Cuban exiles protest against Bahamas in Miami

MEMBERS of the Cuban exile community in Miami yesterday made good on their promise to stage a protest against the alleged mistreatment of Cuban and other undocumented immigrants being held in the Bahamas.

Vessels from the Democracy Movement, a human rights group based in Miami, gathered in the harbour, on the north side of Government Cut, protesting against all Bahamas-bound cruise ships.

The boats flew both American and Cuban flags and displayed placards denouncing the supposed abuse of those held at the Detention Centre in Nassau.

On Wednesday Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, encouraged Bahamians at home and in Miami to defend the nation’s reputation.

Mr Mitchell said he has had ‘enough’ of protesters who need to ‘give it a rest.’

“If we don’t push back then people will start to believe that it is true. All Bahamians have to speak out against this,” he said.

“We are the Bahamas, sitting in the middle of two countries, the US and Cuba. They are both friends of ours. There is no reason to be defaming this country. We are not in their ideological fight. If they want to go to the US then they should apply to the US for visas.

“People in our detention lock ups are treated humanely. If there are issues let us know and we will address them. The conditions are humane, they are not the best, but people are not beaten.”


AAT 11 years, 8 months ago

All Bahamians should defend our country against their false accusations. Also, in our own protest against these accusations each and every Bahamian should not shop in south florida for at least six months.

USAhelp 11 years, 8 months ago

Yes your right stay out of Florida and spend more at home for less. That is the right thing to do.

john33xyz 11 years, 8 months ago

If the Minister were serious about proving the goodness of our detention centers - he would give permission to the same opposition minister who visited a couple weeks ago to RETURN and this time bring the media with cameras ANY TIME day or night completely unannounced (no reservations or forewarning) - any time during the next 4 months.

I'm sure those running the center could not keep up a pretense of good behaviour for that long - not know at what moment the truth could suddenly be revealed.

chris4u2013 10 years, 8 months ago

It is not strange that the Cuban immigrants protest against this decision to arrest them. I think organizations like Amnesty etc should look into the issue and take the necessary steps to protest the interests of these people. Thank you. http://www.fashionforplay.com/golf/golf…">more

raducu 10 years, 4 months ago

I feel like these people are being mistreated in a very obvious manner and I think we should all speak up and support their cause. http://incaltamintecopii.tumblr.com/">!

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