A PHOTOGRAPH showing injuries reportedly sustained by a Cuban detainee has surfaced on social media.
THIS picture revealed on a social media website apparently showing a man’s whipped back is authentic and was submitted to the government as evidence of Cuban detainee abuse, The Tribune understands.
According to well-placed sources in the FNM, the leaked photograph which appeared on activist Rodney Moncur’s Facebook page is a part of one of two reports already submitted to the government.
Yesterday, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell during a press conference at his office denied that the investigation was complete. He added that although it is his wish for the results from the probe to be made public, he suggested that Cabinet would have to decide.
Asked if he was aware of the picture, Mr Mitchell would only acknowledge that when the allegations of abuse were first made a picture was circulating on Facebook. He further refused to look at the photo which The Tribune presented to him or say if the photo was a part of ongoing investigations.
“What I would say,” Mr Mitchell said, “is around the time that these allegations were made, there was a photo circulating on Facebook, I think because I have seen some photos somewhere before. But remember this, I will always make this distinction and I did so last week. You have to make a distinction between the Bahamas government, the state of the Bahamas and its involving itself in cruel and inhumane punishment and individuals who work for the state.
“I said individuals are responsible for their own behaviour so that’s the best way for me to answer it.”
The photograph was taken, on May 20th, about a month before Mr Mitchell for the first time emphatically denied that that the Bahamas takes part in the abuse of detainees.
On June 17, when asked about a video which aired on Miami TV Mr Mitchell said: “It remains to be said that the Bahamas government does not beat those in its custody. All detainees are treated with respect and in accordance with all applicable conventions and with human dignity and courtesy.”
Later, on July 16 he said: “The Bahamas does not support inhumane treatment of people detained in its facilities. It does not condone or support the abuse of detainees. Where there are specific allegations of abuse then those matters are investigated and adjudicated.”
Most recently, Mr Mitchell denied that anyone in the Bahamas government admitted that there was abuse of the detainees.
The source said: “You must understand that this has never been about trying to embarrass the government. But what they have tried to do is cover this incident up.
“At the same time, we have suffered international embarrassment because of a number of missteps on the part of the government. The US rhetoric has increased as this matter becomes more and more sensitive.
“These people were injured in May and the investigation was completed in June, so it has been completed a long time ago.” In his opinion Fred Mitchell was “not telling the truth in this matter.”
jackflash 11 years, 7 months ago
How do we know that this is a real photo of a Cuban from the detention center?
It could be anyone..
Do you think that they whip people like Fox Hill does..? Chain them o the wall and whip them, I doubt it.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
oh yeah i only lived in miami w/ a cuban women for fifteen years ,and there wasn,t a day that went by that she didn,t tell me about friends and family sticking wires through their lips in protest ..NOT...Now i,ve come to the conclusion that the next question that should be asked is,Rory are you flippin brain damaged ..????????????????????
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
Guys did you miss the part that suggested this photo was submitted as part of the official investigation. I would hesitate to believe that the official investigation consisted of a single photo without corroborating evidence.
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
My God. How long is this April Fool's trickery go'in to continue? Get the gutter poop scoops out. My how the winds of sensationalistic red shirts inspired journalism has reached the gutter level over what has now been CONFIRMED as an REENACTMENT of alleged physical abuse against detained Cubans, all who entered Bahamaland's waters ... illegally, then escaped from custody. Safe to say the Cubans in question are damn trouble makers. Her Majesty's Official Opposition Party has now earned the distinction of becoming the nation's "Enemy Number 1," to their own damn Bahamaland.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
To the Gulag with them!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
You Tals child ??
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
Dude your out there !!!!!!!!!!!!
wenithboy 11 years, 7 months ago
Let's say that the wounds are authentic, the question then becomes whether the wounds or lashes were authentically made by the Bahamian detention officers. There are many people who have done self inflicting things to make a political statement like the Vietnamese monk who set himself on fire, in protest to the then Vietnam government. This may be on of those situations. The next question becomes, who took the photo and why isn't there a face in the photo, this could be anyone other than one of the alleged victims. The importance of the photographer become relevant because there are no cameras aloud in a detention center unless policies in the Bahamas have changed
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
My boy theres herb,cell phones,phone cards etc in fox hill ,brought in by the guards and sold by certain inmates ,,yes i,ve been locked up ..So were the cuban detainees being guard by Tibetan monks ??
John 11 years, 7 months ago
The front page of the TRIBUNE clearly defines the priorities and mindset of the Bahamian public: Three Bahamians killed in 48 hours, another takes his own life and another drowns, a young man stabs his mother multiple times, but what grabs the headline? A photo saying "Cubans whipped injuries genuine"
Ok so let's say the injuries are real, then ask "why was he whipped' ," Because he was trying to what? E S C A P E!!!
What was they young 17 Y/O boy doing when he was riddled to death? Why were the other two persons killed? Why are children turning violently on their parents? IN THE BAHAMAS?
The bible says: Unless my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray,and turn away from their wicked ways, then shall they hear from heaven and "I will heal their land.' So the healing cannot come for the Cubans if is does not come for the Bahamians as well.
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
New Minnis Book. A must read for all normal red shirts. Normal?
banker 11 years, 7 months ago
LOL! Every explanation and except the most obvious. To me, the reason that this story has legs and won't go away, is that there is something to it. Did you notice how Fancy Fweddie danced and dodged and wouldn't even come out and say that the photo was fake? Poofter Perry and Facinorous Fweddie will be caught up by the timeline. There is something here, and it will burn the Bahamas, unless it is dealt with in forthright, quick fashion. The girly men running the show are screwing it up.
my1cents 11 years, 7 months ago
This picture as genuine? Where the rest? haaha For a story as controversial as this, and one that has gained international attention, don't you think it would have been nice for this news paper to show some type of investigative journalism on their part (lazy). What a waste of ink.. This story itself is embarrassing. Wasted my time reading this.
banker 11 years, 7 months ago
Actually, the picture states that it is a whip mark, not a baton. A baton leaves a solid mark. A whip leaves the characteristic double mark from both edges of the leather. The tip of the whip actually exceeds the speed of sound, the the edges dig in as shown in the photograph. I know this from reading "Fifty Shades of Gray".
Rhetoric 11 years, 7 months ago
This photo is detracting from the article when this article is shared on social media this photo shows up and viewers are given the false impression that this is the photo that the article is purporting to be genuine!
Please remove this photo
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago
Number one. The picture has obviously been altered.
Number two. Anything coming from Rodney has to be considered a joke. The man is just plain dumb for God's sake....
Bout negro white Cuban beaten at detention center..... Please....
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
Good Lord Almighty Comrade Thisisours, now you're playing silly. Think about it, if Minnis and his red shirt MP's (of course excluding the Independent member from Marsh Harbor Edison) were sent to to the Gulag, the first thing they'd do, would be to post a fake video on YouTube. You can rule out them go'in on a hungry strike. Them reds too use to living the elite good UBP lifestyle. Wouldn't you wanna watch a video of Minnis, attempting to talk Long island's Loretter into sewing her mouth shut?
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
Youre right...Off with their heads!
jackflash 11 years, 7 months ago
We need to finish this debate and take a break because before you know it,
we will have another scandal coming out of this inept government.
The next one will most probably be about missing money or some money scam..
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
There is a new piece on Nygard today....
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
Minnis dreams only in Spanish? Quick what's the lucky number for dreaming in Spanish?
nationbuilder 11 years, 7 months ago
fred mitchell himself didnt say the pics are fake - yall notice that? instead he said ya cant blame the government for what certain individuals did!!!!
wave 11 years, 7 months ago
spoitier 11 years, 7 months ago
Those mark looks to perfect to be whip mark, it looks like someone can play tic-tac-toe on his back. I would say real whip mark wouldn't be that synchronize and I don't think they have whips in the first place at the detention center.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
Whip marks, baton marks, maybe it was Wolverine...Up, down, sideways, whichever way you look at it, this thing stinks to high heaven. It has been bungled by none other than the premier "authority" in the country. The honeymoon is over, take down all of those "thank you for voting for us" signs and start governing.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
You don't want them to start governing? He's my prime minister for at least another ~3yrs...
banker 11 years, 7 months ago
I think that those are the marks made by wearing a red shirt comrades. Edison Key would concur.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago
One good thing to come out of this TALS got a little buddie RORY ...both of them no matter what happens they shout Papas name ..I THINK when they catch flu in their night sweats they numble Ingrahams name .. Is there a HAI rehab they could spend about a month in ..
242realtalk 11 years, 7 months ago
Rory and Tal the yellow shirt minions keep spinning. By the way you yellow shirts, did anyone ever say abuse does not happen anywhere else? Did anyone ever say that some may not try to cover it up when it does? What has been said that is becoming increasingly clear that we as Bahamians have been lied too. What is also of critical importance is we have a Minister who handled the matter improperly from the very start and now that is blowing up in his face he is crying for national unity.
By the way, the reports are at the PMH and there is evidence there.
Well, since the Minister has poorly handled his portfolios and is becoming increasingly more embarrassing for the Bahamas, PM Christie will have to fire him or ask for his resignation soon. I know Perry would not be foolish enough to tarnish his entire government for the inexcusable behavior of one 'too smart' Freddie.
Now let's go yellow shirts, let's spin, deflect and deny...lol
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
I can't see why every story has to be a PLP vs. FNM on here. We really are a bunch of suckers in this lil country of ours. When Bahamians are beaten in Cuba we don't hear a word from these Bahamians who are so quick to tear down our own. Where is your outrage and disgust then? I don't care who's in power we are all Bahamians and we really need to start acting like we have some interest and respect for 'we.' That doesn't mean that common sense and human decency should be thrown out the window. But I think it does mean that yes we can and should be critical of any government that represents us . But what I've been seeing and hearing from many Bahamians on this issue is just plain nonsense. Why is it always Ingraham or Christie or whoever? Why can't the conversation ever be about what and how we the people of this nation feel about these attacks on our credibility as a people? We always seem to miss the big picture because we appear to so easily descend into these petty arguments and small time politics. Seriously, who are we in this 40th year? Better still, who have we become in this 40th year? We a re losing the plot in this nation.
242realtalk 11 years, 7 months ago
I do my utmost to pay attention to what is happening in the Bahamas and to Bahamians. I do not claim to know all and I have not heard about any abuses in Cuba to Bahamians. I am not saying it has not happen, I am merely not aware of it and if I hear about it I will stand fight for the rights of my people.
However, that does not diminish what is going in our own borders and the allege abuse is one thing...stuff happens. It can and should be rectified and we should be about treating all humanely.
The problem is we have been lied to by our leaders on this issue. I was with Minister Mitchell until, it became clear that we as Bahamians were being misled. I have several family members and friends that work in PMH.
So at that point, my real issue is being misled and then when I question why the deception I am called traitor less than Bahamian. How dear I question the Minister, I dear because I pay you and you are accountable to me. Do not try and play this is Bahamian vs any other nationality. This is Bahamian elected officials being untruthful to Bahamian voters citizens.
We have never had a plot , I guess you mean plan for this nation.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
Same here...if I heard about abuse of Bahamians elsewhere I would be equally as upset...what I am asking for is for the PM to take responsibility...well not even that much, just be responsible...stop claiming nothing happened and deal with the situation head on...
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
I honestly don't think you folks read things well. I very clearly stated that we should be critical of any government that represents us. And who may I ask called you a traitor? Not I. So redirect your issues dude. What gets me with Bahamians is that we are so eloquent when insulting and tearing each other down. And 'to lose the plot,' is an expression very often used in literature. No need for semantics here dude. I have simply stated that we make everything of national importance a political argument. We never seem to have clear discussions on the issues in this place. Its always that we must find every means to gain political points. Anyhow, when we are ready to stop these tribal dialogues between Tal and a few others who engage in these party talks please let the rest of us know. Stop hijacking, sensible discourse with total rubbish and petty politics.
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
Would they order the whipping of Marsh Harbor's Edison? No wonder the man is afraid of leaving the protection of the House policeman's.
banker 11 years, 7 months ago
Speaking of which, how did you enjoy your arrest? I read in the paper that you were arrested.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
Seriously though...I hope she was not beaten...but I digress.....
242realtalk 11 years, 7 months ago
Stapedius, I will not insult you as I could see how you could have gotten confused. What I wrote was dealing with multiple matters from different names, I will not say people. So it was not all in reference to you, however, you were not able to pick that up and seemed to have taken it that way.
In the name of sensible dialogue when have we ever had a plot. I have seen no documentary evidence of it, now if you are referencing what may have been in someones mind that does not count. So can you please illuminate to the rest of us when was such a thing and where it could be found?
leonardlaing 11 years, 7 months ago
TalRussell, you have answers on every issue that takes place in this country...What have you contributed to this country, other than controversy? Why don't you run for a political office and make a difference.
tribunespeaker 11 years ago
One of the hazards of living in a totalitarian statehttp://www.casualcollision.com/profile/…">. You have the rights the State decides you have - which can vary from moment to momenthttp://www.kidsgamehouse.com/profile/po…">.
Maybe it is time we started reclaiming some of those Constitutional protections our legislators thoughtfully signed away on our behalf.
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