Excerpts from the 2013/2014 budget communication, delivered by Prime Minister Perry Christie in the House of Assembly yesterday.
Government determined to continue with the National Health Insurance Scheme
“In the area of health, I wish to signal that the government is currently reviewing all aspects, including costing, of a National Health Insurance programme. We are committed to the establishment of such a scheme during this term and, through the review process, we will determine how best to phase in the programme in the period ahead. We are also committed to the construction of mini-hospitals across the nation. Currently, two such hospitals are on the drawing board in South Eleuthera and Cat Island and construction is slated to begin in 2013/14.”
The government has also increased the excise duty on manufactured spirits from the current rate of $6 a gallon to $8 a gallon. The stamp duty on imported spirits has also increased from $11 a gallon to $15 a gallon with an effective date of July 1, 2013.
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School to become a special needs school
“As part of our broader education thrust, the government will rent and renovate Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School to accommodate some 100 special needs children. Further recognising the need for heightened attention to those with special needs, my government also plans to begin construction, in New Providence, of a new educational and multi- purpose facility for persons with special needs. We are also committed to providing facilities in our schools for persons with special needs. In addition, we want to ensure that when they are no longer able to attend schools, like Garvin Tynes, facilities such as the one to be developed are provided where they may attend during the day. This facility will provide for them to continue their development and maximise their potential and ability to contribute to society. As well as the transformative effect on this section of our community, we believe that scores of families will welcome the opportunity to pursue business and gainful employment while their loved ones are in a safe environment, developing fully their God-given potential.”
New schools slated for some Family Islands
“In this budget, my government is also allocating $5.5 million of our own resources to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in 2013/14 for the construction of new primary and secondary schools in Inagua, San Salvador, Gregory Town and Lowe Sound. That is more than double the amount allocated last year and a virtual tripling of the sums allocated in 2011/12. We will maintain and expand these investments in future years.”
Draft legislation to help small-medium size businesses
“While the government does attach a high priority to identifying, promoting and supporting new foreign direct investment projects, we are also cognisant of the needs of small and medium size enterprises that are important engines of growth and job creation. We are therefore developing a new policy framework that will enhance the creation and expansion of small and medium size enterprises and the long-term employment opportunities that they create. The consultation report on the draft legislation is scheduled to be presented to the government in June and the amended legislation will be released for consultations in early Summer. Tabling in parliament is expected in the Fall.”
$175 million for Defence Force
“As well, we will begin a five year process to invest approximately $175 million in the modernisation of the marine fleet and harbour facilities of the Defence Force, in order to better patrol our seas and borders, protect our marine resources, and strengthen our capacity to respond to natural disasters throughout the Family Islands. In addition, we have also invested considerable sums to increase the manpower of the Defence Force.”
$1 million for greenhouses at Her Majesty’s Prison
“In addition, we are allocating $1 million toward the installation of greenhouses, for gardening purposes, at the prison, in schools and special educational facilities, the Williamae Pratt and Simpson Penn Centres, seniors’ and children’s homes throughout the country, as well as in Urban Renewal communities as a means of providing employment and a source of marketable produce.”
Government still committed to housing programme
“My government remains committed to the housing programme. The grave economic situation that we inherited has delayed our ability to proceed as expeditiously as we would have liked, but we are now in a position to move forward with the construction of new homes. The Minister of Housing will provide additional details during the budget debate.”
Agricultural centre for Andros
“As well, the government will invest just over $4 million next year to establish the new School of Agriculture and Marine Sciences in North Andros. To be built on the site of the old agricultural research facility, the institute will include a tutorial commercial farm and is projected to be fully self-sustaining within five years. As an adjunct of the College of the Bahamas, it will offer diploma and certification programmes as well as skills training and its curriculum will combine both academic and practical components. It is estimated that initiatives sparked by the school could potentially place a 15 per cent dent in our total food imports.”
• Government to take up cost of security and border control services now handled by the United States in Grand Bahama.
“The reality is that, in all of these instances, we are recovering the administrative costs involved for Customs in providing these services. In the case of Grand Bahama, the government will, in 2015, also have to assume the cost for security and border control services now handled by the United States.”
• The government has also announced that it will continue the first-time home owner tax exemption which was expected to come to an end on July 1, 2013, but has now been extended for an additional five years to June 2018.
Petra 10 years, 1 month ago
It's always nice to see that the government is investing in accommodating children with special needs. Renovating the schools is the most valuable investment a country can make for its own future. Surely there will be companies that will gladly participate in the renovation process, like these http://shepardpainting.com/portland-ore…">painters in Portland would. The community proved often that is more than willing to get involved in projects that serve a good cause like this one.
Ramone 10 years, 1 month ago
Agriculture is an important element for a country
s economy. If there is the possibility to build greenhouses for improving the agriculture, then it should be done. But if you want to build a greenhouse not only that you should do it proper but you have to take care of what is going inside it, like the insects that can help or destroy your plants, and you shouldn
t let these insects inside your house either but that can be easily solved with screen doors like those from http://conimardesigns.com/retractablesc…">http://conimardesigns.com/retractablesc…. The rest is simple, you just have to take care of your plants.Petra 10 years, 1 month ago
The construction of new homes and helping small-medium size businesses might very well go hand in hand with each other. There are a lot of family-owned businesess, like this siding company http://www.sidingstl.com/">http://www.sidingstl.com/ runned by people who know what it takes to get the job done right the first time and who could use the government support on assigning them some projects. These small companies do have the potential and ability to contribute to society.
Petra 10 years, 1 month ago
The mini hospitals idea is extremely convenient for for those who are immobilized and need a doctor close to the place they live. They might even consider having some stair lifts or chair lifts installed, like the ones this company is providing http://stairalift.com">http://stairalift.com. This way people in wheelchairs would feel they are taken into account and wouldn't feel once again that they are completely depending on others.
KateThinnery 10 years, 1 month ago
The fact that the government chose to continue the housing program is a good thing, especially for those who can't afford their own place and for the elders, who could greatly benefit from in-home nursing care. You can http://advancedhomesupport.com/">find more information here about these in-home care projects, but what is important here is the fact that these people need to be taken care of and that fact that they can actually rely on their leaders is of great importance.
KateThinnery 10 years, 1 month ago
There seem to be a lot of changes the government is taking into consideration. A very important thing in this case is making sure that those in charge of these projects actually think them through and, more importantly, have gone through all the necessary http://volyoum.com/our-services/">entrepreneur coaching needed and are suitable for their positions. Because we are talking here about the faith of an entire nation, relying on their judgement.
Ramone 10 years, 1 month ago
Definetly the health system needs most of the attention because without it, illnesses would destroy the population. Also, the http://clintonvilledentalcare.com">dentists in Columbus OH are supporting campaigns for getting the health system real funds.
DesireeJohnson 10 years, 1 month ago
In the area of health, technological investment is extremely important not only for the medical suppliers, but mostly for the beneficiaries. Technology has improved so much that analytical X-ray service laboratory is one of the best solutions for scientists. You can check it out here if you want to find more information: http://www.x-raywizards.com/">http://www.x-raywizards.com/ . All in all, this kind of investments are really beneficial for science and for the future of medicine.
gukevo 10 years, 1 month ago
The government has really strange ideas sometimes regarding the state budget and if you are a small or medium company you should pay attention to the legal changes and also to the economical fluctuations. If you visit http://www.accesscasters.com/ you will understand the importance of being in touch with all the changes that the government is making and the marketing department should work towards achieving balance above all.
zinos85 10 years, 1 month ago
The government does have to consider allocating a good amount of money to build new schools and hospitals. However, when it comes to installing foundations they should hire experts like Specialty Precast, you can find this company at http://www.specialtyprecast.com/faq">http://www.specialtyprecast.com/faq.
tommglass 10 years ago
Planning your finances can be a difficult task, especially if you are inexperienced. But, with the help of a professional service, like this one at http://xenexpayments.com">http://xenexpayments.com, everyone can plan better his finances and even start a saving account. Also, this company has other related services, like an e-commerce support and assistance, gifts and loyalty programs and so on.
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