Police launch investigation into assault


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE wife of a pastor was raped inside their church.

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the rape of the woman, who is also a Deaconess, who was cleaning the church when a male who was unknown to her came into the church and forced himself on her.

The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the religious community, causing one religious leader to question where has the fear of God gone.

Grace Community Church Pastor Lyall Bethel said the entire incident speaks to the level of “barbarism” we have fallen into as a country.

“I cannot wrap my brain around this incident. I cannot understand how a supposed human being enters a church, does not fear God in the least and does this kind of thing. Are we that far from being civilized that people do not respect the church anymore? This young man walked in the church and did something awful when he should be going to the church to get right with God,” he said.

“How does someone find it in themselves to go into a sanctuary and do something so evil. How did his conscience never strike him? Did he not know what he was doing was wrong? Where is the fear of God? People are going into the church and stealing, breaking into people’s cars. Some places should be off limits. Even in war, people respect the church as a sanctuary and despite their raw hatred for their enemy, they would never attack them in the church. This person destroyed a marriage and destroyed that woman. How is that pastor going to approach his wife, knowing that he could not protect her? They are going to need counselling. What pleasure could you possibly get out of that? You defiled a woman in a church? It is just mind boggling.”

Pastor Bethel said one of the main reasons for such a high level of crime, in his opinion, is “father woundedness.”

“Men need to grab the reigns, rather than abandoning their families,” he said. “I believe most of society’s ills can be traced back to the absence of a father in a child’s life. The majority of prisoners in Fox Hill prison have no relationship with a father and the stats are mounting with the men in this country who do not know their father. These men end up being angry with authority. My charge is this, we need to encourage young men and women to stop seeing themselves as animals and beasts with no conscience. If you are an individual whose conscience has been deadened by the brutality of life, find someone who can help you before it is too late.”

The Tribune attempted to contact several police officers for comment but calls were not returned up to press time.

One senior officer, who did not want to go on the record, did confirm however, that police are investigating this rape.


banker 11 years, 9 months ago

Nobody is safe any more. This is just one sign of the slide of the Bahamas into total anarchy and the government of the day, or anyone for that matter, is helpless to stop it. Soon financial services and second homes people will flee because of the lawlessness of the land.

Tria 11 years, 9 months ago

It's one of the reasons we're leaving..... we just don't feel safe here anymore. It's such a shame because we love this Country!

atwr 11 years, 9 months ago


Pastor Bethel is absolutely correct on the reasons for the crime here in our country. Breakdown of the family structure.

Honeybun 11 years, 9 months ago

This is just awful. Rape within itself is terrible but to have it take place in a church, that's showing no regard, respect and fear for the big man upstairs...I agree no one is safe in this land.

JanetJHutcheson 11 years, 9 months ago

I first send prayers of comfort to this woman and her family, her church, I can't begin to imagine the horror, shame and sense of hurt that she must have experience. I am outraged at this unspeakable act and certainly hope that the Police apprehend this culprit quickly. Suffer not this rapist to live is my feeling at this time, even if he repents, he should suffer death, which is the only consequence for his actions. God help us all, what have we come to in this country, is this another matter that will be swept under the rug after a few days? I fully support hanging, and this male person should suffer his fate. I pray that this family and all others who are suffering at this time will be comforted and supported through our prayers.

USAhelp 11 years, 9 months ago

Beaten n rob at church now rape watch out murder is next. No punishment for crimes s sad

pilgrimagerock 11 years, 9 months ago

A total lack of respect for GOD ALMIGHTY is bible prophecies being fulfilled. These are the last days and its going to get a lot worse before it gets better (the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ).

honeyp 11 years, 9 months ago

I am sincerely sadden by this incident and I pray for the comfort and healing of that family! We should be outraged no matter where rape takes places and no matter who is raped! The church has become just another building because they have lost a lot of respect from the community. Of late many "Men of God" have disgraced the Church how much more do you expect from " people of the world"!

TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 9 months ago

I thought I'd heard it all.... So what is the police suppose to do when they catch this guyyyyyyyy? He needs to be tarred, feathered and cat-o-nined....nasty doggggg. What in the world is this country coming too... To all women, I suggest, you travel with a can of mace and a pocket knife...everywhere.. while he would have been zipping his pants back up, he was gonna get it...

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

This is very Sad and Disturbing, my compassion goes out to this woman, the Church and the Country as a hole, but this is not the first time this person has done this to a woman or child. This one just happened to be the wife of a Pastor and in a Church. It is the broken glass theory coming true when these people go unchecked after showing any signs of being predators. The police are also manipulating crime statistics and not providing a tracking system and accurate reporting of crime allowing offenders to get away with a smack on the risk or unpunished. I am sure if u run this persons criminal history u will find other like offenses... I can say that no one feels safe in the Bahamas anymore, the criminal element has created an environment of fear and justified paranoia. The Bahamian People have no faith in the Police, Courts, or Politician to solve the problem. And if this is so, allow Law Abiding Citizens the right to Purchase Hand guns or other means of protection for themselves and there Family, including the right to carry concealed hand guns... At this point I would put my faith in God, and the GUN...

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