Case begins over St John's College graduation


ATTORNEYS Christina Galanos and Krystal Rolle began their opening submissions yesterday in the case between the 2013 graduating class of St John’s College and the Anglican Central Education Authority.

Ms Galanos represents the 2013 St Johns graduates and Ms Rolle represents the Anglican Central Education Authority.

Earlier this summer, Bishop Laish Boyd, president of the Anglican Central Education Authority, cancelled the 2013 graduation ceremony and prom amid allegations of “impudent acts” being committed by some of the students.

At the time, Ms Galanos announced that the graduating class had engaged her to seek to have the decision of the board overturned.

It this did not occur, she said, she would seek to have the education board refund the $300 graduation fee paid by the students.

The trial is taking place before Chief Justice Michael Barnett.

In opening arguments, Ms Galanos argued that according to a legally binding contract, the school was required to conduct a graduation service for the 2013 graduates.

In response, Ms Rolle claimed no such contract exists, arguing that legally binding contracts must adhere to certain criteria and be subject to certain laws.

Opening submissions are expected to continue today.


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