ADMITTEDLY, the discovery of oil in the Bahamas can have gargantuan returns, fostering self-sufficiency and increasing prosperity among Bahamians, if the massive amounts earned is properly managed and used for the national good. That said, if the government’s decision to allow Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) to drill multiple exploratory wells leads to the discovery of large quantities of black gold, will the benefits be felt by a broad swath of Bahamians or will the Bahamas be another Nigeria – a corrupt, rich nation with a relatively poor population.
Since the announcement by Minister for Environment Kenred Dorsett that BPC had been granted five licenses, which granted them permission to commence drilling exploratory wells, talks of oil and the associated financial windfalls have dominated discussions on the airwaves, in the barbershops and at almost any outing where there has been a gathering of Bahamians – even in church.
At present, BPC has convinced the government to agree on the sweetest, dumbest deal that any government could purport to be negotiating on behalf of the citizenry. I feel intellectually insulted, particularly since the royalty rates proffered – according to the proposed production license — are the lowest in the world (with the exception of Ireland). The licensing agreement between BPC and the government states that the oil royalties would be disbursed on a sliding scale, i.e. if 75,000 barrels of oil are produced daily, the royalty rate would be 12.5 per cent; if it’s in excess of 75,000 and up to 150,000, it would be 15 per cent; 150,000 to 200,000 daily barrels would yield a royalty rate of 17.5 per cent; 250,000 to 350,000 would result in a 20 per cent rate and any daily production in excess of 350,000 barrels would incur a royalty rate of 25 per cent. Hmmmm, how insulting! Clearly, the government cannot be acting in the best interest of the Bahamian people when they are giving our patrimony away for 12.5 to 25 per cent. Time and time again, I always feel like our government’s so-called negotiating teams should try to negotiate taking a candy from a child before entering a room full of professional sharks (negotiators) on the opposing side.
More than the 12.5 to 25 per cent slap in the face, BPC has been given five licenses to drill in an area spanning nearly four million acres at $0.92 cents per acre per annum. Well kiss my leg! If I’m going by the government’s logic, why don’t I also just give them my house and go live in the doghouse!
We should settle for no less than 50-70 per cent of any profits earned from oil exploration, much like the Norwegians and Sudanese already do.
Whilst I have no problem with oil drilling in the Bahamas – considering the resultant economic boost— the discussion surrounding our initial foray into the oil industry has heightened the stench of corruption and dysfunction that could engulf such an industry if it is grossly mismanaged and shrouded in dodgy practices. In Nigeria, corporate fat cats and greedy politicians have seen an astronomical inflation of their private bank accounts due to crookedness and an air of impunity.
According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, royalties (sometimes, running royalties, or private sector taxes) are usage-based payments made by one party (the licensee) to another (the “censor”) for the right to ongoing use of an asset...Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net reserves derived from the use of an asset or a fixed piece per unit sold of an item of such...A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments, often used in the oil and music industries to describe a percentage ownership of future production or revenues from a given leasehold...So, why are we selling ourselves so cheap?
And, if the government has granted BPC licences to drill exploratory wells, why has that been done without the proper regulatory regime in place?
Why is a seemingly penny stock company coming to the Bahamas and adamantly expressing an interest in drilling for oil? Why is BPC not registered in the Bahamas?
Since BPC is registered in the Isle of Man – “a secretive, nearly tax-free offshore financial centre” –are they subject to the information exchanges that is seen on the major Stock Exchanges?
Now that BPC has been given oil exploration licenses, it appears that the oil company is attempting to sell certain exploratory rights to a “strategic partner”, which makes it probable that the company doesn’t have the necessary funding (reportedly $125 million) and could likely be pursuing a corporate entity that would pay them to use their licenses to drill or fund their drilling exercises. If they are seeking funding, it means that – as it stands—another company (with the money) would “front” the capital and take a percentage of the remaining 87.5 per cent that BPC retains, per their agreement with the government.
I’ve heard the recent proclamation by the Prime Minister that he owns no shares in any companies in the Bahamas, but does he or any Member of his caucus own shares in companies domiciled in other jurisdictions? If so, who are the members that have such interests and in what companies?
Who are the shareholders in BPC? Who are the directors? Is BPC another Bluewater?
Why was BPC given exploratory licences as opposed to inviting other, more established companies to bid? Research shows that Chinese companies are paying between $500 million and $1 billion for the right to drill in the borders of certain countries (just the drilling rights). Why was the government in such a rush that they couldn’t wait to see the outcome of the drilling being done in Cuba? If oil is discovered in Cuba, we would undoubtedly have a bidding war for the right to drill in the Bahamas. Thus far, Cuba has had companies from four different countries – Spain, Malaysia, Venezuela and, most recently, Russia – each taking turns drilling for oil in Cuban waters whilst we – in the Bahamas – box ourselves in!
Why BPC? What is their claim to fame? Why not engage major oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell (with a market capitalisation of 140, 900,000,000 billion British pounds), Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, Agip or Total? What is the extent of BPC’s experience in the oil industry?
What about signature bonuses – has the government been paid any fees upfront for BPC to have the right to drill? If BPC is willing to spend an aggregate total of $175 million (according to them $50 million has already been spent) on oil drilling, I’m inclined to believe that they have concrete knowledge of a vast oil depository under the seabed.
We should not allow the wealth generated from any future discovery of oil to be concentrated in the hands of kleptomaniac lobby groups, wannabe aristocrats and elitists and/or siphoned into personal bank accounts and on self-aggrandising initiatives!
Oh, before I forget.....was any of BPC’s $50 million spent on electioneering during the last political cycle?
As Bahamians, we must demand suitable regulatory standards and transparency in every aspect of this potentially promising, new economic sector; demand that the oil wealth trickles down to the masses; demand the institution of laws that require BPC (and any other company) to report all payments as well as publicise all contracts/licenses; establish a special financial unit to oversee this industry; and demand that our government invests in oil spill equipment and implements laws to protect our pristine environment.
The fact that we are reliant on tourism and that the Bahamas has one of the largest fish nurseries in the world should be at the fore of the government’s contemplation as they grant these licenses. No drilling should occur until the proper legislative framework is in place. As it stands, the government can hardly address the oil sheen on the water at Clifton Pier, which is due to spillage from BEC’s main plant!
Lastly, over the past few days, there has been much talk about a sovereign wealth fund. There is merit in establishing such a fund, particularly as countries such as Norway ($715.9 billion), Australia ($300 million), Trinidad and Tobago ($2.9 billion), United Arab Emirates (more than a trillion), China (more than a trillion) and Singapore (nearly $500 billion) have all established such funds (sometimes more than one).
A sovereign wealth fund (stocks, bonds, cash, property, etcetera) can be used for various investments, as well as for needed developmental projects. Frankly, quite similar to the Central Bank’s reserves, if we become an oil producing country such a fund should be capitalised in US currency and either be managed as a separate entity or by the Central Bank as a separate portfolio.
Around the globe, sovereign wealth funds (SWF) have been established to offset the volatility of oil prices and take into account the finiteness of mineral resources such as oil. A local SWF can create savings/pension funds for future generations of Bahamians as is done in Norway and/or stabilize our economy if and when there is a depreciation in government revenue or the mineral supply is exhausted. At present, the government of the Philippines is mulling over whether or not they should launch such a fund.
• Next week, I shall revisit this topic from another angle and also address one or two other issues of the day.
laallee 11 years, 12 months ago
Adrian, great rhetoric mate but please do some homework. Your beloved government have messed about for two years, yes two years. Both the fnm and the plp have reneged on the contract with bpc, do you think they can have there pick of the biggest oil companies in the world when they are incapable of adhering to a contract written up by your own prime minister. It's good how you seem to love the Norwegian attitude, do you realise they have an income top tax rate of 47percent, vat at 8-20 percent and the highest fuel prices in Europe. Is that what you want? Finally, you compare what the Bahamas is getting out of the deal compared to other countries. They are getting a percentage of nothing if no oil is found, at no cost and they have been getting the licence fee paid as agreed. No doubt if oil is found then the gvt might negotiate better rates for further licences. If you want your country to get more from the possible oil,why not invest the country's cash in exploration, oh dear, it's too expensive. That's why it is high risk penny shares that raise the big bucks then try and attract further investment to drill. Have you ever invested in a small company? Have you ever witnessed a greedy man wanting something without paying for it? Your argument is littered with rumour and assumption, if you want the lions share then take the lions risk, your government will risk alienating itself from future foreign investment if they carry on messing about. Yes, I am an investor in bpc and yes my hard earned cash has got your country somewhere down the road to possible financial independence. I expect a return on my investment, you want something for nothing.
BPCInvestor 11 years, 12 months ago
I too am an investor in BPC. I was going to reply to this article but I believe Laallee has pretty much said it all. Especially the part about doing some research. I would only add that if you have a problem with how things are being done, talk to your government. BPC are, after all, only playing by their rules.
Feedupwiththerubbishprinted 11 years, 12 months ago
I often read both the articles in the Tribune and Nassua Guardian that report on the hot topic of oil exploration. Whilst I appreciate your perspective of wanting as much as possible for the people of the Bahamas your articles are often littered with errors and falsify the real facts. It's very disturbing being an oversees investor in what if we are frank is a country on the brink of disaster. Foreign investment in your country is crucial, it always has been and always will be. There needs to be some rationale around the points raised, the fat cats already want a piece of the pie before it's been baked. Some of the prominent figures in the Bahamas should be ashamed of the way they are dealing with a foreign investor. Let's not forget the negotiators representing the Bahamas never had a gun to their head when the contracts were agreed. BPC has done an exceptional job in piecing together what was originally a very muddled puzzle. They spent $50M of foreign investment getting the Bahamas to a point where they are nearly ready to explore for oil. I never heard no cry's of foul play then. Whilst the Bahamas hangs on the verge of disaster your Caribbean neighbours are using your God given natural resources to get themselves out of the hole. The Bahamas is an oil virgin so can not demand similar rates to countires with prooven reserves that are already producing oil in commerial quantities. That is an attracive investment to an oil company which would not be soo impressed with what the Bahamas currrently has on offer. The recent statement by the Chuch of an additional sovereign wealth fund being setup that distributes $100,000 to each Bahamian household per year, that is plain and simply ludicrous, your country would implode within a decade maximum. How about one of your journalists actually reports the facts on BPC, who their executive board are etc, why have they not been invited in to discuss their operations. It's all very easy to bad mouth someone without actually meeting them. You obviously have done little reseach, the board of BPC is extremley well educated in the exploration of oil and sometimes as a country the size of Bahamas can vouch, small is sometimes better. Look after your national interests for sure, make sure the gov't is accountable but before you report on foregin investors tread carefully, from the outside the Bahamas is rubbishing what is the golden egg, their opportunity to independence and what will ultimately be their survival. Report the facts and not an opinion ! All the way from the cold cold place that is Lonon.
Andrada 10 years, 4 months ago
Petrol is one of the main resources of a country which is bringing money but so much more important it brings economical and political strength. Trying to protect and moderate use are vital. http://produsenaturistebune.wordpress.c…">Thank you!
Madalina 10 years, 4 months ago
In my">opinion sometimes and in certain industries young people are the most suitable to take the lead taking into account the fact that often they have new visions and they bring freshness to the business.
Daniela 10 years, 4 months ago
i think that is really useful and essential to attract foreign investments in the country because it always has been and always will be a big part of any business success.">Thanks!
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