MORE than 1,000 people have signed a petition calling on the government to stop reported plans for the construction of a dock from Bimini’s shoreline which could cause “catastrophic” damage to the environment.
The dock is said to have been proposed by a resort on the island, according to the petition which was created by environmental group, the Bimini Blue Coalition, on the website,
The petition, which had 1,339 signatures at press time last night, says Bimini’s economic and ecological future “depends upon keeping our waters clean, our reefs healthy, and our fisheries thriving.”
It has many international signatories, including persons from Canada and around the United States.
In order to preserve Bimini’s tourism industry, the petition says, all development proposals must “respect and protect the ecological integrity” of Bimini and surrounding ecosystems.
“The current proposal being put forth by Genting’s newly acquired Resorts World Bimini Bay calls for the creation of a massive cruise ship terminal off the western shore of North Bimini. These plans include a 1,000 ft dock extending west off North Bimini’s beaches, the creation of a large man-made island offshore, and an enormous amount of related dredging. All of this is being proposed in an area of densely populated coral reef habitat,” the petition says.
“The damage to the surrounding reefs will be catastrophic, and the landscape of Bimini will be forever transformed.
“We are calling on Prime Minister Perry G Christie to halt these proposals and demand that a new plan be developed. Any new proposals put forth must not adversely impact Bimini’s reefs or marine ecosystems, must not negatively affect the North Bimini Marine Reserve, must not negatively impact the quality of life or property value of North Bimini’s residents and homeowners, and should take into consideration the ideas and concerns of Bimini’s residents, stakeholders, and homeowners.”
One supporter, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Tribune, Bimini locals are overwhelmingly opposed to the plan. The area where the dock is reportedly planned has several notable geological features, she said.
“On top of the Three Sisters which is also known as the footsteps to Atlantis - that’s where there looking to build it (and) It’s one of the most popular diving and fishing areas,” she said. “If they put a cement dock they would totally wipe it out. It’s horrible to think they would do it.”
The supporter added: “The Biminites don’t want it, they have no idea how it’s happening. There has been no discussion with the people of Bimini.”
Another supporter said “nobody is opposed” to drawing in more visitors to Bimini but “there needs to be a smarter way.
“Let’s say by chance the casino doesn’t work out – which has happened in many places – then what are we left with? We don’t have diving, we don’t have views, we don’t have reefs,” he said.
“The dock would include a huge amount of dredging in an area where there’s one of the highest concentrations of coral reefs. There’s 14 different dive sites within a mile and half – 12 of which are coral sites.”
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks to the Tribune for covering this issue. Destroying or damaging Bimini's reefs, beaches, and waters for the sake of ONE boat is a STUPID idea.
Demand a smarter plan.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago
But from who? Who will listen? Obie Wilchombe has yet to tell us his findings on the developers of Blackbeard's cay. A court had to tell them that Nygard's illegal activity was illegal. In the words of that great poet Michael Jackson, all I wanna say is, they don't really care about us
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 8 months ago
Demand a smarter plan from the developers, from the investors, from Obie, from the rest of Parliament, from the BEST Commission, from the Prime Minister, and anyone else who is involved.
In a democracy, sometimes you have to push a little extra to make sure your representatives remember what their jobs are. The people in Bimini DON'T want this, that should make the developers and Government think a little harder about a new plan.
LisaBraun 11 years, 7 months ago
This article is BS. The petition has been signed by the same 25 people multiple times. It's just an attack from other hotel competitors who wanted to buy the Bimini resort before Genting bought it. Do buy into the lie. It's all about the politics of doing business in the bahamas. Environmental issues are always going to get press. This is nothing more than a political hit job.
BiminiARC 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks to Bimini Blue Coalition and the Tribune for covering this. Its time the Bahamas Government saw the value in its natural resources instead of the $$$ waived under their noses from big casino groups and cruise ships. What we need is eco projects and the preservation of what we have here before its too late. More education in marine conservation and respect for the environment. Where is the infrastructure that was promised to the island of Bimini before the resort was built from the previous developer? As it is the island does not have the resources to adaquately cope with the amount of tourism on busy holiday weekends, lack of water pressure, raw sewage, etc, so how does it hope to cope with thousands more descending on this precious island? The three sisters is a pristine marine habitat, lets keep it that way please!
superUser 11 years, 8 months ago
Its amazing how these wannabe environmentalists have nothing to say about all the deadly fumes and smoke the average Bahamian has to inhale every day - yet they cry about things that don't affect the average Bahamian and yet expect the average Bahamian to give a crap. Quite laughable really. But hey, whatever tickles their fancy.
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 8 months ago
Deadly fumes and smoke? Not sure what you're referring to?
These crazy proposals being put forth by Bimini Bay and Genting are threatening NUMEROUS Bahamian owned businesses here in Bimini, as well as the hundreds of Biminites employed by them. To say this doesn't affect average Bahamians is flat out wrong.
superUser 11 years, 8 months ago
If you dont know about deadly fumes and smoke, you obviously dont live where the average Bahamian lives.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago
I get what superUser is saying...there are a lot of causes that could be fought for but aren't. It's the Niemöller argument...
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
Basically where were they when....superUser does have a valid point
My one disagreement is the statement that the development doesn't affect the average Bahamian. The melting ice caps thousands of miles away affects us, how much more so a coin toss to Bimini...
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 8 months ago
I just totally disagree with the idea that people who care deeply about something should be criticized or discredited for not caring about EVERYTHING at the same time.
One step at a time. This is a huge issue on Bimini right now, so it's being addressed by the people that live here and love the island. If you're worried about something else, then do something about it, I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate your efforts.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago
I am not criticizing you. I have a love for the environment just as you do. I hope you are successful putting the breaks on any unsustainable development. You have a worthy cause. But superUser is right, there are many worthy causes that go unchampioned.
superUser 11 years, 8 months ago
I dont have a direct issue with your concerns, I just find it funny that something such as this (affecting "hundreds"?) makes national news, while health issues that affect a couple hundred thousand people (most of the country), does not.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago
Anyway, why are we constantly being jolted by all of these secret agreements. Shouldn't the plans have been thoroughly discussed with the residents, published in the paper, environmental impact assessed? This is the 3rd environmental shock in just a few months the 4th, I forgot about the I take it back on the oil referendum....
This system is not working. There is no accountability, they have absolute power and that corrupts absolutely.
LisaBraun 11 years, 7 months ago
The Bimini casino is ultra cool, and so is the new Genting cruise ship. I can't wait to take my first trip. I have lived in Miami for 28 years and I have never been to Bimini. I always heard there was nothing to do and that it was expensive to get there. Now there is apparently plenty to do and and it's cheap. Only $49 to go round trip from Miami to Bimini. That's cool.
Envirotech 11 years, 7 months ago
The Resorts World Bimini cruise Ship will bring 3,000 people to Bimini each day. That will help their economy big-time, especially when you consider that Bimini has a total population of 1,800.
Those gamblers will drop a lot of cash throughout the entire island and there will be plenty of tax dollars collected that will be used to clean up the island.
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