According to me


Sharon Turner

BEGINNING tomorrow, Sharon Turner, the former deputy director of Government Information under the Ingraham administration, begins her weekly column ‘According to Me – Sharon T’ in The Tribune.

Spending five years as a mainstream journalist, Ms Turner studied clinical psychology and classical voice before entering the field of campaign politics, spearheading the public, internet and media relations for the successful 2007 election campaign of the Free National Movement. She began her political and current affairs blogging in September 2012 and, after only four months, it is one of the most widely read blogs in the country.

Speaking about why she began her blog, Ms Turner said the Bahamas faces challenges that Bahamians cannot afford to ignore. As such, she said she wants Bahamians to understand that they need not fear any politician or government of the day because the men and women the country elects are our employees, not our bosses.

“So if a stand needs to be taken, Bahamians need to understand the power that lies in taking a united stand for what is right for their country,” she said.

“We don’t have to sit back and complain behind closed doors – we can make a difference with our voices as well as our votes.

“Aside from politics, I also want Bahamians to begin to truly take stock of their lives, who they are as men and women, and to work toward breaking free of whatever chains may be holding them back in their life.

“While my career affiliation politically has been with the Free National Movement, I am a writer who calls it as I see it, so whether it is government or opposition, everyone will get called out where appropriate, and called on to do their jobs whenever and wherever those jobs are not being done – because for me it is country before politics.”

• ‘According to Me - Sharon T’ will appear every Friday in The Tribune.


TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

I am looking forward to see if Comrade Sister Sharon is even capable of separating her opinions on various topics, away from them not sounding as if Hubert wrote the words for her?

bigdee 12 years, 1 month ago

well we all know the this newspaper is own by well known fnm and sharon turner is FNM where were she when bahamains had sit in traffic for long hours upon hours the road works cost almost a billion dollars where were she when btc was sold for pennies answer that miss turner stop trying beat a dead horse the people speak and i believe if a election was called to day the fnm will get beat again

fio 11 years, 11 months ago

exactly that's how they do it nowadays, they approach the public using social media and it's more easier to win them on their side

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