Repeal seatbelt law

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was driving (speeding) along Milo Butler Highway several years ago before the roundabout was constructed. There was a junction there with a traffic light. I was on the south side of the light heading north.

I overtook some cars, passed the red light, and there was a car travelling south coming toward me. I tried to get back in my lane in time, but I clipped the front bumper of the car in front of me.

Since I was speeding, the car flipped over several times, I lost consciousness and somehow landed on the outside of the car several feet away. An ambulance was called, and I was taken to the hospital.

When I recuperated, I had a look at my car, and I came to the conclusion that had I been trapped in that car because of a seatbelt, I would have been hurt more severely than I was, or worse, dead! So don’t say seatbelts save lives; sometimes they cause deaths. But that type of information is never reported.

As a matter of fact, you’ll notice that when there is a fatal accident with the driver of a vehicle, and the person was wearing a seatbelt, the news reporter reporting the accident, says it was a fatality, but never says “…and he was wearing a seatbelt”. They only say “…and he was not wearing a seatbelt” when the accident was fatal and the person was not wearing a seatbelt. It’s almost like a conspiracy.

Besides being potentially fatal, seatbelts are a gargantuan inconvenience. Because of what I do, I have to get in and out of a car like 35 to 40 times a day; each time fastening my seatbelt. Sometimes I forget and I stop in middle of traffic to put it on. Ridiculous!

And so, I am hoping that the powers that be are listening so that they could give serious consideration to repealing this seatbelt law because $300 is a lot of money that the government is requiring if you don’t do something that could kill ya!



June 22, 2013.


jackflash 11 years, 8 months ago

Wear your seatbelt!

I bet you do when you go to Miami....

B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago

Especially if you are a reckless driver which he admits to being. Sadly, it's the idiots like this driver that survive by some silly miracle but kill others innocent law abiding motorists. I was driving (speeding). I overtook some cars, passed the red light, and there was a car travelling south coming toward me. I tried to get back in my lane in time, but I clipped the front bumper of the car in front of me. Since I was speeding, the car flipped over several times, I lost consciousness and somehow landed on the outside of the car several feet away.

cargyvr 11 years, 8 months ago

Tribune. How could you publish such garbage? Seatbelt laws save lives, period! Maybe if the author and many others I see on our roads drove more responsibly, we would all be safer.

I have driven in quite a few countries around the world, and the driving here is amongst the worst I have seen. There is little personal responsibility, or care for others. I am sick and tired of seeing people knowingly driving through red lights, with no lights, indicators or brake lights, and small children without seatbelts in the front seats.

Wake up drivers.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago

Marvin I am with you. It's like sometimes when I eat, I accidentally choke myself. It takes quite a bit of coughing to clear my air passage. Its quite unpleasant. If I could only train myself to stop eating perhaps I could eliminate that choking altogether.

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