7.30pm - College of the Bahamas Union of Students has denied reports that protesting students pushed COB President Betsy Vogel Boze this afternoon. In a statement COBUS said: "Students did not push her down the stairs, nor did students attempt to do so. We had no intent in causing her harm. We only wanted her to address us about the matter, but she refused to do so."
3:10pm - Reports are that COB President Betsy Vogel Boze was almost pushed down a flight of stairs by protesting students as she was being escorted out of her office by six or seven security officers.
COB students are outside of the office of the President of the College at this minute singing "old negro spiritual hymns" as they continue to protest the proposed increases to tuition and college fees.
Community Activist Rodney Moncur, who has joined the students in their demonstration, said that the students have taken over the 3rd floor of the college's administrative building and are singing "Kumbaya".
Yesterday a group of students were corralled by police in Rawson Square. They are angry about recommended fee increases at COB.
They said they wanted to sit in the House of Assembly and watch the proceedings but claimed their rights had been “infringed upon” when they not allowed to do so.
More on this story as it develops.
DKF351 11 years, 11 months ago
"Reports are that COB President Betsy Vogel Boze was almost pushed down a flight of stairs by protesting students as she was being escorted out of her office by six or seven security officers."
sofine85 11 years, 11 months ago
"Reports are that COB President Betsy Vogel Boze was almost pushed down a flight of stairs by protesting students as she was being escorted out of her office by six or seven security officers".
False indeed...
hj 11 years, 11 months ago
Come on COB students,don't be ungreatfull. After all someone did you a huge favor by talking to you,after letting you wait for about 4 hours in the hot sun,and he told you that he does not know anything about your concerns.
nihu2013 11 years, 11 months ago
Please don't think at the least they are not aware of the situation. It seems everything that is pivotal/important they are always unaware. The trivial/less important issues they are fully aware of!!!
TruthorDare 11 years, 11 months ago
This article is atrocious. Do better journalists and base your articles on facts and not opinions.Less use of pathos and more of logos.
nihu2013 11 years, 11 months ago
This article need to be retracted. President Betsy, Boze was not almost pushed down a flight of stairs. Please correct this statement. The President declined to converse with C.O.B. students! She entered the meeting with a group of security officers who pushed their way through a cramped area. Please get your facts right before posting...Thank you!!!!
TruthKnowledgeIntegrity 11 years, 11 months ago
Your article speaks fallacious claims that honestly speak poorly to the validity and the credibility of The Tribune News.
Students did not push the President down the stairs, nor did students attempt to do so. Students had no intent in causing her harm, but only wanted her to address the about the matter, but she refused to do so.
Madame President had also not been leaving her office. She, her Senior Administration, and the Council Chairman were in the Michael Eldon Complex Boardroom hosting a Press Conference on matters affecting the College concerning the increase and creation of non-tuition fees.
COBUS' Release speaks the truth of the matter, issued today directly after the event: The College of the Bahamas Union of Students, on Thursday April 18th, 2013, met outside of the Michael Eldon Complex Boardroom as the Council Chairman & Senior Team concluded their Press Conference with media personnel. As they exited, students assembled in resolute stance to ask questions in expectation of answers from the Council Chairman and the COB President. The Council Chairman indeed spoke to students with the COB Executive Vice President at his side for well over half an hour. However, the COB President refused to exit the room and address the student body. COB Security personnel were soon called into the meeting room to escort her off of the premises. However, due to the mass of students present, COB Male Security forced their way through the students and moved her down the stairs into her office across the street. Upon sight of this, students followed her to her office, asking for questions that she refused to give, and soon exited the premises without addressing the students.
You are free to publicize to the public this very information. However, these disingenuous claims noted within your article need to be rescinded, and the truth needs to be spoken.
robarbiegamer 10 years, 11 months ago
The objectivs of the COBUS is http://www.angryarcade.com/profile/roba…">to lobby for infrastructural maintenance, obtainment, and further resources of development for a growing student population.
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