Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has said he will vote 'no' in the upcoming gambling referendum.
Having previously said he would not be voting, Mr Ingraham said Thursday: "I have no personal objection to individuals engaging in legal games of chance. I have previously said that I would not participate in a referendum meant to legalize web-shop gambling or “numbers” while leaving in place a prohibition preventing Bahamian citizens, residents and work permit holders from access to legalized gaming in casinos licensed and regulated by the Bahamas Gaming Board.
“Having dedicated my professional life to the legal profession, and having been honoured to have served as a representative in the House of Assembly for 35 years and as Prime Minister for 15 years, the blatant disrespect and disregard of the laws of our land is intolerable to me.
“It is impossible for me to see at least three self-declared violators of gaming laws parade through the main street of our city, demonstrate in front of Parliament demanding that the people endorse their illegal behaviour and make them legal, and fear no consequence for their actions from the law- enforcement sector of our country.”
And he hit out at what he called “excuses for illegal behaviour."
“To excuse illegal behaviour because it is supposedly too expensive to counter is unconscionable. To excuse illegal behaviour because it creates employment is inexcusable, and to excuse illegal behaviour because some believe that it will bring additional revenue to the Public Treasury is similarly inexcusable.
“I urge all law-abiding citizens of our land to vote on Monday and to vote no. Non-participation and hence a low voter turnout will work to the benefit of those opposed to law and good order in our country.”
jackbnimble 12 years, 1 month ago
"To excuse illegal behaviour because it is supposedly too expensive to counter is unconscionable. To excuse illegal behaviour because it creates employment is inexcusable, and to excuse illegal behaviour because some believe that it will bring additional revenue to the Public Treasury is similarly inexcusable."
Spot on, Mr. Ingraham and I am not one of your fans.
reverendrichlive 12 years, 1 month ago
Who cares what Ingram says, he had his turn...numerous times I may add.
Now you Jack, you are inexcusable for being so dumb.
JohnDoe 12 years, 1 month ago
Whether you like this man or not, you must respect him because he will always tell you what he thinks and believes and exactly what he is going to do. No surprises! He is spot on with the above assessment. All Bahamians who are bemoaning the general state of lawlessness in this country should read the "Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell and take particular note of the "Broken Window Theory". In general the theory states that condoning or turning a blind eye to lawlessness in any form, as small as it may seem, begets and encourages more lawlessness. When a society allows a special class of citizens to openly disobey the laws that they may not like then the moral authority of that society is diminished to enforce its laws on any member of that society. Mr. PM, responsible governance requires that we either change the laws or enforce them.
jackbnimble 12 years, 1 month ago
Or better yet, stop taking campaign donations from known criminals and thereby alleviate your obligation to "regularise" them.
reverendrichlive 12 years, 1 month ago
All this so-called "Lawlessness" was here before and will be here after all is said and done, whether you vote "YES" or "NO". iT MATTERS NOT WHICH PARTY IS IN POWER.
dacy 12 years, 1 month ago
I am glad to see my beloved changing his mind because his country needs him once again! I was disappointed by his orginal statement...but this PAPA girl is very please today.…
reverendrichlive 12 years, 1 month ago
" Flip-Flop King " is best title for this loser-man whom the Bahamian people FIRED. He should be enjoying his retirement, but like all junkies he's back on that ting call, P O W E R
TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago…
tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago
The Top Cop should resign after such a show of lawlessness in the middle of down town .. We are truly a nation for sale.
boldtruth 12 years, 1 month ago
Ingraham flopped to no. JohnDoe please - Ingraham is an indiot that even a blind man can see!
PAPA PLEEEEESE - disappear into the sunset because we have had enough of you. We sent you packing so please stay there - out of sight and out of mind!
JohnDoe 12 years, 1 month ago
I thought one of the key points being made by the government was that this was about deepening democracy. I guess it is the brand of democracy where only certain people should voice their opinion. HAI has every right to voice his opinion and beliefs. Instead of personally attacking myself and HAI, speak and criticize the substance of what HAI has to say above. Constructive debate is what democracy is all about. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
boldtruth 12 years, 1 month ago
Bahamians have every right to vote up or down - to have a say one way or the other, but a bitter retired politician who cannot accept defeat is just sad and pathetic.
His documented words now published and gone viral show how pathetic and week his new enlightened position is.
If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat - then by George it's a RAT!
dacy 12 years, 1 month ago
obviously you are blind by your own bitterness, or you would see that HAI is far better than choice that the donkey at the wheel, one day your pride will allow you to admit you and many other did the country wrong and made a huge mistake which our children will pay for. Perry Christie and the PLP are bad for this Country. Say what you like, feel what you may...HAI at his worst is a better leader than perry W, Christie at his best!
maryann 12 years, 1 month ago
Papa is a Bahamian and he has just as much rights as you and I to speak out on issues that affects our belovedCountry. He has the rights to speak out............
boldtruth 12 years, 1 month ago
Unfortunately the more he talks the less people want to hear from him. His is now officially the laughing stock of this entire matter. His own published cabinet papers demonstrate that he is truly the most insidiousness politician this country has ever seen - that is a difficult feat to achieve. Only blinded political cronies would not admit the truth when it come to Ingraham.
dacy 12 years, 1 month ago
you are official crazy, if you think HAI is the laughing stock...Perry W, Christie is a National Shame. I am ashame as a educated Bahamian female that I am lead by a weak, wutless, balless, non thinker, everytime he open his mouth stupidness comes out, man.
boldtruth 12 years, 1 month ago
No wonder the name Papa Clown cut HAI like a knife. The truth really hurts - sorry.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 1 month ago
lest w/ papa you can seperate the sheep from the goat ,,,i ain sure who is wearin skirt or who wearin pant w/ this crew
GrammarKing242 12 years, 1 month ago
Dacy, you claim to be educated. Can you do me one favor before you comment again. Check your grammar.. "I am ashame as a educated Bahamian female that I am lead by a weak, wutless, balless, non thinker, everytime he open his mouth stupidness comes out, man." Please correct it! Thank you
shortpants 12 years, 1 month ago
Dacy at least someone has the guts to speak the truth about this lost PM and his bunch of cronies ,boldtruth you I guess comes from the uneducated fools that are too dumb to learn to read and know what was happening all over the world when we really had recession . HAI NEVER once let any workers go instead he tried his dammest to keep most of the political masses that voted him out for the worst PM any country in the caribbean has ever seen .Bring back all the dead ,left the young to suffer for the next five years why the hell you'll think this country is in a mess because they won't let the dead stay dead.Lost PM solded you'll uneducated fools all kinds of dreams and laughing his ass off saying these fools must not know we can't help them but lets just PROMISE, them a comfort to fools .At least HAI spoke the truth and had our backs ,these CRONIES only checking for them and their families.Vote Yes or No and this shit still going through...The Greedy Pastors that agree with this foolishness will pay, God don't like ugly only make them. Lost PM just as Lost as you'll uneducated fools. Every country around the world curb there spending reduce their cabinet.Think he give a damm about us NO this is what you'll vote for slackness ,so enjoy it .
dacy 12 years, 1 month ago
some were born blind but these set chose to be blind againts what is obvious! This is perry and his administration only hope for the people they lied to. This is our national ecomonic stimulus package, this is our solution to unemployment and equipping our uniformed forces. what a joke! If this is all they have to offer then we are royally screwed. Our country is in scrambles, our leaders are corrupt, and our people are wondering about giving away their little to a few men who are exploiting their desired for more but lack the will to be creative to earn a living. for them and their children. What is most disturbing is how can we now go and encourage our children to work hard in school, but we promoting short cuts to wealth. We are willing to scarifice 99% for the 1% employment by these illegal entities. There is no amount of degrees that can replace common sense and integrity!
GrammarKing242 12 years, 1 month ago
Another a*s is speaking his or her mind. Thank God for freedom of speech.
boldtruth 12 years, 1 month ago
Shortpants I would put all my educational credentials and that of every member of three generations of my adult family against you and yours.
You are below my dignity and above my audacity - only the ignorant takes such a myopic position to move discourse to a gutter sniping level. Read a book - preferably one without pictures - if you are able.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 1 month ago
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you told them ,,,"above my audacity" lmao
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