Her Majesty’s Bahamian Ship Yellow Elder seized a Haitian sloop off Green Cay approximately 60 miles south of New Providence this afternoon.
This event took place several hours after Defence Force Marines apprehended 16 Haitian migrants, who made it ashore shortly before 5:00 am this morning after grounding their sloop in waters off southern New Providence.
The total number of migrants apprehended in the area of Green Cay is unknown at this time as Defence Force Marines are continuing their search of the Cay.
The migrants are expected to arrive in the Capital later this evening.
JohnDoes 11 years, 7 months ago
Ahh it is obvious that the RBDF does not have the capacity, audacity, and proper infrastructure to tackle this immigration problem. I heard for the past couple weeks that our fellow officers are dining on 'tuna & grits' for breakfast, lunch & dinner! As we alleged to rid the shanty towns, we are burdened with more immigrants running wildly through our yards stealing clothes off of our lines. Serious thing, very serious.
justthefactsplease 11 years, 7 months ago
One suggestion: the goverment should put a reward ($5,000) out for anyone reporting a vessel in Bahamian waters that is captured carrying illegal immigrants or poaching. Just can't understand how a boat travels up the chain of islands to New Providence undetected.
The_Oracle 11 years, 7 months ago
They get through because the U.S. 7th fleet cannot police Bahamian waters thoroughly! Drones, radar sites, long range Thermal imaging on cell towers, Satellite surveillance, grid flights could pretty efficiently, but we don't have any of that.........
scarletplum 11 years, 7 months ago
Aren't wooden boats are harder to detect with the radar system? Wasn't that the reason given for outlawing all of those Haitian sloops that used to dock at Arawak Cay?
john33xyz 11 years, 7 months ago
So we provided another group of Haitians with FREE TRANSPORTATION to our capital city? Wow. I wish another country would provide me with such wonderful service. Can anyone spell Ottawa ?
We need detention center on one of the FAR SOUTH islands, and we need it built and operational YESTERDAY.
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