Officers on leave after custody deaths


Tribune Staff Reporter


SEVERAL officers of both police stations where two men died in custody have been placed on leave until the Coroner completes investigations, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage confirmed yesterday.

While Dr Nottage has told this newspaper that he had not received any information to indicate that the deaths of Jamie Jamico Smith and Aaron Rolle were caused by officers, he told his colleagues at Parliament that the decision was not to prove guilt.  

“I can also tell you,” he said, “that a number of officers from the Central Detective Unit (CDU) and Southern Station have been placed on administrative leave pending the completion of these investigations by Her Majesty’s Coroner (Linda Virgil).

“This is not to suggest any culpability or otherwise. It is simply to ensure that procedures are followed which will allow due process and natural justice to everyone involved – the police and the victims.”

Deputy FNM leader Loretta Butler Turner called on officials to deal with the deaths speedily so that the victims’ families can seek closure. She also urged the government to look into other deaths in police custody which occurred last year.

Dr Nottage assured her that he was awaiting information that was gathered over the last six years. After completing his own overview he said he would speak more specifically to her concerns.

The deaths occurred just eight months after 22-year-old Tyronne Saunders was found unresponsive inside a CDU cell one day after being arrested in connection with a murder.

On Friday, February 8, 33-year-old Smith in custody at CDU for questioning in connection with a number of criminal matters died. Less than 24 hours later, Rolle, who was 21, died in a cell at the Southern Police Station.

It is understood that Rolle, of Ross Corner had escaped from the station, but was recaptured 30 hours later. 

Around midnight on Saturday, Rolle had reportedly asked to have some water and be allowed to use the telephone. He was given water, but shortly afterwards, his cell mate called out to officers to inform them that Rolle was lying on the floor and appeared to be dead.

Paramedics were summoned to the station and pronounced him dead. It is understood that he had certain “medical challenges”.

The circumstances surrounding Smith’s death at CDU remain unknown. 

Dr Nottage also responded to criticisms from FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis who had earlier in the week questioned whether the government had ordered authorities in handling suspects to shoot to kill or to shoot first.

“Sometimes we allow our mouths to say words before we get our brains in gear, but I say it was an asinine statement. One to which I very strongly object,” he said.


tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago

The real ass in this whole entire episode is the minister of national security , he only spoke to the matter after the press, the general public and the opposition called out for answers , he shielded himself under the gown tail of the coroner, claiming the matter is now under a coroners inquest . Had this national ass said from day one of the police deaths in custody, that the police men at the stations involved had been put on administration leave until after the findings , then the public and the families involved would have seen some form of action and would have had some comfort in knowing that the authorities were prepared to act . but no, this jack ass of a minister only reacted to question put forward, questioning the legitimacy of the police and there actions .sometimes these men engage in ass talks before they get their brains in gear . this minister can rest at peace most nights knowing he has full police protection plus he carries a personal firearm , this one will run the full course and end like most of them do unless these families the media and us the general public call for a full and transparent investigation . Only because the key family had some political clout and were persons of means they finally got their justice.

downthemiddle 12 years, 1 month ago

can someone tell me which officers were placed on leave when the fmn was in power? because i don't recall any being suspended until after Mrs. Virgil made her rulings (years later), cases from 2010 where suspects died in police custody have yet to come up and the officers report in for duty 5 days a week....so the mere fact that they took this stand so early in the investigations is great...the fmn needs to remember that many of the things they are making noice about happened also on their watch and their response of totally opposite to what they are suggesting to the plp...

tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago

you no what lies right down the middle ..... i will help you , the crack of your ass , this has nothing to do with plp or fnm , this is a matter of young black men being torched and beaten to death by a system that beliefs they are the untouchables . this is an organized gang and they will tell this much .this is about the haves and the have nots , but you stay right there in the middle . scratchin yuh boungy. this why we are such a messed up little town , touch every one Haitian but leave mine alone , one last one for the road . go sit in the corner drink yuh kool and............dig in yuh boungy.

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