and a far stronger and more active real estate industry. We’re on our way”.
Confirming that the Bar and BREA had met with Michael Halkitis, the minister of state for finance, and Ehurd Cunningham, the financial secretary, to discuss the issue, Mr White described the discussions as “productive”.
“Our discussions were on the difficulties that have been experienced by first-time buyers expecting to access the exemption, and practitioners advising on their behalf in dealing with the applications,” Mr White told Tribune Business.
“We focused on areas where first-time buyers and practitioners are having difficulty with the initial application, and then appealing [any rejection].
“Everyone is understanding of the situation, and everyone has given a positive response and suggestions as to what needs to be done going forward.”
Mr White said these difficulties included episodes where “the mortgage is being combined with the conveyance amount, and pushing them out of the $500,000 bracket”.
“Another was the question of whether a first-time buyer can obtain the full exemption on the full amount, as opposed to half the exemption,” the Bar real estate committee head added.
Real estate sales agreements in the Bahamas usually split the Stamp Duty payment 50:50 between buyer and seller. While the Treasury had accepted the exemption on the buyer’s portion, it had been rejecting those that included the seller’s share on the grounds that the exemption was never intended to forego 100 per cent of the Stamp Duty due.
But, following the meeting with the Ministry of Finance, Mr White said: “That was something we were advised would be allowed as long as the sales agreement said the purchaser would be responsible for paying the full amount.”
Banks and lending institutions, though, were also experiencing problems where first-time buyer transactions were being held up by delays related to whether the Stamp Duty exemption would be approved, and subsequent appeals of rejections.
“Banks assume that the security for the funds advanced is going to be protected by recording of the mortgage as quickly as possible,” Mr White explained.
“In some cases, there are mortgages subject to Stamp Duty exemptions where appeals are pending for two-three months, and the bank’s concern is that the security is not recorded, and therefore their position of priority is not on record.”
He added: “If the buyers are refused the exemption entirely, or a part of the exemption, whatever amount they contemplated getting approval for, they have to come up with those funds.
“If those funds are not available, it becomes a credit quality issue for the bank; does it advance more money. And buyers, who may already be strained, have to find funds from elsewhere to pay the Stamp Duty they previously thought was exempt.”
Mr White told Tribune Business he was “very encouraged” by the response of Messrs Halkitis and Cunningham, and added: “There’s work to be done on our part to make proposals and assist wherever we can.”
He added that both the Bar Association and BREA planned “to make some suggestions that will be of assistance any time amendments are contemplated to the Stamp Act, as well as the anticipated renewal of the current exemption”.
The first-time buyer Stamp Duty exemption is set to expire on June 30, 2013, but it is thought likely the Government will renew it, not only to stimulate real estate sales but make home ownership more affordable for lower and middle income Bahamians.
“This year hopefully will see positive change to the Stamp Act that not only continues the exemption offered to first-time buyers, but brings certainty to the country’s revenue agency going forward,” Mr White added.
Mr Halkitis forwarded Tribune Business’s inquiries to Mr Cunningham, who did not return this newspaper’s calls on Tuesday and was said to be out of office until Monday yesterday.
dana 11 years, 6 months ago
The real estate market is definitely going through a lot of turmoil right now. The sooner these issues get resolved the better for the realtors as well as for the investors. I am associated with a">Des Moines real estate service and here the situation is gradually getting better.
henjons88 11 years, 6 months ago
If this passes, the real-estate market would eventually get back on track. And finally have enough resources for projects like">Flat Roofing and extended housing.
henjons88 11 years, 5 months ago
Qualification is paramount, especially in real estate. Sometimes it may be the key factor, I learned that from my time at">Cal Am before I wanted to start my business, though nowadays we don't lack alternatives, take outsourced marketing for example. Anyway, I'm not saying that ideology doesn't matter or that it's less important.
henjons88 11 years, 4 months ago
I'm surprised that the real estate market has seen quite a significant growth in the last quarter. A friend of mine from">Pool Town told me that houses in certain areas have become twice as valuable this year than last one.
henjons88 11 years, 4 months ago
I don't see why the real estate market requires these duty exemptions, it's not like people who run a small business like"> that relies on the real estate market, are getting any tax cuts or incentives, and this economical crisis affects us all, not just realtors.
isabella 11 years, 4 months ago
The first time home buyers often have to go through many issues. If you are a home buyer, you should take professional help in this regard, there are online real estate portals available for you. You would also find particular sites for your specific need, for instance, you could">find Kansas City commercial real estate with
henjons88 11 years, 4 months ago
In my opinion, financially, it would be a breakthrough for the area, but if the community's complaints are legit, it should wait and maybe seek some tips on"> I wonder if this would happen in Washington as well.
karina 11 years, 4 months ago
The government should take all the steps needed to make housing more affordable option for the home buyers. I have spent years in this industry working for">Summit Property Management, we are more familiar with the needs of the home owners.
henjons88 11 years, 4 months ago
Although property value is known to grow in time, and real estate seems like a good field to invest in, more and more businessmen are investing their money in">A&C Plumbing Services and other companies. Probably because although the housing market will have its ups and downs, people will still need plumbers.
nicolae06 11 years, 4 months ago
It is important to deal with a real estate seller that has integrity and who will tell you the truth about the house he is trying to sell you. I bought a new house too but I had big problems with the plumbing. I found in the end, great professionals that helped me at">
leonardo85 11 years, 3 months ago
They need to create a comfortable environment for the home buyers. The real estate agents too should guide the buyers to help them find the best deal. When we bought our house, we had great help and guidance from">Gwen Johnson.
dana 11 years, 3 months ago
This has been a big purchase for them. However, when it comes to real properties you need to have the best real estate agent to make a good deal. When I bought my first property, I found great help at">
leonardo85 11 years, 3 months ago
When it comes to first time buyers, the authorities should consider relaxing the rules a bit. My grandmother was a successful realtor, she knew the market like the back of her hand. Recently she fell seriously ill, but thanks to the efficient service of">LifeMatters home care, she is now much better.
ciaociao 11 years ago
My spouse and I are getting ready to buy a house in Brooklyn. We're talking to a company who buy houses, gut-renovate them, then resell (would you call that a real estate developer? My neighbour told me to check out">Gershman about this. They have a gutted property that we really like, so we're discussing doing renovations according to our requests, then buying the property in move-in condition.
cgold 10 years, 10 months ago
I've done my share of volunteering before I found out about the">Homes for sale in Nashville from the older realtors, but most of them preferred to keep to themselves a lot. One thing we all have in common, we need a friend every now and then when the road get tough.
cgold 10 years, 10 months ago
The real estate market in Salem Oregon has seen substantial growth thanks to tax duty exemptions and I think this is a good strategy that could help the…">private community and any other economic community that needs to be encouraged.
dasythomas 10 years, 10 months ago
Real Estate is no doubt is the most booming market now a days. Investements in real estates turns out to be extremely profitable. But if real estate business is boosted up by a website, it can do miracles. So one should have an…">ecommerce web design for his/her real estate business, it will help to keep a continuous track of the visitors and one can easily track out the lead generation for the website.
holymoly 10 years, 10 months ago
Since I was a child my dream was to have a big house, with swimming pool and a garden full of roses and tulips. After I've graduated university I found a great job and saved money in order to buy the house of my dreams. One of my friends who works as a real estate agent recommended me to view some…">Verandah houses as they are exactly what I am looking for. She was right when telling that and a few weeks ago I've bought an amazing house in Florida. I am very satisfied of it and the price was great.
holymoly 10 years, 9 months ago
I am glad to hear that the authorities finally decided to take measures and to remove the “difficulties” some first-time buyers, and their advisers, had experienced in both accessing the exemption and appealing its refusal as in this way the real estate market will develop. I am had a house in Nashville and a few months ago I decided to sell it. I've contacted a real estate auctioneer from"> and I sold it at a very good price.
holymoly 10 years, 9 months ago
I've just decided to sell my house as I want to move in a nice apartment. One of my best friends recommended me to contact a seller agent from…">… as it is better to work with a real estate firm in order to negotiate a good price and to sell it quickly.
firenzz 10 years, 9 months ago
This new duty exemption law and The Great Gatsby were two of my favorite childhood reads. I saw a house similar to the Gatsby Mansion from Luhrmann's movie on">RE/MAX House of Brokers. I think it's a beautiful movie, but I'm not so sure it's about the housing crisis.
Lilith 10 years, 9 months ago
The crisis affected all types of business, but I find it surprisingly that some have made it through. Especially in the real estate market. I guess that some companies, such as…">… have a much stronger business plan and a more creative marketing plan.
firenzz 10 years, 8 months ago
The real estate market has yet to relapse from the heavy blow that it took during the economic crisis. I know that for now there's a…">huge offer and very few people out to buy a house or property, because it seems to make more sense to rent in times of crisis than to invest in real estate.
giorgi 10 years, 8 months ago
I think this subsidy is unjustifiable, since it's all going to come from the taxpayers' pockets. I am a business student and I learned a lot from the">Innovia Community Management Cooperative. I think the $158 million is too big of a subsidy for the advantages that a vital real estate market has to bring to the community
holymoly 10 years, 8 months ago
The real estate market seems to be stronger now in comparison with two years ago. There are more and more people who choose to buy properties instead of renting and the price is good. I've bought a house a few weeks ago and I made a great deal. I still have to decorate it and to buy some furniture but this won't cost me so much. My mother has already bought me a beautiful…">duvet set for the bedroom and we will go together on Monday in order to order some kitchen tiles.
holymoly 10 years, 8 months ago
The real estate market has developed a lot in the last two years and there are a lot of options for people who want to buy a property. I've saved money for years and finally I reached to buy the house of my dreams. It is a small house with nice architecture and a big garden. I still have to buy some wardrobes and to decorate the kitchen but I've already moved there. My best friend bought me some nice…">Bella Notte blankets that look great on my living room sofa.
holymoly 10 years, 6 months ago
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giorgi 10 years, 6 months ago
Every company should invest in a strong security system, for instance every employee could have a…">proximity card and a identification number. More and more business owners have meetings regarding the marketing strategies and they should be kept within the firm.
holymoly 10 years, 4 months ago
The real estate market is developing very fast and there are a lot of people who invest in this field as it brings a lot of benefits. There are many people who are interested in buying a house or just a parcel where to build a new one. If you are planing to build a house than you should think in hiring a professional construction team and a great architect in order to create the house of your dreams. Moreover when it comes to the interior design, there are some great specialists that may give you some advice about how to decorate it. For instance, if you want to create a modern and elegant interior design in your kitchen than you should think in a combination between quartz and travertine. When it comes to lightning, some LED lamps from…">… would be the best choice.
holymoly 10 years, 4 months ago
There are a lot of people who rather prefer buying a house or an apartment than renting one. This is why the real estate market is developing as the number of people who want to buy properties is increasing and real estate companies are struggling to provide them the best offers. If you want to buy a house than you should think in choosing a professional real estate agent in order to help you find what you are looking for. After buying a house, it would be recommended to hire an interior designer in order to help you create a nice and elegant interior design and at the front door you should think in putting one of those amazing U.S. flags from…">The Flag Company.
holymoly 10 years, 4 months ago
This article provides useful information. In the last years, there were made some major changes in the real estate field and it developed a lot. There are some great properties for sale in the U.S. such as the">beach style modular home in Brick and many people are interested in buying houses.
holymoly 10 years, 4 months ago
This is an…">amazing site where you can find quality information about the real estate market. It developed a lot in the last decades and there are many people interested in buying properties. Moreover people are more interested in buying then renting which is great as in this way the real estate market keeps developing.
kymo 10 years, 3 months ago
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zumb44 10 years, 3 months ago
Living accommodations are important for everybody. Tax exemptions are welcome in this field. There are many">interior fit out companies and owners who will benefit from this. A home is a feeling, some say.
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