Victim tried to stop attack on woman


Tribune Staff Reporter

A sailor from Chicago was shot dead over the weekend in Nassau.

Kyle Bruner, 34, a former special education teacher, was apparently trying to help a woman being mugged by two armed men overnight Saturday when he was shot in the neck.

Police Superintendent Paul Rolle said the man, who was apparently working on a sailboat passing through Nassau, was shot around 4:30am.

He said one person was in custody and detectives were searching for two others.

Police had not disclosed the man’s identity last night.

But sailboat captain Chris Shaw identified him as Kyle Bruner, and his parents confirmed that they had received news of his death from the US Embassy in Nassau. Bruner was a mate on Shaw’s boat, the Liberty Clipper.

Police say the victim was walking north on Mackey Street approaching East Bay Street with another man and two women, when they were approached by two men dressed in dark clothing, demanding cash.

One of the men was armed with a handgun. Rolle said the man was shot when he apparently tried to stop them from stealing one of the women’s jewellery.

He apparently got into a row with one of the suspects and was shot in the neck.

The suspects fled on foot in the area of Okra Hill. The victim was taken to hospital by ambulance where he later died of his injuries.

In February, US State Department officials again warned American visitors to avoid “Over The Hill” areas after dark in its annual crime and safety report.

This year’s report did not include criminal threat ratings for New Providence or Grand Bahama; however, the country was said to have a “moderate” threat of trans-national terrorism due to “porous borders”.

Officials also underscored concerns for residential security, minimal enforcement of traffic laws, and an “upsurge” in criminal activity that could put innocent bystanders at risk.

The report said: “Much of the violent crime on New Providence Island happens in non-tourist areas referred to locally as ‘Over the Hill.’ These areas are generally south of the downtown Nassau area south of Shirley Street.

“These areas are not clearly defined but encompass the lower income areas on New Providence. Visitors should avoid these areas, especially at night.”

Last month, Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe said cruise officials were telling passengers not to go out in Nassau, or only go to Senor Frogs, which is very close to the cruise docks.

Wilchcombe said it was imperative that the Ministry of Tourism, together with the police, ensure the safety of visitors.

He also stressed the need for authorities to get a handle on crime in the country.

The US Embassy said it would “get back to the Tribune as soon as it received an official statement.”

Anyone with information on the murder is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 10 months ago

This is just awful and my prayers go out to this gentleman's family. He is indeed a real hero who gave up his life to save someone-else's life. Words cannot express just how much I respect and honour Mr. Bruner, today. I'm a Bahamian woman....it could have been me he was saving. May His soul rest in peace.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 10 months ago

This is absolutely awful! My sincerest condolences go out to the family of Mr. Bruner.

Again, while unemployment is a major issue, crime needs to be taken in hand. The local authorities have had their chance. Help is warranted. True leaders know how to ask for help. In crime ridden New York, Giuliani turned things around there. Ingraham consulted him and was ridiculed for doing so. We need help whether domestic or foreign. Our country: its citizens and its visitors will not survive if we continue to allow crime to get out of control.

We need to stop investing in these physical signs of progress. Please invest money in the police and defense forces. Pay them more, train them better, recruit more qualified personnel, give them the resources needed to do their jobs. Money and resources is power.

mallyb 11 years, 10 months ago

I hate to hear grown people talk SHIT you and alot the others are a bunch of hypocrite on one hand you against crime on the other hand you for it KMA they saying the police have one in custody go with Rodney Moncur to CDU office and demand his release. Police don't need help from new York, Fk New York couldn't help Boston what the hell they coming here for Police need help from you'll Bahamanian who hiding all those F*s in your homes parents who know there children doing shit what the FK FBI coming here for they need the same information come on Bahamas think for your self you either 100% behind helping the police and the goverment or stay living in fear and bitching and complaining take a look at the person in the mirror and say am doing enough. Last stop thing all police are corrupt in every bag of apples there will be one or two bad apple what you do when you find you trow it away and eat the rest you don't trow the whole bag away STOP BEING SO F***G NEGATIVE.NA THATS MY 10 CENTS NA F/O if ya wa see me am always under the bridge an just tired a you all hypocrites complaining.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 10 months ago

Speaking of negativity, your comment was full of it!

Yes, the Bahamian public does need to stop hiding these thugs. Its not negativity its constructive criticism. Its thought processes like yours that don't contribute to solutions, because no one stops to consider a different path. Everyone wants to continue beating the same path with the same poor result of escalating crime.

The truth of the matter is, many of the police are corrupt and accept bribes from criminals because they aren't paid enough. The police force has become a job source of last resort, because its a low paying field with little respect.

Many of them respond to crimes and can't fill out the police report because they can't read and write! That is real talk and a real experience where my mother had to write the report because the unfortunate officer admitted to his own illiteracy.

There simply aren't enough officers on the force to do the job well or even to respond to emergencies. We keep putting pressure on Commissioner Greenslade without giving him the proper tools and resources to produce results.

If anything, my comment was in support of better working conditions for police officers because my dear they do need it. Your comment about Boston is not applicable, we are talking about crime not terrorism.

PS. I'm not complaining I'm offering a discussion and points for solution. No need to come and see you under the bridge, you have no points to discuss, just low conversation full of expletives.

And my dear I have never ever posted anything in support of Rodney Moncur (not saying I'm against him), I disagree with many of his tactics, and have never ever been in favor in the release of a criminal, not even a member of my own family who spent hard time at Her Majesty's Prison.

Get real! As the song says, "stop digging in ya bungi!"

VS 11 years, 10 months ago

Please tell the rest of us readers how the above comment demonstrates any measure of hypocrisy, because after reading and re-reading what was written, it is apparent that you have misplaced hostility for no reason at all. No one is being negative. What has been previously said is simply the truth, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. And while I do agree that the issue of crime starts with us, 'everyday Bahamians' in our 'everyday' jobs and homes, it should also be noted that WE THE PEOPLE have elected men and women to represent us; that is, to speak and act on our behalves. Fact is, neither government during their respective reign in this country has tackled the issue of crime PROACTIVELY. In general, we wait until something terrible happens (or until it benefits us) and then decide it's time to act. We need lawmakers lobbying in the House of Assembly for more strict punishment for persons found guilty of committing criminal acts, including (but not limited to) murder, burglary, armed robbery, sexual assault, et cetera, instead of bickering like school-yard children about who "sissyin' 'round" with who! But, I digress......... The point of the matter is that our justice system is archaic - old and outdated. And while we steadily rely on institutions such as the Privy Council to dictate to us what punishment should and should not fit the crime(s), we continually visit the victims of these heinous acts in hospital or, worse, in a funeral home! As it was stated before, invest in our police and defense forces and bring to them the resources needed (education and training included) to deal swiftly with crime, even if it means sending them abroad or bringing in help to provide for more tactical training and especially refresher courses as it relates to taking on a new approach to crime. Now that's my 50 cents!

Honeybun 11 years, 10 months ago

Very sad indeed...I am so upset right now with these dirty wanna be thugs who go around inflicting pain and fear on innocent people. Can't even walk the streets of Nassau anymore or leave your house without the fear of something happening. Now this will have a negative impact on the Bahamas for sure...I hope the police find the other two culprits and deal with them accordingly.

MsSmith 11 years, 10 months ago

Why aren't the Police monitoring these areas 24 hrs a day we have a massive amount of police officers, and we are continuing to churn out more and more each year from the Training College. They are not short staffed. We need Police on the ground watching the Tourists back. We all know Mackey Street and Shirley Street in that area is a problem area

bahamasoapmama 10 years, 9 months ago

I was in the police kiosk/hut/station downtown. They had the monitors for all the cameras set up to monitor downtown. All were black except one, that was pointed at the ocean.

Our security is a joke, plain and simple. The whole system is broken.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago

Is there an illegal nightclub or something on Mackey Street? Walking back to the socks at 4:30am along Mackey Street...something is not quite right there. I wouldn't walk that street after sunset...let alone 4:30am. Either way, the loss of life and the robbery was totally unacceptable and deplorable, not trying to downplay that at all, but I would be curious to hear the backstory a bit more as to what circumstances led up to these 4 people strolling down Mackey St at 4am.

positiveinput 11 years, 10 months ago

Two men and two women in the wee hours of the morning. You dont need an illegal nightclub with that equation to have a good time.

lazybor 11 years, 10 months ago

so, what are we going to do now? Are some of our politicians aware of what is happening???http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago

After reading the article in the 'other' paper...their story reads a bit differently...they left in a vehicle after leaving Hammerheads and were travelling south on Mackey St...for whatever reason the vehicle stopped, they were approached, she got out and then he got out to defend her...still a very weird situation. Funny how the two different papers have distinctly different stories.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 10 months ago

I agree, I was a bit confused by what seems to be two completely different stories.

Letsdoit 11 years, 10 months ago

As a friend of mine said years ago ~ THE POLICE STATION IS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BRIDGE!

B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago

Seeing multiple press releases across mainstream papers in the US...sailor killed in the Bahamas during a robbery...hope the thugs appreciate the devastating financial blow this will have on our economy...but hey...let's not always worry too much about the tourists, we don't need them...we can do just fine without them...yeah right.

USAhelp 11 years, 10 months ago

Cuba is a better choice right now for tourist we needto do something about crime.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

everybody talks about the police etc ,no one ever talks about the main driver of our crime rate ,,our irresponsable sexual habits and 75% illegitamacy rate ,,

carlh57 11 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to the Bahamas tourist! Where your children are raped, your womens robbed and your fathers are murdered....i am actually currently taking a trip on the ship Liberty this gentleman was working on...devistated crew. Senseless killing by Bahamian thugs and a terrible reflection on this nation and its pittiful government...you should be ashamed.

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