By Ava Turnquest
Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie vowed that he will not be deterred by mounting criticism of the gaming referendum after The Nassau Guardian yesterday urged its readers to “vote no” in Monday’s referendum.
With only a few days left before voters go to the polls, Mr Christie criticised The Guardian for “unfair”
presentation of his past statements in its editorial, which accused the Progressive Liberal Party and his administration of undermining the democratic process.
“The same degree to which my objectivity was questioned and challenged,” he said, The Nassau Guardian “must also understand that there is an existing view that they are not objective and that they are looking for a desired result and so that’s just how it is in our country.
“They must expect me to have a view, I voted in this democratic country. What I have decided to do is not allow the people to hear me say whether I have voted yes or no because I would influence people who support me.”
While he acknowledged that the newspaper had a democratic right to publish its opinion, Mr Christie said the conclusions made were “dead wrong.”
He added that his administration will seek an explanation for the newspaper’s condemnation.
Mr Christie said: “[Critics] are not going to deter me, the same people believed that I wouldn’t win the general election, the same people who argued that they were not going to support me in the general election, they are the same people who tell me it’s unwise for me to negotiate 51 per cent in BTC and I’m undeterred by all of that.
“I will continue,” he said, “with the commitments I made to the Bahamian people and those commitments that were lawfully made, that were voted upon, that people have agreed to and I am resolute in my commitment to make it happen.”
In yesterday’s editorial, The Nassau Guardian encouraged its readers to vote “no” in Monday’s gaming referendum as an expression of no confidence in the government.
Pointing to statements made by PLP chairman Bradley Roberts, and Mr Christie, the newspaper concluded that the referendum “has descended into a political spectacle besieged by lies and pathetic explanations.”
“The Nassau Guardian will not surrender its integrity to the Progressive Liberal Party’s campaign to swindle yes votes from unsuspecting Bahamian voters,” said the editorial.
On Sunday, Mr Roberts released a press statement declaring that the PLP supported a “yes” vote; however, he later retracted the statement, saying that it was his own and not the party’s position.
The newspaper criticised Mr Christie’s public statements as “forward-leaning on the anticipation of web shops being made legal”, and added his comments “indicate that a Bahamian voter who votes no is responsible for this possibility of unemployment.”
Defending his statements concerning the consequences of a no vote, Mr Christie said unemployment was a reality and legitimate concern regardless of the context.
“As prime minister, there is no issue that ought to so blind me to any reality that will result. If the yes vote happens then we know the people will not be out of work, however many 200 or 2,000.
“If there is a no vote we have to find an alternative because I am serious in my commitment to reflect the no vote in new government policies to prevent what is happening in The Bahamas today.
Underscoring the fact that Mr Roberts was not a part of the government, Mr Christie said party members were free to choose sides and work for any campaign.
“One or two members of my government have said some things that I would have wished they would not have said, but the fact of the matter is it’s a reality in life that people have a view.
“Obie Wilchcombe for 20 years has been articulating a view that Bahamians ought to have the right to lawfully gamble in our country and that there is a contradiction between allowing foreigners to come in.”
The two questions for the January 28 referendum are: “Do you support the regulation and taxation of Web Shop gaming and Do you support the establishment of a National Lottery?”
maryann 12 years, 1 month ago
Mr PM. you did not have say by the very word you uttered and keeps uttering generations not born yet knows which position you took . Remember the people whom works at the media are Bahamains to and have rights as well to voice their opinion as well that their rights.
guyfawkes 12 years, 1 month ago
The comment I find interesting is "He added that his administration will seek an explanation for the newspaper’s condemnation." I really wonder what this means for that Newspaper. Since when does a government tell you they will use their power to demand an explanation for why an editorial choose a certain position. I guess he expected them to consult with him before the piece was published.
TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago
PM you know I had been championing for your return to power, so my only axe to grind is with the reckless and rushy approach you are leading your government down with this numbers thing.
PM if you truly wanted to listen to what you yourselve correctly describe as "the mounting criticism mounting against your government's flawed position," you would have stopped this PLP project to obtain a 'Yes Vote' on January 28.
Even if you win on Monday it will me by a 'slim majority" and still you will have offended about fifty-percent of Bahamians. What happens if the vote is "No? Will you immediately send the policemen's to shut them numbers "bosses" down?
PM regardless of whether the vote is a slim 'Yes' or a 'No,' there is no way I can see the PLP as a party walking away as a winner on January 28?
PM stop any 100 Bahamians on the street and ask them how they think you voted and I seriously doubt if even one would respond with a; I don't know? Ask the same 100 Bahamians; if they believe the January 28 Vote to be flawed and you will get a completely different response.…
Baha10 12 years, 1 month ago
This is laughable! So The Naasau Guardian now has a Horse in the Race, but the PLP doesn't. What next?!? I personally, like many people I expect, had intended to vote Yes, as I truly believe we should all be free to make our own decisions in life, but a Yes vote now is akin to acknowledging you have no issue with being manipulated, which is an intellectual insult and indeed, condones such manipulation, hence I intend to vote No tomorrow as a matter of self respect, as the issue at hand has become irrelevant.
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 1 month ago
Absoluteley PGC is the, to date, uncontested, WORST PM THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER HAD...
Lord we need an impeachemtn system in our country. Do we really have to go thru 4 more years of this corrupt party lead by this weakling?
Ironvelvet 12 years, 1 month ago
You know, the PLP and many PLP supporters I know believe that the Tribune is an FNM paper, and tell me they only read the Guardian. Well, I guess they have nothing to read now because the Guardian is supposedly against them too. Gone are the days of Sir Lynden Pindling when the media had to write something positive about the current government, Hubert A Ingraham emancipated the media and I for one am very happy about that.
So what if the Guardian gave an opinion that they endorse. It is their paper and they have a right to endorse whatever or whomever, many reputable papers do it all the time.
As far as Mr. Christie demanding a response/explanation for why they endorsed NO, how dare he! Not one person in the Bahamas thinks that you didn't have a horse in the race, and your comments were entirely inappropriate leading up to the referendum. So you need an explanation because they endorse NO and you wanted YES. You should sit in the corner quietly, please and thank you.
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