Travel for the PM is crucial

EDITOR, The Tribune.

With the traditional Easter Season upon us, as a professed Christian nation, I will be as neutral as possible. Many have asked why it is the Prime Minister and assorted delegations have been travelling the globe to meet with other Heads of State and governmental leaders. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that public funds are being wasted on such trips. I beg to differ.

The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is no longer the somewhat sleepy fishing village that some of us used to know. We have evolved into a major regional and world-wide leading nation. Yes, we are relatively small, but our geographical location and natural beauty and abundant resources, yet to be unleashed, we are recognised respected leaders. The whole world is now a stage. As such, The Bahamas is obliged to develop and foster economic; trade and cultural ties with any and all democratic nations that would serve our national interests.

Regional and international travel by the PM is crucial at this stage of our growth as a nation and people. This PM, God bless his soul, hit the ground running once the COVID restrictions would have expired or lapsed. He has been a keynote speaker at myriad forums; seminars and before international audiences. He would have, as a savvy barrister-at-law and political genius, cultivated personal relationships with worldwide leaders; movers and shakers.

His job, aside from pure domestic issues, is to place and project The Bahamas of choice for foreign investments critical cultural and sociological alignments. No more, no less. In my view, he’s risen to the occasion. There is yet more work to be done, however, on behalf of a grateful nation.

The recent trip over to Botswana, a state visit, was initiated at the request of the President of that wonderful African nation. The PM took a relatively small delegation. Talks in significant areas of mutual interest would have been scheduled. We will benefit as a direct result of full, all expense paid, scholarships in Botswana relative to agriculture; light industry and, of course, that nation could serve as a Bahamian gateway into the wider continent of Africa, the Mother Land. In return that nation would benefit from sending persons from its hospitality and fisheries sectors for hands on experience and training with our people.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in potential foreign investments are just across the Bar, so to speak. It is a regret that the FNM and its current leadership declined the generous and non-political invitation of the PM to send a delegation, inclusive of the putative leader, to Botswana. As the pretended alternative government, such a visit and inter- action would have reaped great future potential for their organisation and supporters. This was a missed opportunity, but it is what it is.

That the PM, at any given time and personality, is the Chief spokesman for the nation, it is a given that travel domestically and internationally is crucial. The Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, KC, MP is to be complemented for once again, bringing home the proverbial Bacon. To God then, in all things, be the glory. I would, however, admonish all Bahamians and residents to please have a safe; Holy Spirit filled, Easter Season.




March 20, 2024.


Porcupine 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Bodie, With all due respect, you need help. You have virtually no grasp of reality and your words are helping to hold this country back.

concernedcitizen 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Got to keep travelling to tote the pilfered U S out to stash elsewhere, they don,t want to go through central bank and pay fees and leave a trail

Bobsyeruncle 11 months, 3 weeks ago

"We have evolved into a major regional and world-wide leading nation" ".....and abundant resources, yet to be unleashed"

Can someone please explain in what context are we a "world-wide leading nation",and what are the "abundant resources" that he's referring to that have yet to be unleasehed ? I am honestly stumped to come up with anything !

themessenger 11 months, 3 weeks ago

With Brave having taken his stately buns to Botswana, Bodie is suffering from bun buttering withdrawal symptoms. Until his nose and lips can return to their normal position in close proximity to those stately mounds he will remain in his current state of flux.

hrysippus 11 months, 3 weeks ago

The Government ministers elected to office in the country of Sweden when travelling abroad on State Business travel economy class and not the luxury first class that many third world politicians seem to believe is their right.

truetruebahamian 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Too right, ‘hrysippus’, another in the same category was the former Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. She lived at home, lived a frugal lifestyle and did her job without frills that our government leaders would exploit without conscience.

newcitizen 11 months, 3 weeks ago

The Bahamas is in no way "a major regional and world wide leading nation". What is Bodie going on about?

Davis is just going around playing dress up on the people dime. It's all pretend and a show, nothing of substance actually takes place on any of these trips.

DDK 11 months, 3 weeks ago

"We will benefit as a direct result of full, all expense paid, scholarships in Botswana relative to agriculture; light industry and, of course, that nation could serve as a Bahamian gateway into the wider continent of Africa, the Mother Land." 🤣😂🤣

GodSpeed 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Nice speech, now where are the results? List the the actual benefits that have been derived from any of these trips instead of talking about "could".

jus2cents 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Davis is not exactly the most charismatic and engaging orator, is he REALLY benefiting us by being away so often? I think we need to fix what's broke at home before he and his cronies all go jetting off in first class, living in the most expensive hotels, then begging leaders around the world to give us carbon credits (If that is what he is really doing.)

Something is OFF.

ThisIsOurs 11 months, 1 week ago

"With the traditional Easter Season upon us, as a professed Christian nation, I will be as neutral as possible"

Lol. I stopped reading there. God een please.

hrysippus 11 months, 1 week ago

Marked Safe for nor having read an Ortland Bodie letter for eight hundred and seventy three days. They are all basically the same, they only change the name of which ever is the current PM to fawn over.

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