FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner slapped PLP MP Andre Rollins in the House of Assembly today claiming he had said ‘nasty things’ to her.

Mrs Butler-Turner and Fort Charlotte MP Mr Rollins had words just outside of the House Speaker's chambers.

He put his arm around her, they continued talking and then she slapped him.

It followed a heated session during which MP V Alfred Gray had accused Mrs Butler-Turner of being ‘embarrassed’ because Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin had been forced to make a number of upgrades to the Simpson Penn Centre for Boys – the centre had previously been Mrs Butler Turner’s responsibility.

At that point the FNM Deputy could be heard suggesting to Mr Rollins that the PLP would not be running him as a candidate in 2017.

She alleged particular reasons why.

Bernard Nottage, National Security Minister, stood up and said “This is a good time to adjourn the house.”

The house was adjourned for lunch, but after a brief exchange of words as House proceedings came to an end, Melanie Griffin was heard telling Mr Rollins “not to approach Loretta Butler-Turner because it’s not worth it.”

MPs made their way out of Parliament to the staircase outside.

It was then that Mrs Butler-Turner slapped Mr Rollins after he was seen to put his arm around her.

Eyewitnesses said that she had asked Mr Rollins to remove his arm twice.

People still in the upper chamber heard a loud reaction and onlookers who shouted: "Oh man did you see Rollins get slapped?"

Other people said Mr Rollins appeared to be shocked and didn’t know what to do.

Mrs Butler-Turner told The Tribune afterwards: “He tried to act like he was being all nice. He put his arm around me and I asked him to remove his arm. He started to whisper all kinds of nasty things so I told him to remove his arm again. When he didn’t I slapped him.

“He is a provocateur. He tried to tell people after I slapped him that he was only trying to be nice. But he is a nasty man.”

Mr Rollins told The Tribune he was not going to lodge any formal complaint.

He claimed Mrs Butler-Turner had accused Mrs Griffin of being responsible for deaths at the Willie Mae Pratt Centre for Girls.

He said: “I told her it was in poor taste and she needed to seek help. In fact I told her she needed to seek a psychiatric evaluation.

“I put my arm around her and I said ‘you really need help,’ and she slapped me.

“She acted in a fashion which was consistent with her belligerent nature. I had my arm around her, so I don’t know if she took offence at that.

“I am certain she regrets it. From my position, I hope all men would handle this the way I did, by walking away. I do not believe men should be violent towards women.

I did not say anything nasty to her. The perception is I may have said something about her person, but at no time did I do that. I said ‘you really need a psychiatric evaluation.’

“It was totally uncalled for.”


spaceyg 11 years, 9 months ago

This is actually quite sad................. We wonder why our country is going to hell........... Look how the people who are running it act............

Ironvelvet 11 years, 9 months ago

Ummm, I'm willing to bet that that is not all what Rollins said. People have a habit of trying to pretty up something when they do wrong.

Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago

He said ......she said................ But they all do nothing.

HolandObserver 11 years, 9 months ago

Andre you should have listened the first time.....if a woman says get your hands off of me...DO IT! Very simple!!!

ADubbs 11 years, 9 months ago

I would have slapped him too if I'd told him to move his arm. I have no tolerance for violations of my personal space.

It is regrettable that it happened the way it did, but is anyone TRULY surprised?

It's ridiculous that we expect our children to be respectful in school, but our leaders give them no good examples to follow.

thomas 11 years, 9 months ago

Slap him down again!!!

Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago

I think equally as disturbing is the fact this government is now into its second year of being in office and still seems to be stuck reliving the past five years. Get over it already...........you are the government now..............focus on the issues......not on trying to make yourself look good by attacking what others may or may not have done.

pilgrimagerock 11 years, 9 months ago

The Brokeback MP for Fort Charlotte don't know when to STOP making a fool of himself.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

:-) broke back MP...what dat mean again?:-))

Stapedius 11 years, 9 months ago

Why is Butler-Turner always involved in these events in the house? Rollins was wrong to approach her and should have leave it be. But besides that, all these big blow ups in the house seem to involve LBT. Its one thing to be aggressive on the issues that we face as a nation, its another to be personally agressive towards each other. The whole lot of them need to just stay away from politics. We've been recycling politicians over and over again for the past 20+ years. Sick of the FNM. Sick of the PLP

aloethree 11 years, 9 months ago

Lets start a new Party with new leaders who have not bin around since 1970's or have family ties with politicians and never vote either group again and really make a difference.

As i travel around you hear how persons truly feel about their government or those in charge and It is clear that the Bahamian people believe that they all are hypocrites and have failed the Bahamas time after time.

We should celebrate this independence develop a plan that will work become unified as one party and people with out the politics from the DNA, PLP, and FNM or the christian council.

Lets come togeter as Bahamians and address the real issues of this country, education, economy job creation they all campaigned that they resolve the issue but they are fighting and not helping the people

John 11 years, 9 months ago

Rollins should have listened to Melanie Griffins. She told him not to approach Loretta Butler -Turner but he did. Not only did he approach her but he put his arms around her. Turner told him to take his hands off her and he didn't. She told him again and he still didn't. so he got a slap that stung like a bee..any more questions

Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago

Nope. That just about does it

sansoucireader 11 years, 9 months ago

There's a couple of them I'd like to slap too!

thomas 11 years, 9 months ago

She should now take out a restraining order against him. He has already made his contribution with his ' I am man, hear me roar' speech, or is it woman...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

On behalf of all gals, I am offended :)

solace 11 years, 9 months ago

It never ceases to amaze me how sexist and double standard we are as a society. Listen i don't care if she is a female. Her resort to violence is a disgrace as both MP and a Deputy Leader and should be reprimanded accordingly. If this had been Dr. Rollins doing the slapping i probably couldn't even get in on this post because of the women screaming how wrong he is...so Spare me the BS. Loretta could have handle that in a far more Dignified and CIVIL manner as someone in her position. If the leaders are resorting to violence what the hell can they say to the young people especially are young men who are resorting to violence on an almost daily basis.....lets get it together and stop the nonsense...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

You are right on point, they both should have acted in a more dignified manner. I don't know about the tables being turned though...there's something in humankind the world over, that sees something obscenely wrong with a man hitting a woman.

We need to somehow get a team of professionals leading this country...

John 11 years, 9 months ago

Didn't the speaker tell these people that they were acting like children? Didn't the bible tell us this would happen: thinking of Isaiah 3:4, which reads: "And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them."

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

You have to tell us what the people did to deserve the judgement

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

step right up folks ,put ya money down ,we gats us an ole fashion fight in da henhouse ..lol

henny 11 years, 9 months ago

Whether she is right or wrong in slapping him putting your hands on a female is cause to be subjected to sexual harrassment charges if continued. He was right to walk away. He had no choice. He knows he was wrong. All of you need to grow up and stop acting like fools.

john33xyz 11 years, 9 months ago

This was probably a staged act by both parties to change the subject away from the likely horrible conditions at both childrens' home - and instead talk about who's badd.

Nobody gets blamed for the real problems. Let's give the people something to else to talk about.

Arrow 11 years, 9 months ago

Andre Rollins instead of acting like the village idiot, do something positive for the people of Fort Charlotte who mistakenly elected you. Those who seek public office should be thoroughly vetted by leaders who seek to offer them as representatives. Not knowing exactly what you said to Mrs Butler- Turner if it was anything like the way you represent Fort Charlotte then I Am CERTAIN YOU DESERVE A KICK AND A SLAP!

TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 9 months ago

They need to apologise to each other now like civilized people do and get on with the people's work. This is garbage...what Bill are they debating again? Moving right alonggggg... The people in the country and hurting and need relief.... enough of this. Get back to business...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

I suppose you are right...I just shudder to think that we expect them to handle our business any better...I am tired of lawyers and trade unionists, they've done a mess of a job so far...(I apologize to all intelligent professional lawyers and trade unionists)

thomas 11 years, 9 months ago

She should press charges against him. Too many men feel like if they want to touch a woman she should let him. She does not have the right to resist him. Fortunately for her a slap made him stop other women and girls suffer through this experience.

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