Lawyer Munroe issues alert over organised crime


Tribune Business Reporter


THE Bahamian web shop industry will likely fall into the hands of organised crime if established operators are forced to shut their businesses down, one of their attorneys telling Tribune Business: “I don’t think people understand how much trouble we are looking at”.


Wayne Munroe

Wayne Munroe, who represents Island Game, Island Luck, FML, Asue Draw, Whatfall and Chances in their ongoing court battle with the Government, said the Bahamas could see a rise in organised crime, similar to the US experience during the alcohol prohibition era, if existing Bahamian operators were forced to shut down.

This, Mr Munroe implied, would drive the industry ‘underground’ or on to the Internet. There, unregulated and untouched by the authorities, it could fall prey to organised crime gangs and money laundering schemes.

“Does anyone really believe it’s going to stop?” the prominent attorney asked. “Gambling is like alcohol; you can prohibit it but you can’t stop it.

“If you look at the history of prohibition, before prohibition the liquor business was done by people of good standing. During prohibition it was run by organised crime, and there was an upsurge in violence connected with it. If people can’t buy their numbers from web shops, from the young girls behind the counter, they’re going to buy them from bookies on the street.

“The bookies, because they handle cash, will have to be armed. You’re likely to have turf wars and a massive upswing in violent crime. Today, if you win, say $5,000, you can feel safe collecting your money. How safe are you going to feel going to a bookie on the street? There will ultimately be conflicts,” said Mr Munroe.

Such concerns have already been expressed. Prime Minister Perry Christie himself said an unregulated web shop gaming industry could attract the unwanted scrutiny of the OECD and G-20 nations, due to the money laundering risk created by hundreds of unsupervised Internet accounts in a multi-million dollar industry. The US State Department’s annual anti-money laundering report, for example, has already identified the potential problems created by the status quo.

Mr Munroe added: “It’s a no brainer. If you say you have an industry making millions, someone is going to try and take advantage of it. If Bahamians like to gamble they will still gamble; you will not stop their habits. The only way you will stop them is if you get them, for a conscience reason, not to do it.

“I have no doubt the people who are going to move forward in this area are going to create a new way of business, and it will go right back to where it was, only not by decent young women behind the counters but by less savoury people.

“I don’t think people understand how much trouble we are looking at. If you outlaw liquor now, people aren’t going to stop drinking. Instead of it being sold by liquor companies and young girls behind the counter, it will be sold by the same people who sell drugs.”

Mr Munroe said he had received indications from his clients that they had seen a fall-off in business since the January opinion poll that voted against ‘taxing and regulating’ the web shop gaming industry.

“It has been the case that I have received those indications,” the attorney said. “When people said the pay outs fell, I suspected that had to do with a drop in business because of the uncertainty. They haven’t given me any percentage as to how much their business has decreased, but they all have indicated that they are experiencing some decrease in business because people are just uncertain and, while all this is going on, people are adopting a wait and see attitude.”

The Bahamian web shop industry has been thrown into limbo after the Chief Justice, Sir Michael Barnett, refused to grant operators an injunction that would prevent the Royal Bahamas Police Force from shutting down their operations or otherwise interfering with the sector.

That ruling was upheld by the Court of Appeal, and amid indications that the police are starting to investigate the web shop industry, patrons appear to be staying away for fear they may be caught up in a police raid and arrested.


B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago

His clients are already 'organized crime'...the irony kills me!!

vinceP 11 years, 10 months ago

I totally agree with Mr. Munroe, and I can't stress it enough. If the so called number houses are forced to close, I am quite confident that we will see the crime levels increase, and lets be realistic, our police force are not capable in policing this country, and it has nothing to do with their unwillingness, but they simply do not have the "Numbers". This country is not getting any better, and will continue to get worst each day, and you can bet that very soon our Tourism product will be hit at its foundation. The only thing the Government is going to achieve in shutting down the web shops is more poverty among our people . I find it so amazing to see how many of you speak negatively toward the numbers guys, and its only out of Envy. Many of you are sick with that black crab syndrome, and are so consumed with this envy that cannot focus on what is really happening, and will happen in this country. You sit by idly and watch the Government to screw us over, but continue sitting on the side lines, and focusing on bringing down your own people, while on a daily basis this Government, and the previous administration shows us that they are not for Bahamians; and i don't blame them. Most of y'all are a bunch of sheepish jack assess, and they know it.

Here2shameidiots 11 years, 10 months ago

Clearly, you sir are an idiot. The "web shops" are already organized crime. Secondly they were started with money which was initially the proceeds of others crimes. Thirdly you are still an idiot. Finally his argument if it succeeds will bring the administration of justice into disrepute and usurp the rule of law (which the court would not allow to happen in any event) asbwell as the fact that it would be analogous to situations involving illegal drugs. As far as sheepish jackasses go you're the only one here and you're following the idiots who know nothing and have no respect for the law. Finally, you sir are an idiot.

jinsonkv 10 years ago

i know our police are very capable with handling the crime wave here but when you have one agency dealing with criminals and the rest of the country either with the criminals and the rest refusing to do anything it will be a long hard battle. http://www.easter-2015.com">Easter day date

Ironvelvet 11 years, 10 months ago

Mr. Munroe already has argued against his point. He says that since the referendum that the number shops have reported a drop in sales and a drop in payouts. So clearly that is because that is because there are many who have chosen to err on the side of caution. So should it be assumed that if there was a firm law in place that those numbers would be closer to zero because the shop would have closed?

This is a scare tactic to talk about an increase in organized crime. I suppose we should legalize armed robbery, rape, and murder because those are increasing at an alarming rate as well, despite what Commissioner Greenslade tells us. Of course, there will be some stragglers to comply with the law, lock em up! Do patrols and lock up the bookie. The crowded her majesty's prison shall surely change their tune.

Just because someone is unemployed does not give them the right to commit crime without punishment.

larry 11 years, 10 months ago

i know our police are very capable with handling the crime wave here but when you have one agency dealing with criminals and the rest of the country either with the criminals and the rest refusing to do anything it will be a long hard battle.

FarhanShawn 10 years, 7 months ago

Prime Minister Perry is right about what he was planning to do regarding this issue. The gaming industry is not regulated as much as other IT industries but we know that things like this always cause concern.

The role of police is very important and our police tactically handled some of these lawless creatures. I think there should be more such agencies whose work should only be to keep an eye on these people bent on doing criminal activities in the name of sophisticated businesses. I read a similar piece on the issue on http://greenflagnews.blogspot.com">greenflag news

Hollie 11 years, 10 months ago

This is already organized crime. Additionally some of the persons involved allegedly have connections to drugs and people smuggling. Money Laundering is already taking place. Persons involved in the webshop numbers business had opened other companies that they are using to set up bank accounts to deposit money derived from illegal gambling into the banks. According to Monroes theory we should also legalize Cocaine and Marajuana. These drugs are the root of much of the violence in our society. Monroe's argument is Stupid

legalmindatwork 11 years, 10 months ago

It's clear Mr. Munroe is using another scare tactic to get his way and his client's way. I honestly believe that had Perry not opened his mouth before the referendum and made the promise that the web shops would be closed should a No vote be returned there would be no issue about the web shops operations now. And so Mr. Munroe is trying his hardest to place fear into the citizens of the Bahamas to get his client's way. Is this some form of bullying tactic? Indeed. I think Mr. Munroe has forgotten that before the numbers racket was modernized and moved to the wide world web you had bookies that would stand at various corners with their carbon copy books and you could buy your number, pay your cash and leave (I would know because I remember as a young child accompanying family members when they would go play their numbers). There was no turf war going on between the persons that were involved simply because there was always enough to go around....so Mr. Munroe needs to come with a better argument.

legalmindatwork 11 years, 10 months ago

And then to make the relation between the prohibition of alcohol and stating that the same persons who are selling drugs would then capitalize on the selling of alcohol and in this case the selling of numbers is absurd and Mr. Munroe knows it. The drugs boys will stick to selling their drugs and the numbers men will stick to selling their numbers...it's as if he's trying to say that both can be used interchangeably...that's likening apples to oranges and we all know those are so different in shape, texture and taste. Mr. Munroe I suggest you stick to what you know...defend the drug boys on their drug charges and keep it moving....cause I am one young citizen that sees past the scare tactic.

PKMShack 11 years, 10 months ago

And he wanted to be elected, Turn off the website domain and lets see. When will the law be enforced. Tired of the so called smart ones thinking we the masses are dumb and cant understand. Any excuse is better than none.

SP 11 years, 10 months ago

After 40 years of political stupidity, failure and corruption it is high time for us to take our country back from twiddle dee and twiddle dum.

We should very seriously examine the Bermuda example as they had the same 40 year PLP & UBP corrupt stupidity.

Bermuda resolved the problem by forming a 3rd party "One Bermuda Alliance" (OBA) which won the government December 2012 and IMMEDIATELY made sweeping changes to the benefit of the majority, not just the usual chosen few friends, family and lovers.

See their platform and decide for yourself: http://www.oba.bm/index.php/our-plan

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

i wouldn,t say forty years of stupidity,Pindling lead us to majority rule w/ very little violence and built a large black middle class , we have national insurance ,one of the highest per capatia incomes in the region , new roads , we are on the internet at a resonable price ,we have had a good offshore banking and ship registry , Alantis ,Baha mar.. threre are jobs and oppurtunity for those that want to work hard ,granted banks and goverment don,t give people money for cockamamy business proposals ,but they are not charities ....do you live here ??

SJW 11 years, 10 months ago

While we in the Bahamas keep excluding our own from gambling, changes are taking place in the USA. A Las Vegas-based social gambling company says it will launch the first legal, real-money poker website in the United States. Ultimate Gaming will only accept wagers from players in Nevada for now, but the site may represent the shape of things to come for gamblers across the country. Internet poker has been banned in the United States since 2011. More recently, the federal government softened its stance on Internet betting and three states — New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada– have legalized some form of online wagering. With today’s launch, Nevada wins the race to bring Texas Hold ‘em back to the Internet. Richard Davies Business Correspondent ABC News Radio abcnews.com Twitter: daviesabc

IslandTransPlant 10 years ago

The Bahamas government is not organize enough to run something like that they can not get a simple thing right like the war on crime there letting these kids who have a third greed education get the better of them and holding the country hostage with there behavior and disregard for life but on the other hand the public has toe held accountable also if you want a better way of life for your kids nd love ones you have to make a differance and take your country back.

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BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

albala 10 years, 7 months ago

Organized crime is something people don't need warning any more! it's everyday on the news and in the papers and all over the media. It's not like a lawyer will say something new about it. Maybe they should be more focused on they jobs, or get criminals behind bars instead of making all kind of statements. The seriousness of lawyers is seriously on the decline, though as they are more preoccupied by PR then their jobs. Maybe one of the last really serious agency left, at least in my area, is http://oxtonstaabgans.com/choosing-a-la…">http://oxtonstaabgans.com as all others treat you like you owe them your life or something, not like a paying customer!

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