FNM says five Defence Force officers have admitted to abusing Cuban detainees


Tribune Staff Reporter


FIVE Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers have admitted to abusing Cuban detainees at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre by way of written statements, according to the Free National Movement.

The confessions, FNM shadow Foreign Affairs minister Hubert Chipman said, were expected to see those officers face a RBDF panel at a summary trial last week. However, the hearing was cancelled indefinitely, he said.

“The government must be held accountable and they must come clean,” Mr Chipman said, “This matter has gone on for far too long causing the Bahamas embarrassment.

“At any given time, on every shift, there are 10 Defence Force officers and four immigration officers on duty. The same was the case when this incident took place. I can tell you that five of those 10 have confessed in written and signed statements.

“The Christie administration would have done well to admit that the incident happened and punished those responsible. But instead they have chosen to conceal the findings of an investigation led by the police and defence force. It was completed a long time ago.”

But Fred Mitchell, Foreign Affairs Minister Foreign Affairs Minister, chastised Mr Chipman for the allegations. The Minister in an email to The Tribune said that the statement stands to compromise the outcome of an ongoing probe, which is still weeks from completion.

“You have read what our statement says and there is nothing further to add by way of a comment from me. The FNM by their irresponsible conduct in this matter may well jeopardise the outcome of an inquiry and the question of a fair hearing . I certainly do not want part of their tomfoolery,” Mr Mitchell said.

When The Tribune contacted RBDF spokesman, Lieutenant Origin Deleveaux he said he could not comment on whether a summary trial concerning officer’s conduct in allegations of Cuban detainee abuse had been cancelled.

He told this newspaper: “It is a normal occurrence for summary trials at the base. They are a part of the military justice system for marines who are in breach of our regulations. I cannot comment on what you are asking because I am outside of that system as I work out of headquarters along side the Commodore (Roderick Bowe). He remains detached from summary trials until the event that an appeal is launched. The Commodore must remain neutral.”

Another call was placed to base RBDF legal advisor 1st lieutenant Shawn Adderley. However, he refused comment. When The Tribune attempted to question Lt Adderley he said : “Why are you contacting me about this? You need to call the Commodore.”

Several attempts were made to reach the Commodore at his office, but they were unsuccessful up to press time.


B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

...tick tock tick tock...waiting...

TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

My Dear Comrades who love your precious tiny Bahamaland, I done completed my own in-depth assessment on Minnis and he Florida Movement Cuban friends, including the many millions in loss tourism dollars. Why is it Minnis thinks his Cubans storytelling is the ultimate weapon to save his fledgling leadership? Even the Cuban Ambassador will not dare repeat Minnis's tall abuse claims, and they is he own people? Could it be that Minnis knows he is on his last leg to save his grip on his party's leadership? If so, save it from whom? Which other red shirt? Do I dare mention the name of the most obvious leadership candidate, waiting up in a place where they likes go fish'in? Comrades did you ever think the leader of Her Majesty's Official Opposition Party would actually attempt to evangelize his Cuban-ism , over Bahamalander-ism? Why is it, if the Cubans are such trouble makers, did our own government just recently hire 16 more Cuban teachers? Why does the mainly USA media, aided by Minnis, think that Bahamalanders should be offering the Cubans an Hilton Hotel experience? True, it's better in we Bahamaland, but only if you arrive here as a financially self-supporting tourist, with your passport in hand ....legally. Otherwise, expect to have your backside locked up. Minniis on this one, you've taken the wrong political turn. Why would Minnis ever think his own party would back him, and his new Florida Cubans, to hold our tourism economy hostage? Yes, we tiny but far from stupid. Oh precious Jesus, I fall t my knees in humble pray, for my "intelligent" red shirt Comrade friends. Show them a clearer sign than you been doing before, that it's really time for they fledgling leader Minnis, to step aide, before he is unceremoniously removed.


banker 11 years, 7 months ago

The word precocious is wrong. It means: (of a child) Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual. For example, the correct usage of precocious is: The PLP are very precocious liars who prevaricate without a second thought.

I think that you meant precious.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

DO I think Minnis is the right leader for the FNM...I'm having serious doubts...do I think HAI needs to come back...no I don't...do I think that the FNM as is sits just now could muster up a fully fledged govt, capable of running the country right this second, no I don't, not in it's current form. But, let's drop the politics out of this for 2 seconds. More and more and more 'information' is coming forward about this, I will not call it 'FACTS' otherwise Rory will jump in here with his blinders on ignoring what is coming out without the hard facts. At what point will you all look at it for what it is, abuse, documented, the hard facts will come out, and the current PLP govt, and the Bahamas as a whole will get BURNED because of it. All due to the inner workings of the police and politicians working hand in hand to cover stuff up and watch each others backs. Just come and say it...THERE HAS BEEN ABUSE, WE ARE DEALING WITH THE INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED. AS A COUNTRY WE OFFER OUR SINCEREST APOLOGIES...etc, etc, etc. It's really quite simple, and that's about all that has to be said. But instead...NO...let's cut back into politics, rip each other to shreds, look like idiots, blame each others party, for something that apparently did not happen according to the PLP crew...B.I.D...

ohdrap4 11 years, 7 months ago

You remind me of the electrician we used to hire. He always delivered written estimates of the job which started with "upon careful study, the cost for changing a lightbolb is xxxx" After all the study was completed, he would then discovr all manners of problems and take 4-5 trips to the hardware store to fix things that he did not have the foresight to investigate. He no longer works for us.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Drip drop drip drop...can they at least try to get ahead of the story? Try to minimize the fallout? The original head in the sand strategy obviously did not work

carmencita 11 years, 2 months ago

if you think that https://www.facebook.com/fatherofgrooms…">this is the best strategy then you have my full support!

lazybor 11 years, 7 months ago

no wonders...http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

Comrade This is ours, shouldn't a plausible enough storytelling be supported with more story facts, before the Honorable Leader of Her Majesty's Official Opposition Party decides to bad mouth his own Bahamaland to a mainly Floridian Cuban leaning media? But a fair warning to the Florida Cuban Movement and the Cuban detainees. With Minnis, it's Cuban-ism today, but who in the hell knows what his stand will be tomorrow? Remember how he was all for his party supporting the gambling referendum, and then changed directions as quickly as da wind. I say he's a windy leader of a failed regime forced from power, and least you forget so quickly, it was just this past May 2012, when they were fired. Their other leader ran away to go fish'in, while Minnis has all but completed the wrecking of the party.

banker 11 years, 7 months ago

Methinks that the wrecking ball is hitting PGC, Fred Mitchell and the PLP.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

TAL...going to ask you a very specific question. Let's go under the assumption that the abuse IS FACT...what are your personal views on such abuses? Any abuse, does not have to be this particular story. No politics, just the topic of abuse. What's your opinion on it. Do you find it acceptable?

realfreethinker 11 years, 7 months ago

The cover up is always worse than the crime. This is what happens when politicians show in-difference to being up front, frank and honest. it will eventually come back to bite you in the ass.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

But it's not about bad mouthing the Bahamas...Fred Mitchell is doing us a huge disservice trying to whip up Cuban hatred. I pray God those photos were doctored because I cannot imagine the pain that man endured if they are real..I cannot imagine the pent up anger it would have taken to beat another human being so badly. It's not about bad mouthing the Bahamas, it's exactly the opposite, using Alfred Grey's words, it's about saying to the world "this is not the way we do things", this is an aberration, they are a few men who went completely against their training and here are the steps we are taking to ensure something like this never happens again. It's about saving our name.

TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

Comrade BID my personal views on these particular abuse claims is really what's important. That the red shirts propaganda machine had started to crumble the second it was reveled that, "foreigners over Bahamalanders," were engaged by the Cubans to play the roles of the abusive Bahamalander Guards in the video. It's no small detail that can be so so easily sidestepped, how this video was being presented as undisputable evidence, of guards beating the living hell out of Cubans. But now we are told, it was "foreigner actors" who were actually engaged for the fake RE-STAGING of the so-called beatings. If you will go to the trouble and expense to completely film a fake re-staging the abuse scenes, why would you not stage a single photograph, purporting to be that of a Cuban detainee with lashes across their body? An interesting twisting of the so-called facts by their Cuban friends, for a regime who never did think Bahamlanders should have been entitled to good and steady paychecks, over the umpteen thousands of foreigners, who DPM Brent signed work permits for. Comrades there were an astounding EIGHT-THOUSAND AND ONE-HUNDRED work permits, ordered to be issued to Chinese Nationals alone. So ordered by the one and only real Head Leader of the red shirts regime. These red shirts have and will never demonstrate loyalty to the sovereignty of Bahamaland, and you can bet your grandchildren, that no damn fake video go'in come along that can ever change the real reasons this regime was kicked out of office, just this past May 2012. Now, they have become Preacherman's for Cuban-ism, as if their Haitian-ism policy wasn't bad enough? Comrades you know I speak with an honest tongue. How can you not spot the humor, when the storytellers running around the Floridian Cuban community, looking for actors to play the roles of Bahamalanders? Next time, hire English speaking actors with no Spanish accents. Had you only thought of hiring Floridian Haitians, who knows you might have pulled it off?

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

As I thought, totally incapable of answering one specific question, without rambling on about FNM and HAI. That was not part of my question...deflect, deflect and deflect and blame everyone else except those in the here and now.

shortpants 11 years, 7 months ago

Comrade BID you ask Tal what are your personal views on such abuses? Any abuse, does not have to be this particular story. No politics, just the topic of abuse. What's your opinion on it. Do you find it acceptable? Cannot be answer HAI name has to be in the mix .Tal what did HAI promise you personally and did not give you because you always takling like a woman scorned.LOL. Fred & PM is going to cause all of us BOTH are lairs .If the PM would stop these clowns whom he appointed with their own agenda we would not be in the mess we in now. HAI home relaxing and I guess lol his ass off at all the dumb shiit these sorry suckers are portraying useless fools .They can't get one thing fix in this miserable little country. We Believe yeah right .They only believe in how much more $ is going to be in their account .

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

If it is correct that the report was completed "long ago", Perry Christie needs to clarify which "authorities" he wishes had "acted sooner"

TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

Comrade I am not the one advancing that Minnis is aware he has failed to inspire his party. It comes from deep within his own rank and file party members. If Minister Freddy had an obligation to tell it like it is over the alleged Cuban beatings, so did Minnis. as the Leader of Her Majesty's Official Opposition. From day one the opposition and their media friends couldn't have cared less, if this video was for real or a fake. They joined forces with the very people who are here in our Bahamaland, illegally and with the Florida radical Cuban group to bad mouth Bahamaland. If Freddy is to be help accountable, which he should be regardless of where the chips may fall, likewise be responsible by demanding the same from Minnis. He must be held accountable for taking flimsy video evidence and using it to destroy the international image of his own Bahamaland. Shouldn't Minnis have foregone rushing to the media, before he had the time to confirm, if this damaging to our tourism industry video, was tainted or outright fabricated evidence. I don't know what your verdict is on Minns, but mine is done in. He guilty as all political hell. You know what. My verdict ain't even politically tainted. It's plain love and respect we all better start expressing for we tiny Bahamaland, not for Cuban-ism. Any wonder the why these red shirts think when they were in power, was to announce a policy to issue free shovels and grubos tools, over good paying paychecks. They announced we should all learn to dig up we backyards and plant potatoes, cabbages and things. Comrades becoming a bunch of backyard farmers was their vision for graduating students. DPM Brent flew to Freeport, to tell the thousands of out of paychecks Freeporters, to stop complaining that there are no jobs, when anyone who wanted to work as a Domestic or Gardener could have a job, if they were not too damn proud. Comrades not a thing i said is made up. This is what they're like, for real.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

Still can't answer my non-political question...shock and awe.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

I used to read Tals post and his little buddy Rory ,even though i was of a different political bent than Tals ,i found him intelligent and humorous Now i don,t even read them. I have become convinced he is slipping into an obsession bordering on madness .As for Rory when he claimed to have clients that pay him five hundred dollars an hour for consulting fees i knew he was either dishonest or delusional......

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

Mummy told you ,stop hitting yourself in the face with that wooden spoon ,,,,,,,i can,t quit reading you and Tals its too frickin funny watching people descend into madness ,lmao

jackflash 11 years, 7 months ago

Hey, Lady TAL,

Urban 2.0 just delivered another bucket of stones for you.

Better go out back and start throwing them at that HAL poster on the back fence.

Rory boy is on his way over....

B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago

I like this post!! I'll be one of the first ones in line to sign up for hte course and qualify myself for a handgun for self defense!! It's the honest ones walking these streets that do NOT have handguns in this fight!!

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

Finally something that I agree with.

ahz08ol 11 years, 2 months ago

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Prior to starting to write your speech, you should know this technique: an excellent speech has to be short, simple and truthful. These are truly basic facts when making father of the groom speeches. This means that your speech must not be long, make it five minutes or less. It is also recommended to make use of your own words in creating this speech because visitors will typically bored if they listen to an academically created speech filled with flowery words and all that formal stuff. A great father of the groom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding">wedding speech should have genuine and expressive feelings that the audience can really feel.

The intro, body, and conclusion are parts of a complete speech. If you will try to do a search for a few father of the groom toast examples on books or on the internet, you can surely state that this is true. With these, you'll be cleared about the structure, theme, and duration of the speech. You possibly can state an appealing line or even a quote great for the occasion as your introduction.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Rory the PM is working on an appointment for you and Phillipa Talsrussell as ambassadors on Cayo lobos to get this cuban situation under control,,Fred Mitchell will stop by once a month on a luxury yacht to drop off ,food ,water , bug spray and satilite phones w/ internet so you can continue to be loyal posters ,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

So not only a shakey grip on reality but a major case of xenophopia ,,i think you and Lady Tals will be perfect as bellowing cohorts on Cayo lobo rocks ,perhaps on a calm night the mainland Cubans can hear your prolific put downs and generaIized hatred ...I,m going to tell Freddy to send you bull horns .Perhaps you and Tals could rotate and one of you could stand in Bimini and shout derogatory things at the Cubans in south florida ..hmmmmmmmmmm didn,t you claim to make your income from foreigners ??

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

The reason why government hires foreigners, is that Bahamians who say that they are experts, have no credentials, professional certifications or even advanced schooling in the field that they say they are experts in, take the money, botch the job and leave. That has been my experience both in my professional life and in my private life. I hired a security contractor to put in an alarm. First he was an uneducated bum who couldn't speak proper English. Secondly, he screwed up the wiring so badly that it blew out the DC transformer, and I had to hire someone else to fix it. And he wouldn't answer my phone calls or refund my money. I would never hire a Bahamian 'expert'.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Just what do people pay you for , i didn,t know there was a market for xenophopia ,name calling ,and childess dogmatic opinions .Do people also pay now for finger wagging ,chicken necking rum soaked barroom nonsense ??Geez i,m getting old i remember when people used to pay for level headed ,well thought opinions from someone that looked at both sides of a situation and decided how it would affect thier clients .Thats what i pay my attorney and financial advisor for ..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Awful big words for a little man ,are you wagging your finger and chicken necking . I lived a life outside of the law for many years , spent time in penal instuation here and aboard . Some said i was a pretty bad man ,funny i never resorted to name calling and threatening in anger , i always found that showed weakness before whatever happened was going to happen ,, Hey but to each his own ..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

As a wordsmith my dog is more entertaining ,and i,m pretty sure he is senile ,,

emac 11 years, 6 months ago

LOL concernedcitizen that's some funny shite.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago

Breaking news...4 RBDF officers suspended pending investigation into detainee abuse...

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