BREAKING NEWS: The Bahamas Department of Immigration just issued this statement:
"On repatriation exercise. Twenty four Cuban nationals were successfully repatriated to Havana, Cuba this morning by the Department."
BREAKING NEWS: The Bahamas Department of Immigration just issued this statement:
"On repatriation exercise. Twenty four Cuban nationals were successfully repatriated to Havana, Cuba this morning by the Department."
kkphilli4 11 years, 7 months ago
Leader of the Cuban Democracy Movement Ramon Sanchez, is a convicted felon that served 4 years in prison in The United States.
He has been disrupting things in the U.S. for years. He has blocked traffic in New York's Lincoln tunnel preventing drivers from traveling to and from New York City from New Jersey. He also in the past has sat on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami blocking drivers from going to Miami Beach from the mainland. We need to remind Americans what he has done to its citizens while protesting the U.S. repatriation of those Cubans that nearly made it to their shores.
Why has The Bahamas not hired an excellent P.R. Firm in the U.S. is beyond me. Why after all the lip service there still has not been any lawsuit in the tens of millions of dollars filed in a U.S. court for defamation is beyond me. Ignoring the bogus claims of the fake video clearly is not winning strategy. We need to act IMMEDIATELY to defend the good name of our country.This is poor leadership on the part of the government.
In the future, to avoid these allegations by Cuban Americans every few years, we need to make it a policy to have all Cubans deported back to Cuba within 48 hours. The longer you hold these unruly people the more damage is done to our reputation internationally. Surely Fred Mitchell can sign an agreement with the Cuban Government to accept their people back immediately rather than the Cuban government dragging their feet.
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
I agree we really need to make it a policy to have illegals repatriated within a few days time. It eliminates the opportunity for them to attempt escape and future salacious media attacks like we are seeing now. Strange to me with this whole affair was the Cuban Embassy here in Nassau never voiced any concerns over the treatment of its own citizens. But the media in Florida took hold of this story and ran with it. All based on the ramblings and lies of a disgruntled Cuban American. The Miami media houses should be sued for not verifying the authenticity of the video before going to air.
I know we have some issues in this country, but Bahamians have never been a cruel people. Unlike many others in this region and around the world the Bahamas actually adheres to many of these unfair international laws. Many times to our own detriment as a country. All I can say is that I am proud to be Bahamian and I wish people would stop talking politics on this one. When it comes to our defence and security the only colours I see is aquamarine, black and gold. Put that on Miami news and talk dat.
SP 11 years, 7 months ago
Excellent job Mr. Mitchell. Send those pain in the rear Cubans back to Cuba where they belong and not Miami where they want to be. Light skinned Haitians are all Cubans are.
Castro has a special deal waiting just for them when they set foot back in Cuba.
Never mind the noise in the market. No one in America cares what the Cubans think anyway and our tourism business will not be affected by a few idiot Cubans.
Bahamians need to boycott Miami and the Cubans and shop in Panama. The airfair is a little higher, but the shopping is way below that of Miami, fooa and hotel is cheaper and you don't have to jump through hoops at airport security or answer 20 stupid questions by rude U.S. boarder agents who act like we are Haitians trying to sneak into the all powerful USA.
We can spend our $Billion in Panama, Costa Rica, Brazil and Belize and get much better value for dollar and much less non-sense.
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
True Panama and Central and South America are options for shopping. But it would be good if we tried to improve the language teaching in this country so its easy to do business in these countries. But I must say. Panama was quite out of order offering asylum based on total crap about Cubans being mistreated in the Bahamas. It would have been more friendly in an international relation framework to monitor the situation and approach the Bahamian government privately. It reminds me so much of what one of my professors use to lament in my International Law class. That is 'there are no friends in international politics, only interests.' But looking at this situation the Cuban detainees stood a better chance of asylum had their supporters in Miami kept their mouths shut. Their constant attacks on the Bahamian government only inflamed an already tense situation. But as I said in an earlier response, I think we need to have a more streamline repatriation policy to avoid situations like this. We also need a sensible immigration policy in this country that is welcoming to those who mean this country and its people good.
denco242 11 years, 7 months ago
Very Good Mr Mitchell keep it up
GQ 11 years, 7 months ago
Illegals are illegals, now it is time for the Hitians, Jamaicans and any other nationalities along with their offspring back to their homeland.
lucaya 11 years, 7 months ago
For real....
Nationalist 11 years, 7 months ago
C ya!!! (((((dooon wanna B ya)))))!!!!
The only people the protestors are likely to discourage from coming are MORE CUBANS.... which is exactly what we want.... so, keep protesting guys!!!! Let's rid ourselves of 'em....:)
SP 11 years, 7 months ago
Fred Mitchell course of action was correct. Had we caved in and set a precedence to these Miami bound Cubans, we would then be inundated with other Cubans who will pull the same stunt.
Then we would add Cubans to the same list as Haitians and have double the trouble and problems we now face as Cubans will simply fly in saying they are in transit to where ever and as we are dumb enough not to have a SECURE TRANSIT LOUNGE FACILITY like any other sensible country, they will walk straight through customs and out the airport where other Cubans will meet them, provide housing and look for jobs for them.
They would then stay in Nassau working illegally until caught by our crack 12 man strong immigration apprehension team, be sent to detention center and whole scenario would be replayed until the return of Christ.
Anyone can fly in saying they are in transit and simply walk straight out of the airport...Where are all these supposed intelligent people that are responsible for the airport?
How can we spend $400M on a "world class" airport and not have secure transit facilities for these people?
Is this another "one man band" half baked development plan?
scarletplum 11 years, 7 months ago
Excellent point SP- I asked the immigration officer a few weeks back why things were so loose- folks were just walking past the line and "greeters" seemed to be shuttling people past immigration without passports being stamped. Too loose. She was calling for security but there were none in sight and I guess she felt that that was the most she was willing to do.
moncurcool 11 years, 7 months ago
Do you realize that you can go to any airport in the world and say you are in transit and walk out? There is no such thing as a holding area for transit passengers.
USAhelp 11 years, 7 months ago
Why dont you spend your billions at home help the Bahamas. O thats right im not thinking.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
BUNCH of crazy talk ,you think any of us are going to stop going to Miami and FT Lauderdale to shop ..lmao ,,and how many of us come back w/ bags of things to sell in shops ,that our favorite customs officer lets slide through ,therefore rippin off our treasury and in reality ourselves ,,,,,,,,,,,,
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
i got the lol ,,what cracks me up the most is when people talk in absolutes ,,i also think one of the posters that wants us to boycott Miami lives in the states ,,the people calling for boycotts done been for their back to school shopping .....lmao
ahz08ol 11 years, 2 months ago
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