Businessman shoots would-be robber


Tribune Staff Reporter


A BUSINESSMAN shot and seriously injured a would-be-robber.

Police say the man, who owns a convenience store on Carmichael Road, was pulling into his residence on Thursday night when he was approached by two men armed with a handgun demanding cash.

The men reportedly got out of a stolen F-150 white truck.

According to reports, when the victim saw the men approaching him with a weapon, he retrieved his licensed shot gun and shot one of them.

The uninjured suspect attempted to flee with a third man, however they were intercepted by police a short time later.

Police say one of the suspects fired at them and as a result was shot by one of the officers.

Both suspects were taken to hospital where one was treated and discharged but is still in police custody.

The other suspect is listed in serious but stable condition.

Police found a handgun along with a quantity of ammunition at the scene.

Investigations continue.

In a separate investigation, a 21-year-old man from Romer Street and a 17 year-old youth of Ridgeland Park are in police custody after robbing a man and stabbing him repeatedly.

Police say the victim was at his Sweeting Lane residence around 1am on Thursday when he was approached by two men, one of whom was allegedly armed with a handgun. The culprits forced the man into his residence where they ‘gun butted’ him and stabbed him repeatedly.

He was taken to hospital by ambulance where he is listed in serious but stable condition.

Officers of the Traffic Division arrested suspects moments later in the area of College Garden. Investigations continue.


Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

It is time for Law Abiding, honest, hard working Bahamian Citizens to be given the right to carry hand guns, including concealed hand guns. At this point U cannot wait or depend on Police Protection. If they can shoot A Police Supt. at his home, nothing is secure...

paul_vincent_zecchino 11 years, 9 months ago

Agree, Sir. Thirty years of relaxed gun laws in many states in America have resulted in a drop in crime, as criminals know that citizens can now defend themselves.

A few more valiant men such as this store owner defending themselves against the bad guys, and the rest of them will get the idea: perping on honest citizens is dangerous.

Florida Concealed Carry Permits and firearms ownership stand at record highs, while crime stands at record lows.

By comparison, in Chicago, crime is rampant because criminals know the law abiding citizens are defenseless.

Want more crime? Pass more gun laws. Want less crime? Give citizens their gun rights and have more guns.

It may sound strange to some, but life often works in a counterintuitive way.

rkey62 11 years, 9 months ago

Happy to read this story !! Need more like it. Need to shoot all these S.O.B. Criminals. We need to give hand gun licenses to the good people of this Bahamas land.

paul_vincent_zecchino 11 years, 9 months ago

DOJ/FBI crime statistics tell the tale: More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.

Gun controls, on the other hand, increase crime by shifting the balance of power to the criminal who is then able to prey freely on disarmed, defenseless citizens.

CRock 11 years, 9 months ago

I will say this:

I live in the USA and we are VERY grateful to have the right to carry a firearm to defend our safety. My wife and I both carry a sidearm daily. As I say I would rather have a gun and not need it,than to not have one and need it. "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

To my fellow Bahamians if I were u, I would start getting to know your neighbors and establishing neighborhood watches. Involve the police as a secondary measure because citizens on the front line watching each others backs are more effective than the Police. For Weapons each Law Abiding Citizen should own a 12 Gauge Shot Gun and pistol of no less than 40 Caliber.. I personally like Springfield Armor but choose what is best for you. Go to the range and learn to operate, clear, clean and manage these weapons from qualified person. The shot gun is great for the ladies too, because if a intruder comes in your home that buck shot will get them if aim is off just a little which is why I think shot guns are the perfect combat weapons, plus there is just something intimidating about the sound of racking that slide.. If you are sitting around waiting for the Government to Protect U, U R essentially a sitting duck waiting to Die....

superUser 11 years, 9 months ago

You would need to have the law changed then, because shotguns are only licensed for hunting pigeons and must be kept unloaded and locked away in a gun safe whenever you are not on a hunt - and ofcourse hand guns are totally illegal (unless you know someone special).

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

Totally agreed: The Law needs to be changed...In many of my prior post I have discussed a need for this.. We can play sociologist all we want but denying honest, mentally sound Bahamians access to certain Firearms puts them at a tremendous disadvantage for protecting there families.

ayatollah 11 years, 9 months ago

kill them all,bunch of no good dogs

IloveBahamas 11 years, 9 months ago

While a part of me is satisfied with the outcome of the above situation I would have to say that I would have to disagree with most comments calling for more guns as a deterrence or solution to crime (another band-aid fix is not the way to go). Many studies out there provide different views on the impact of loose or tight guns laws have.The fact that there are countries out there with different models with respect to gun laws and different outcomes even with a similar model makes it hard to be clear on the path to walk. For me addressing the issues that lead to social unrest is the first step to a safer country. Can anyone please show me one study that has been able to show that higher gun ownership means less crime?

superUser 11 years, 9 months ago

Studies? This is not school. And actually the facts speak for themselves - Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US and yet has more gun crimes that similar cities with relaxed gun laws. Its pretty simple really. BUT, I still believe they should certainly do background and mental health checks on anyone in the Bahamas applying for ANY gun license - too many dumb psychopaths in this little lawless country.

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

Llovebahamas: there is a study to agree or dispute everything & even our own crime statistics are heavily manipulated so lets talk about people..The crime problem is bad because over a time period there was a systematic neglect for the poor, everything else are the side effects. While this needs to be addressed tell me how to stop a man breaking into your house about to rape, robb and kill.. Criminals don't listen to nothing but the gun & there are too many criminals running around Nassau with no respect for the law.. in an idealist world based on theory I would agree with u, but after 12 years of police experience I say proctect yourself...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

is it neglect of the poor ,or the poor continueing to have more children than any countries economic growth can absorb ..when you have a single mother of 6 w/ three different dead beat dads the chance of producing law abiding citizens is greatly reduced ..look at countries and populations with lower or stable birth rates ,crime is alot lower ..we have the labratory results in our back yard ,ie Jamaica and Haiti

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

Concernedcitizen: That is one of the side effects of poverty and the lack of education...That is also a condition of the welfare state and moral decay where people are not held accountable for this type of behavior... It is the absents of Shame.. Pop culture and Music encourage young girls that they want a Ruff Neck or Thug.. Unfortunately Thugs don't make good anything, let alone take care of kids or pay bills.. We can agree that Single Motherhood is a problem, these kids need good responsible men to guide them. For many young girls Pop Culture is deciding what a good man is suppose to be, its even worse in single parent homes with no male role model as the example... The only way to deal with this is education or arrest people for irresponsible breeding and give them a choice sterilization or jail. Charge them with endangering children and the public, and abuse of the Tax payer, punishment vasectomies for men, tubes tied for women.. Unfortunately in a civilized society we cannot do this... The reality is many young girls go for losers (thugs) early and 5 kids later realize its too late... Responsible boys or men that are doing positive things just don't have that pop culture swagger they desire... Later in life they find out no respectable Man wants Single Mothers with multiple Kids. Only losers are happy to take them and more breeding and irresponsibility continues, its a vicious cycle and society is paying the price...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

well put ....................

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