Outrage as police shut down almost all Potter's Cay stalls

POTTER’S Cay vendors expressed outraged after police shut down nearly all the stalls at the popular hangout over the weekend.

The officers claimed they were only doing their duty, as the businesses in question all lacked a valid business licence.

But the vendors complained that they lost thousands because of the raid, which took place on Friday night – their busiest night of the week.

They also expressed concern about the conduct of some officers, who they said were rude and aggressive in carrying out their duties.

The vendors said the police arrived at around 7pm – when thousands of local and foreign customers were being served – and began demanding to see business licences.

Any vendor who could not produce one on the spot was reportedly shut down.

The vendors pointed out that the police could have waited until after Friday night to conduct their inspection, and claim the timing was calculated to do maximum damage to their pockets.

If police had waited until after the weekend, vendors would have had a chance to rectify their expired business licences, they also pointed out.

Instead, they were forced to endure an entire weekend without income.

The vendors also claimed that most of them have entered into an agreement with the government to pay all outstanding rent and business licence fees according to a payment plan.

In October last year, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries V Alfred Gray said that out of the entire Potter’s Cay/Arawak Cay vendor community, only two failed to come to terms with the government.

Mr Gray said: “Vendors have paid or have agreed to pay and that’s all we wanted them to do in the first place. It was never our intention to deprive anyone of making a living, but nobody will be able to disregard their obligation with impunity. Now that is behind us. I only ask the vendors to keep up the good works because if they do they get my full support.”

Records, according to Mr Gray, showed that before the government intervened, some vendors had rent arrears amounting to $30,000 and $40,000.

He said the balances had grown over a seven or eight year period.


ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago

And this is the problem...selective enforcement. Yes, the dock is an eyesore that needs to be cleaned up. Yes, the police officers did nothing wrong by enforcing the law, but as officers of the law they must be seen to be impartial and fair. When the courts ruled that web shops were illegal, no less than the Commissioner gave the signal ~we are going to conduct a raid on your businesses, and "implicitly" we will give you time to clear up any clear evidence of illegality. I like him personally but I cry shame on the Commissioner for this episode. Enforce the law and enforce it fairly so that justice is seen to be done and appears to be done.

IloveBahamas 11 years, 8 months ago

Thousands of dollars lost? Weren't some of them the same set of people claiming they couldn't afford the 100 or 200 a month fees. And why do they need to wait to be shut down or have the threat of being shut down to rectify their expired licenses? They were not interested to begin with. Oh please give me a break. Well done officers you are only doing your job. I think it is a good wake up call. When you don't listen sometimes you have to feel first.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 8 months ago

i agree whole heartedly ,,the problem w/ our country whenever anyone tries to enforce rules ,potters cay ,the school kids and the canceled prom everyone gets in an uproar ,,,plus potters cay is just plain nasty ,,can,t we do better

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago

I want Potters Cay cleaned up, I think this island is deteriorating into one big shanty town. My point is why the disparity between the way they were treated and the web shop guys were treated? Why didn't the Commissioner announce that they would be raiding Potters Cay soon checking for business licenses and they made the announcement early because they didnt want innocent people to be caught up in it?

Josie 11 years, 8 months ago

If vendors did not renew their business license, that is all the notice they need that they may be shut down.

As for "selective enforcement," how is it any different than having police at random roundabouts to check for licensing or other violations?

And since when do police need to consult with someone as to the best time to check that they are in compliance with the law?

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago

That's exactly my point. How did it happen for the web shops?

devs79 11 years, 8 months ago

I do agree that if a vendor is not in compliance they should be shut down however, my question do we continue double standards when it comes to authority? the illegal residents cannot be raided after a certain hour or on weekends and they are doing much disservice to this country. If we are going to play fair we must do it across the board

henny 11 years, 8 months ago

@ IloveBahamas and Josie.....I agree 100%. Some people just look for a free ride and won't pay their bills no matter what and then complain when they get penalized. Why wait until you are ordered to close down to say why couldn't the police wait until the weekend was over so you could make your money. You had no intentions of paying so what's the difference? It's obvious if you make "thousands" of dollars on the weekend you could have and should have paid for your renewals.

lazybor 11 years, 8 months ago

That was needed!http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

JohnDoes 11 years, 8 months ago

Ahh so they rather shut down the potters cay vendors who are actually providing some bahamian delicacies to the tourists and people, rather than shutting down those webshops I see. The enforcement is really and truly 'selective' rather than responsive and reactive. We had a whole day off from business to conduct the so called 'gambling referendum' and spent $1million+, yet those pirating businesses continue to thrive. Isnt it appalling that the voice of the people is yet to be heard? It seems that they do anything for media appeal but is the problem that we citizens face really being solved?

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago

Exactly, it's like they only have the will to enforce the law against those they perceive to be powerless

JohnDoes 11 years, 8 months ago

Yep and some forget that these same government agencies who are supposed to be helping the people are the one's who are back burning the people. We are treated like immigrants in our own country while the foreigner invests and lives a life we citizens could only dream about.

USAhelp 11 years, 8 months ago

Don't worry be happy. Won't miss it till its gone.

raducu 10 years, 4 months ago

I don't understand why they had to act like this. Violence is never the answer to anything and of course the whole thing went out of control. I think this was just mean, more than anything. http://incaltamintecopii.tumblr.com/">!

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