Nottage: gaming will not be shut down until court makes decision


Tribune Staff Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said yesterday “no steps” will be taken by the police force to shut down gaming operations until a decision is made by the court.


Dr. Bernard Nottage

Dr Nottage said the government is a “law abiding government and thus will not be taking any action against the patron and operators of local web shops as long as the matter is before the courts.”

However, he said, if a judge rules in favour of the government, they will use all the necessary resources to shut down illegal web shop operations immediately.

“The Prime Minister has indicated the position of the government as it relates to web shops. Our position and intention is that they be shut down immediately. However, they have filed a case before the courts and were granted an injunction to stay the order until the matter is heard before a judge,” he said.

“No steps will be taken by the government or the police until the matter is settled. We will abide by the law. They claim they were granted licenses by the government and are not doing anything illegal so the court will decide. Until such time, we will not interfere with their operations.

Dr Nottage also said the police force has been given their instructions and are waiting to carry out their duties.

He said: “They will act in accordance to what the court says and then they will carry out their duties. I must admit it will be a difficult and expensive task but we have to carry out the law to the best of our abilities.”

Dr Nottage said he is still concerned about the thousands of people who might lose their jobs if and when web shops close, however, he said, his government will do its best to accommodate those who seek assistance.

A supreme court injunction was filed by “number bosses” hours after Prime Minister Perry Christie ordered their operations be shut down “with immediate effect.”

Attorney Wayne Munroe represents the owners and operators of Island Games, Island Luck, Asue Draw, Whatfall.com and FML.

Former Attorney General Alfred Sears represents Paradise Games.

No date has been set for the hearing and “numbers” operations across the islands have been business as usual.


TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

Is the Comrade minister Bernard right on the law?

Media reports and Bahamians alike in recent days have been focusing on a lawsuit brought by the numbers "bosses" to prohibit what they believe to be unlawful for Bahamaland's PM to order the police to take immediate action against any and all conducting illegal gambling establishments.

“It’s certainly a sad commentary that the PM can issue a directive that reads well according to the voices of the people, following the January 28 vote against the numbers rackets. but yet in the hands of the Commish of the policemen's, mean's nothing will be done to shut er down their gambling operations.

Can the police still arrest and allow the courts to decide, if the arrests were in fact carried out in a legal manner?

From what I have read and heard, the media is collectively stating that the courts have a right to stop the Commish, from doing his job. But are they completely wrong on what the law does and does not allow the Commish to do, despite any court injunction? Comrades can the courts allow the numbers "bosses" to use them to ignore an order issued by the sovereign government of Bahamaland?

For the record I do not consider the talk show media to be a part of Bahamaland's media. More like a bunch of willing advocates for the numbers "bosses."


proudloudandfnm 12 years, 1 month ago

BJ finally woke up hey? Go back to sleep Mr. Nottage, it's already been said, probably while you were ASLEEP.....

abacjoe 12 years, 1 month ago

Dr. Nottage's quote: However, he said, if a judge rules in favour of the government, they will use all the necessary resources to shut down illegal web shop operations immediately.

He has acknowledged that the "Web Shops" are illegal. Why do the police need to wait for a judge's order before acting on something which is ILLEGAL?

sense 12 years, 1 month ago

Because it isn't illegal..this has been repeated time and time again!!..how could not know this by now?? Fabricated lies created on a law that does not exist. The discriminatory law against Bahamians gambling was created before web shop gambling even existed. So until there is law against web-shop gambling to make it illegal its NOT a crime and the government knows this. This is why the courts had no choice but to grant the injunction.

spoitier 12 years, 1 month ago

Dr. Nottage said the Government is a law abiding government, However, a judge or supreme court have the rights to interpet the law as they please and stop a direct order from the PM. Even though the PM had this up his sleeve in the first place, I will leave that point alone for now, but the fact that a court could stop the police from fighting crime if they so see it fit, shows that democracy isn't in place in the Bahamas, but a form of dictatorship. In the Cayman Island which is still British rule The police came and arrest the Premier because he was out of order, now if in the Bahamas a PM decide to steal money and commit whatever type of crime, how is the police going to arrest him when the judicial system is centered around the ruling party? The police force and the court have to be seperate from the ruling party for democracy to be effective.

TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

I guess Comrade Craig and he $1 million wasn't having a winning day when he returned for sentencing, before that lower court Judge?

Comrades I am no lawyer but that shouldn't stop me head from using me common sense. Please, can someone explain how yesterday it all became legal to sell numbers behind security protected web shop doors and covered glass, when it wasn't legal when a Judge found Comrade Craig guilty of selling he numbers, and if he didn't pay he fine on time he faced imprisonment of two years at the Fox Hill Prison? And, the policemen's keep som'tin like $1 million in cash which they confiscated from illegal numbers selling gains? 

I am having difficulty in me head trying to understand as to exactly what that Justice used this week that was not previously considered before by that lower court Judge, who did in fact find Comrade Craig so guilty, that he so ordered the confiscation of the $1 million in cash discovered during the policemen's raid. Which to this day is still under appeal before the courts?

You think what you want but in this layman's head it seems as if the higher Supreme Court may now be indirectly second guessing a lower court Judges ruling, even before the appeal process is allowed to run its course?

Comrades this sounds pretty darn confusing but maybe them Justices is been right all along and i is just blowing smoke? But just in case I might have a slight point, please will at least one smart lawyer, with no horse or talk show in the race, please smart'in-me-up on what in the hell wasn't legal to do back then, but now after the people done voted 'No,' it is cool to sell you numbers, in plain sight of the policemen's?


DeliveryBoy 12 years, 1 month ago

Like I said before, the same way that the government rushed to make changes to the referendum act to set the stage for this opinion poll is the same way they should rush to make whatever changes to the law necessary to outlaw whatever they are doing at these web shops....internet gaming and wagering, the slot machines they have in these establishments, the whole nine yards!!!

Make modifications to the law you all have the majority of seats in the house. You guys are paid to represent the Bahamian people and the people have now spoken loud and clear!!

USAhelp 12 years, 1 month ago

Guess were really not free our votes did not mean anything. Guess were really a communist country that only the big bosses have a say.

really 12 years, 1 month ago

not communist because the government doesn't care if we have food to eat much less provide it.. i think the word you looking for is Authoritarianism

John 12 years, 1 month ago

Something smells afoul...Some of the same church ministers who tryin to shut down the web shops now pushing to have gays to have rights under the ammended constitution. Why do gaysneed rights? God made them male and female so everyone is already protected under the constitution, either as a male or as a female. So if you choose to transgress your gender, you should have to protect your own self from the wolves.

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