Child abuse on the rise with ‘many cases unreported’

CHILD abuse is on the rise in the Bahamas, with more than 1,300 cases reported between 2011 and 2012, says Minister of Social Services Melanie Griffin.

While these numbers are high, Mrs Griffin said many more cases go unreported.

“We must do something about that because as long as there is one child being abused, our work is not done,” she said.

Minister Griffin spoke out at a one-day child abuse education and awareness campaign in Rawson Square this week.

Officials from the ministries of Social Services, National Security, Tourism and Health joined forces to bring attention to the issue.

Minister Griffin said it was critical that the message detailing the importance of reducing the incidences of child abuse in the Bahamas begin at the highest levels.

“It is extremely important that the message starts at the top in terms of the leadership of the country,” Mrs Griffin said.

“When I was in this position first in 2002, and I had a chance to discuss with the Prime Minister what we were doing with regards to our child protection efforts and some of the incidences that were going on he advised me to do what I had to do and allow the chips to fall where they may. That showed me how intent he was on protecting our children. We must do something because as long as there is one child being abused, our work is not done.”

Minister Griffin said her ministry will continue to work with the National Child Protection Council, the church and all other government and non-governmental agencies and organisations, communities and community associations, in an effort to “take the message of child protection to all parts of the Bahamas.”


john33xyz 12 years ago

So in 2002 the PM told her to do what she had to do and let the chips fall where they may. And with this amazing power granted to her - she did what exactly ?

We are way the past the point of needing to just "take the message ..."

mikeT 10 years, 9 months ago

People are, most of the times, afraid to report such cases... the aggressor may come back and do more harm the next time. People have to know that reporting should be always the first thing to do.. after that, I'd recommend contacting the http://www.darrowlaw.com/about-us/">Darrow Law agency, as they can most definitely help you make a solid case and win the trial, thus stopping the abuse!

albala 10 years, 9 months ago

In my line of work, I meet many child abuses and most of them have unthinkable consequences... Not only physical, as these are easily solvable.. Many children come with hearing problems after being slapped over the ears, and we tell the parents to check out http://www.njhearingaids.com/neptune">www.njhearingaids.com as they will surely find the best option for their child... But what about the psychological trauma... who's gonna fix that?

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