McCartney advises MP's removal from FNM

Edison Key sits in the House after fellow FNM party members walked out.

Edison Key sits in the House after fellow FNM party members walked out.


Tribune Staff Reporter


CENTRAL and South Abaco MP Edison Key is “a political prostitute” in the opinion of DNA Leader Branville McCartney.

Advising party leader Hubert Minnis to ask Mr Key to leave the party, Mr McCartney said he has his “concerns about Edison Key.”

In the House of Assembly on Wednesday, Mr Key was the only opposition member who did not oppose the Speaker’s move to name Dr Minnis, and the only opposition member who did not leave the House of Assembly alongside Dr Minnis after police escorted the Killarney MP outside.

“Mr Edison Key was the only opposition member who stayed behind and allowed the PLP to just lambast the FNM in relation to who the FNM gave permanent residency to and really didn’t do anything but just sat there,” Mr McCartney said.

“From my past experiences with Edison Key, when I was in the House of Assembly, he lied – and I will use that word, ‘lie’ – about me approaching him when I was a Minister, for my firm to do work. I consider Edison Key, a political prostitute – plain and simple.

“When he did that to me, I came out of the House of Assembly and I said he was not speaking the truth – he was lying. I was not protected by Parliamentary privilege, and if he felt that what I said was wrong, he could have certainly taken me to court... What he said was totally untrue.”

The former Bamboo Town MP claimed Mr Key “has proven not to speak the truth” and there are “rumours” that Mr Key “is going to the PLP”.

“His actions yesterday prove that Minnis has to be very, very careful,” Mr McCartney said. “ My position still remains as to not trusting Mr Edison Key and I would give the Leader of the Opposition the same advice, not to trust him. The truth is not in him.”

He continued: ”I would strongly urge the Leader of the Opposition to be aware. If I was the leader and based on what he said – I’m not too sure of the procedure, but I would ask to see the back of Edison Key from the party... He should ask him to leave. You’re with me or you’re not.”

When reached for comment, Mr Key explained to The Tribune that he is unconcerned with Mr McCartney’s statements.

“I dealt with Branville McCartney in the House of Assembly, sometime back, and I brought facts of the deal through BAIC – I brought the cancelled cheques and all of the letters from his law firm,” he said.

“Of course he wouldn’t have anything good to say about me. I’m not worried about Branville McCartney, at all. If he said anything good about me, I’d be on my way to heaven.

“Branville McCartney is who is he and I guess he speaks for himself. I have nothing to say for or against him. It doesn’t matter to me what he’s said.”


TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

Comrades sex, even if you have to buy it, is still too much an enjoyable thing to stamp the faces of Edison or Bran on it? Here we have Bran, eager to jump on to the SS Red Shirts and Edison is preparing to abandon ship. Yep, Bahamlandland sure as hell has her share of colorful (opportunists) politicians. Seldom do we get two on the same page of The Tribune who are still trying to climb the ladder of their profession? One still young and misguided and the the other a political savvy, almost 85 year old, who knows exactly what he's after? My money is on Edison. I am not a financial risk taker.


Teller 11 years, 7 months ago

Wait a second, Bran jumped ship and Edison jumped ship but bran is calling Edison a political prostitute? Bran, seriously man you who stood up to your party, took a stand against your party is calling someone who did the same a political prostitute? This shows just how misguided you are and how you are so no where ready to lead a party much less a country. Perhaps it just means you are just like the rest of them. Yeah, that's my vote.

VDSheep 11 years, 7 months ago

Polytitian [sic] it means: “many parts that seems golden” - that is the new word for politician. Branville McCartney ought to get out there in the wilderness with his people for the next four years and work the people - to get elected in the next election. Unless, he wants a quick fix, by kissing up to the FNM again..., now that his guru, Hubigerty is gone. These politicians don’t need to charge people for their plays. The people already bought tickets to their act when they voted them in - man what a show this is!

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