Police car stolen by prisoner left alone in back seat

A POLICE car was stolen yesterday – after a suspect left alone in the car used the key in the ignition to drive away.

After being taken into custody in the early hours of yesterday morning, the suspect saw the key in the ignition, moved into the driver’s seat and drove off.

According to sources, the incident took place at a local store on Carmichael Road.

Officers from the Carmichael Road Police Station went to the scene after a security guard had stopped a man stealing from the premises.

The suspect, according to sources, was then handcuffed by police and put in the police vehicle, while officers remained outside interviewing security. The suspect drove off, said a source.

When reached for comment, Supt Allen Emmanuel of the Carmichael Road Police Station confirmed that a “similar incident” had happened, but directed further inquiries to Assistance Commissioner Leon Bethel.

“Yes, something like that happened,” he confirmed.

Supt Emmanuel said police were informed to refer everything to Mr Bethel.

“He can bring you up to date, fully, and tell you everything about it,” he said.

However, Supt Bethel could not be reached for comment.


ayatollah 11 years, 9 months ago

we must have the most stupid police force in the world

BahamaBoy 11 years, 9 months ago

You really should travel the world. If you cant afford it, watch locked up abroad.

lazybor 11 years, 9 months ago

hahahahahaha this made my day!http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

henny 11 years, 9 months ago

That's the Bahamas for you!! the officers should be suspended without pay for his/her stupidity. Must have been handcuffed in front.

IloveBahamas 11 years, 9 months ago

So hold on...the back doors don't have the child safety locks or did he jump over the seats..which means there is no guard between the front and back.......I'm confused...help me out someone to understand????

BahamaBoy 11 years, 9 months ago

LOL; this was too funny. CLOWNS! They already have the uniform.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

Hey! my Daddy was a policeman, I liked to see him in his uniform (I think Mummy did too:) that was over 30yrs ago but...it's the same uniform) I imagine today there are lots of kids, spouses and mothers who are deservedly proud of their law enforcement relatives. These guys made a dumb mistake, it is funny, they sure ain't gonna make it again.

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

Either they Handcuffed him in the front which should be against policy or this is one incredibly flexible Individual.. Either way the Officers need about a 30 day suspension, thankfully no one got hurt...

TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago

How embarrassing when some smart suspect figured out that he could actually slide over behind the police car's steering wheel and take advantage of the key left in the ignition, to drive to freedom. Too darn bad the policeman's didn't think of that before leaving the key in the ignition?

pat242 11 years, 9 months ago

Why do some Bahamians love to talk so negative. We should embrace our arm forces not criticize them. I guarantee the average Bahamian would not come out there house to stop any crime. So thank GOD for the brave men and woman of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Remember you have family who are also police officers so when you insult one you insult all. and if your not assisting the police in the was against crime SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THERE JOB.

pat242 11 years, 9 months ago

the asshole who made that remark that we have the most stupidest police force in the world. If there something strange in your neighbor hood who you gonna call (THE POLICE). you have to be a reeeeeeeeal asshole lol

TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago

If you can't see the humor in this, what can I say? Not exactly the precedent you want to set when transporting suspects for lockup. If they keep leaving keys in the ignitions, the Commish will run up one hell-of-a taxi bill. When the police cars are all out on "suspect test drives" how else would he dispatch his policeman's to investigate crime scenes?

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

suspect test drives ,,,,,,,,,,,,,good one Tals

javiebenz 11 years, 9 months ago

Shyt happens , not a wise move by da officer but u live n u learn....give them credit for Da gud they're doing , it's not an easy job to go out there fight crime & then go home & live amounts the same criminals u locked up..officers in other countries take all their work equipments home with them, dats vest, guns, car & radio, therefore they feels safe doing their job unlike our officers who are underpaid & has to go home with jus the keys to their door...in a small ass country where every criminal know where them & their family lives...so with that being said, it's unfair to compare our officers with officers frm other countries

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

our police do good catching the some of the baddest most dangerous people around , its our courts and lack of prison beds ,,but i think the lawyers that become politicians like it that way ..more business

ignominy 11 years, 9 months ago

"Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrets Gump's Mom Run Forrest, run!

SP 11 years, 9 months ago

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago

Are you hinting that there are more serious issues to be discussed? *Or* that the quality of your post is just as good as any other:))

sansoucireader 11 years, 9 months ago

Ridiculous! Have they found the car yet? Is this one of those new cars that were recently purchased @ so many thousands of $$$$ each? Is this the same police force who made a statement some time ago that drivers who leave the key in the ignition with the car running and no one behind the wheel, could be charged? Although this doesn't say if the car itself was on I hope these officers receive some sort of discipline for their actions, and I hope they also note the mind-set of these criminals; obviously they will stop at nothing. Also, on the NB12 News clip the security guard who lives on the grounds of the Super Value Warehouse was shown firing his shotgun off a few times into the air; does he realize those same shots have to fall somewhere probably injuring/killing someone? Actually saw that on an early CSI episode.

positiveinput 11 years, 9 months ago

Question, how you said the Security Guard was filmed discharging his shotgun, isn't the only purpose a shotgun is given a license for is hunting? If so why is he firing it off on property not plotted out as hunting grounds? The other day (months back) a security guard shot and kill a man who was robbing a Chinese Store. When since security guards carry weapons unless Armor Trucks Personnel. One could understand protecting your personal property to such extent, but to carry a weapon which sole purpose was for hunting to work is more or less a 'white collar' murderer. These security guards are no different than the normal murderers because technically they have already pre-meditate what their purpose of owning a hunting weapon is. Oh yeah, shout out to Officer Dibbels - lmfao, your came runner up to the officer whom fell asleep on watch at the hospital a got the handcuff keys stolen.

Bahamianpride 11 years, 9 months ago

Positiveinput: its illegal the security guard should not have it.. But the problem is not the gun its a gun in the hands of an idiot.. The criminals have illegal hand guns and automatic weapons.. They are also not just robbing but killing, rapping or causing serious physical damage.. If u put a gun in the hands of a Law abiding citizen of sound mind, its going to be locked away in the safe like they are at my house...Guns don't kill people idiots, psycho's and untrained people kill people... Arming yourself is about giving each law abiding citizen a chance at survival because obviously the police cannot even protect themselves let alone citizens... When someone takes shot at a Supt. and now a Sgt. a message is being sent.. Guns are not the solution to the crime problem, but it will give law abiding citizen a fare chance of survival versus a gun carrying Thug... Protect your family and community until we can figure this outs..

positiveinput 11 years, 8 months ago

I appreciate the reply and it was well put. Your concern of protecting your family is well understood but its when these individuals are using 'in the name of having a license shotgun' as being the towns deputy.

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