Hewitt to sport Sands Beer logo


Lleyton Hewitt

Former world No.1 Australian professional tennis player Lleyton Hewitt will once again sport the Sands Beer logo when he competes in the US Open as he did when he competed in Wimbledon 2013.

Hewitt first brought international awareness to the Bahamian Brewery and Beverage brands by donning T-shirts with the Strong Back logo at the 2012 Australian open press conference.

This year, he also wore the Sands logo on the court at the most prestigious tennis arena in the world - Wimbledon.

James “Jimmy” Sands, CEO of Bahamian Brewery & Beverage, said: “The US Open and Wimbledon are such large scale events in the tennis arena and I am honoured that he would even think to wear the Sands logo while playing. We are absolutely thrilled to have Sands Beer promoted on such an international stage.”

Hewitt defeated Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland to make it to the second round of Wimbledon. Unfortunately, he didn’t advance any further.

However, his performance not only gained widespread recognition for Sands Beer, but also displayed that he is still a contender in the tennis world.

Sands and the Brewery are excited to see how he will do in the upcoming US Open. The Brewery is a proud supporter of sports in the country, mainly focusing on the sport of sailing, and sponsors numerous sailing competitions throughout the country, including bringing back the art of sculling. Sands will host its next sculling competition coming up in West End on August 24.

The Brewery is very aware of the benefit of all sports and is extremely pleased to be advertised in the tennis arena by Hewitt, who has been a Bahamian resident since 2009.


alexispeack 11 years ago

Totally agreehttp://www.orkgames.com/orks/pony/">. A Lot of people are looking at this match as a negative for Federerhttp://www.juegalibre.es/profile/pony">. Sure he would have loved to win it but Hewitt did play pretty good in the first set and varied the speed a lot. Made it difficult for Roger to judge the pace of his shots which I think is natural seeing as he's not entirely synced with his racquet yet. But he did come back and started hitting much cleaner. Roger has to work on capitalizing on his break points, it's a really good sign that he can create them. Good week for Roger I say.

dana 10 years, 11 months ago

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leonardo85 10 years, 10 months ago

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