Tribune Staff Reporter
A MOTHER was remanded in custody yesterday after she was accused of failing to report the molestation of her daughter earlier this month.
Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans charged the 39-year-old woman, whose name is being withheld to protect the identity of the child, with mandatory reporting of child abuse and deceit of a public officer.
A 37-year-old man was also charged with indecent assault in connection with this incident.
He allegedly assaulted a 15-year-old in New Providence sometime between May 1 and 15.
During that time, the mother is accused of failing to report the abuse of her child to authorities.
The woman also allegedly tried to deceive W/SGT 3719 Bain while she was executing her duties on May 20.
Both defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges against them.
Prosecutor Inspector S Coakley objected to the mother’s bail, citing the need for an immigration check on her status. Consequently, the woman was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.
The male defendant was granted bail at $7,000 with one or two sureties. He must sign in at the Carmichael Road Police Station on the last Sunday of every month.
The trial in this matter begins on August 8.
mandela 10 months, 1 week ago
These disgusting women will allow anything to happen to their children as long as they have a c$$k laying beside them and to say I have a man, and this is an occurring madness that happens far, far, to often, but you won't hear these women activist say a word and getting down on women who are found to be doing this ( which is many ). The modern single women looks at their children as burdens and would side over c$$k before their children on any God given day. Men if you have daughters and you care about them, get them away from these women who are still on the streets looking for man.
stillwaters 10 months, 1 week ago
It all starts when women meet these men and talk nonsense about her and her children being a 'package deal'. She is talking about him taking financial care of kids that are not his, but who knows how he takes it......this package deal.
ExposedU2C 10 months, 1 week ago
Truly sad.
Was the male defendant released on bail without the 15 year-old girl being taken into protective custody by the appropriate authorities? If not, she a sitting duck of a target.
Yet another one of The Tribune's reporters who needs to learn to ask themself when gathering info to write an article: "What would the average reader want to know?"
rosiepi 10 months, 1 week ago
Rape and sexual abuse are too common in the Bahamas, so the woman is in jail and the sexual abuser is at large likely continuing to prey on young girls. There is no mention of any limits on his whereabouts, who is protecting the minor child?
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