'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference

The press conference this morning.

The press conference this morning.

Reader poll

CAST YOUR VOTE: Should Fred Mitchell, the PM or anyone else lose their job in the wake of Cuban abuse claims?

  • Fred Mitchell should be fired 34%
  • Fred Mitchell should resign 13%
  • The PM should resign 3%
  • No one should lose their job 51%

390 total votes.


Marleine Bastien, a representative of the Haitian community in Miami, at the press conference on Friday, August 30.

By Khrisna Virgil.

3.15pm: The Tribune is going to speak to Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell, who is also in Miami today.

3pm: Randy Roderiguez has just made it to American soil. He is now at the Democracy Movement's headquarters recalling the events of his experience at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

12.30pm: Cuban pressure group, Democracy Movement has alleged that a Defence Force officer raped and impregnated a Cuban detainee who is now back in her home country of Cuba.

At a press conference in Miami this morning, officials with the group addressed the alleged abuse of Cuban detainees at the Detention Centre and called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to investigate the allegations.

11.45am: Marleine Bastien, a representative of the Haitian community in Miami, urges Prime Minister Perry Christie to investigate the alleged abuse of Haitian detainees and to 'do unto others as he would want done to himself.'

PROTESTERS are holding a press conference in Miami this morning to voice their continuing concerns about alleged abuse of detainees in the Bahamas.

The Democracy Movement, a Miami-based Cuban group, arranged the gathering to highlight to US and other media its allegations over the abuse of detainees at the detention centre.

The Tribune is at the press conference and is updating as it happens.


TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

Comrades like it comes as any surprise that The Tribune be on "foreign soil," badmouthing their own Bahamaland. Next, we'll find out they're go'in be splitting the travel costs, with who else but The Nassau Guardian. Traitors disguised as journalists.


justthefactsplease 11 years, 6 months ago

How does reporting on an event that is in the news make anyone a traitor? The real traitors would be the ones who put the country in this stink in the first place by abusing the people and those who refuse to deal with it as a matter of urgency thus allowing us to be dragged through the mud.

guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago

Why is it that every PLP supporter is calling anyone that disagrees with the government's handling of this matter and anyone that reports anything on this matter a traitor.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Little man ,could you please give the E ,F,M ,s a break . I m fifty one years old you have no knowledge of what party i,ve voted for in what elections ..The FNM are not in power now ,We are discussion events that have transpired the in summer of 2013 .The PLP is the governing party .PGC wanted to be PM and fought hard for that honor . The good ,the bad and the in between is his now ..

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 6 months ago

When in fact it is the PLP that are the traitors!

TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

Comrades look into the angry faces in the photo. Do they really have a look of care for we Bahamalanders paychecks? is this the kind of ugly face of Bahamaland that the two dailies wish to aid in presenting to the world? God I hope not. The talk'in on the street corners by most Bahamalanders reflects that they DO NOT feel that their two daily local newspapers should be the key local sources to promote the interests of these radical Cubans. Cubans who broke our immigration laws. Make not mistake about the true intentions of the Congresswoman and her Florida Cuban Movement buddies. They are all hell-bent on bringing economic harm to our tourism industry. For The Tribune to have joined with the Cubans, and on foreign soil, is in many a Bahamalanders eyes, an outright betrayal of their own Bahamaland. There, I said it and I damn well meant it. Minister Freddy IS NOT their main political target. We all know it's PM Christie, whose the main Target of the Cubans. And, is not PM Christie, not also the main target of our local media? Comrades in the PLP cabinet. I know some you well and pray you will understand that if you allow Freddy to get fired, you will have demonstrated what many reds shirts want people to believe about you. That you have no bullocks, to ever do what is right. that ya ball-less.


JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago

@TalRussell, a question for you. Why would these groups discontinue their activities when our govenment continues to insist that nothing happened even in the face of what now appears to be incontrovertible evidence to the contrary from our own law enforcement agencies involved? Are these Cuban activists fully and solely to blame? Is the Tribune or Guardian fully and soley to blame? What is our culpability? The problem with projecting blame is that it often robs us of taking personal responsibility for our circumstances. The question we should be asking now is "What can or should we do to get in front of this issue". Sitting in the corner, sobbing, sulking, blaming and sucking our thumb just won't cut it.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

Hmmm I wonder what Hitler would have called Schindler if he only knew the shenanigans he was up to... ?

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 6 months ago

Now we need an expose on all of the Mexicans building our government owned airport in Bimini. TRIBUNE PLEASE EXPOSE THIS CRIME NOW!

That should facilitate the firing of the worst MOFA of all time!!!

lucaya 11 years, 6 months ago

This is so disgraceful,I have been reading the tribune ever since I was a child,to be honest I probably will because at times this paper do help the downtrodden and the obs. on thursdays,but this fiasco is totally waring down on us,the only way I would of protest is not read the tribune,sadly they also part owners of the guardian,totally entrapped. My Lord, now the Haitian in Florida running out, people would like to believe we(Bahamian people) are solely to blame, its a lie we blame the Bay Street Boys,Conchy joes in Abaco,Eleuthera, then the Politicians, who when they no longer need their service or not willing to pay permits any longer,run them of in the bush.

How long before a woman anywhere in the world can report rape and get some justice?Are they now going to imply that our justice system is garbage never no justice?From what I know, ANY woman report rape in this Country will receive their day in court, and if proven so the perpetrator will find their way to Fox Hill Prison right?Again bearing my political persuasion(I am proud to say I am a swing voter,whomever I feel has done the people good I will vote for you SIMPLE)I really know this is "politics" come 2017, and I for one don't buy it,So Be It.

TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

Comrade John Doe, if i agreed with you, wouldn't we both be wrong? Rather than me joining your wrongness, would you permit me, if only for a few seconds to press the reset button over a brutal video that the local media decided to offer as factual evidence of an occurrence committed by Bahamalander detention center Guards, against their Cuban detainees. Are you with me so far? Excellent. Now, this is the probably the point where I'm sure you may not wish to stick around to hear the truth. The truth being, that at NO time did the local media ever make any attempt to verify the credibility of the all alleged beat'in video. Comrade John Doe, I had presumed before pushing the reset button, that you had not been made aware, that the Cubans themselves have since admitted to the media, that yes indeed, they had in fact engage Spanish actors to re-stage the entire damn video? That NO Bahamalander guards were featured in the video. No, even one local guard. Comrade WITHOUT the re -staged video, the local media wouldn't have had no beat'in of Cubans front page story to run with? it was all a big RED lie. Now, do you understand better, why I just couldn't rush to join, your wrong? I hope you see you in Church on Sunday morning, at the alter I pray, seeking forgiveness.


JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago

@TalRussell, you entirely miss my point. For me the question at hand is not one of who is right or wrong or tit for tat. It is my belief that with respect to this issue an "eye for an eye" would leave both of us blind. Maybe that works for them, but to my thinking this is not in our best interest because our objectives are incompatible to theirs. As activists it is their objective to agitate. Our objectives should be more expansive and should be more noble, even though we are currently not acting like it. We are a sovereign nation that should stand for something positive that makes each Bahamian proud to be a Bahamian. Just because the video may have been staged, should not give us the liberty to act the fool as well. We should be..... we must be bigger than that. In any event, independent direct evidence has now been put forth that makes the video irrelevant. Do we just ignore this new evidence and continue to talk about the video? That is the issue for me, what should we do now? Do we double down with our strategy about how the video was staged, ignoring all other evidence, or should we take steps to get in front of this issue?

hurricane 11 years, 6 months ago

Anyone else find it hilarious that this guy can't make a comment without using the word "comrade"? Dude, you're overusing that word...give it a rest already!

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

that dude is an unemployable woman with a police record

bahamar 11 years, 6 months ago

Shame shame shame on this country of xenophobes.

vlmarshall 11 years, 6 months ago

Seriously TAL? Are you that much of a political sheep! Are you really one of the sheeple? Had the F.A. Minister initially said that we don't know what has happened, we will investigate and based on the finding we will take the appropriate course of action. Things may not have been so bad. But he he felt the need to say, nothing happened, we een do it! C'mon he should have had more common sense than that. His arrogance and his failure to realize that he may have erred isn't enough, he has to now refuse to admit his arrogance, despite the now insurmountable evidence that is pointing to the contrary of his statement.

USAhelp 11 years, 6 months ago

Seems like everyone is worried about politics not the wellbeing of humans. Shame on the Bahamas.

lazybor 11 years, 6 months ago

well said!http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

You like to call people vile names ,"dummies . scumbags .traitors ,racist ,homophobe ,' do you live in Nassau ? The next time i,m coming to town maybe we could meet and you could run your teenage drivel past me in person ...i,ll give you a time and place ,,deal ??

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

where do you live , i have some business to finish on a family island ,but i could be there a week from monday ..unless you prefer i will buy your ticket to the family island i,m on and pick you up at the airport ..i,m busy tomorrow ,can you travel on sunday ??it will be worth every penny to actually witness the bile spewing from your mouth ,,i,ll even pay half your fantasy hourly fee to see the show ,business has been tough, me and the boys need a laugh .. This is my deal little big man,, ticket to where i am and 250 for an hour of the Rory show ,,send your email and i,ll book the flight etc,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

deal or not lil big man ,,??attack you ?/ geez i want to pay for an hour of the Rory show , you say where and my cousin will meet you in nassau w/ the ticket ,,the 250 is after the show ,,deal ??

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

His parents probably won't let him fly by himself...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

alright i,ll go 500 an hour ,where can my cousin give you the ticket to the island i,m on ??

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

this what kind of man i am ,i,m going to be in nassau a week monday ..i will be at my lawyers office on bay and victoria from 10 monday until 2 ,,more then likely i will stay 3 days at the red roof inn ,,i will contact when in nassau

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

rory get real ,i,ve told you where i,m going to be ,where i,m going to stay ,offered to buy you a ticket and give you 500 bucks ,,the only thing you mumbled is wulff road police ,,do you think after all this back and forth i would harm you ,,geez ,i just want to see what a weasel looks like ,,someone will bring you a ticket ,and no not at the police station ,,its just like your claim of billing people 500 bucks an hour ,,prove it ,,you can eat me for breakfast ,,either after i see my attorney a week from monday or tues at the hotel,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

we don,t want to give it to the police ,when we invite someone we think it is only proper to give them the gift ,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

afraid to meet ,don,t you eat people like me for breakfast ,my cousin is much nicer then me ,he says he could meet you somewhere tonight for a drink

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

all mouth lil big man.now that we have figured that out ,i can go back to ignoring your nonsense and name calling,you can,t back it up ...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Aw come on boss meet me when i,m in Nassau , Rory I want to laugh at you ,not fight you ...I want to ask you questions until spittle is flying from your mouth and your hopping around like yosemite sam . i wouldn,t raise a hand to you that would be crass at worst and boring at best .I find dishonest ,opinionated , foul mouth people entertaining for brief periods of time and i get a perverse pleasure in pushing them to bigger lies and more outrageous opinions .

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Again w/ the put downs ,Rory ,Rory Rory ,I have told you where i am going to be ,when i get to Nassau i will keep you posted of my where abouts . I could use a laugh ,will you come out and play . Now don,t just say yes on here to save face ,b/c i will post if you duck me ,.To be quite frank i am getting tired of the name calling and think its time you give me the pleasure of calling me names to my face.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Rory anybody that reads this can see that i,ve offered to meet you ,even told you where i will be ; however you persist w/ calling me names but not telling me where you are or agreeing to meet .Can you see where it is rather strange to call people names from the saftey of your parents house but not be willing to do it face to face . Do you see why to me as a man that has raised two children to adulthood ,have abided by all laws for the last 13 years ,payed my nieces college fees b/c her dad is not responsible, find someone who calls people vile mans but refuses to meet .lacking in fortitude.

vlmarshall 11 years, 6 months ago

This should be all about the treatment of people that came to our shores despite their illegal entry, there is still a level of decency that people should be treated with. What ever happened to " do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ?

bahamar 11 years, 6 months ago

This is a christian God bless country we dont abuse foreigners we dont treat the Haitians with disdain we love ery body....welcome to the Bahamas.



B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago

Sadly our country is FAR from Christian and Christian values...anything but. They are Christians of convenience. When they find themselves in a hot spot for what they have done wrong, they PRAISE THE LORD!! They go to church on Sundays to make themselves look good, while they lie and cheat and adulter and fornicate and steal. Christian my arse. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.

TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

It is you my Comrade John Doe who is the only one hoping I will allow you to totally skip over why practicing ethics is good for ALL Bahamalanders, the young and the older, our merchants, teachers, lawyers, policeman's, taxi drivers, including the journalists at our two daily newspapers. You simply cannot overlook that neither newspaper should have reported the way they did on this fake video, without doing their due diligence, because we now know as a proven fact that had they not jumped for any opportunity of propagandizing a fake video, we would not be having this discussion. You must never believe that just because they hold the two main media power positions in our Bahamaland that they are above being challenged, by we common Comrades. You and I. What will really matter in the long run for our Bahamaland future, will not be this about Cuban nuisance that will soon blow away, but the by the credibility of doing and saying what is right for this tiny Bahamaland. This reckless form of reporting on a fake video, speaks against everything that so many have worked so hard to build our Bahamaland into. That any past or present government would ever condone beating or raping another human being, is about about the most ugl, disgusting statement that anyone can make about a people's nation!

JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago

You lost me on that one my friend. I am still waiting on you to tell me what do we do now?

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago


wave 11 years, 6 months ago


wave 11 years, 6 months ago

O by the way, interesting to see that the top brass are away from them the motherland ( that was for our commrades ). Sorry we can not comment because our corrupt head's of state are hidding out in a neutral country.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

Well if she had a baby easy enough to prove who's child it is. If its his he's wrong even if it was consentual. Businessmen, military men everywhere know the ethical lines drawn regarding pushing yourself onto someone under your power.

bismark 11 years, 6 months ago

Reading all of the comments for the past few days,despite everybodys political persuasion,it seems that we are turning against one another,remember,we are all Bahamians,this is our country,i just hope that many of the things being said are just allegations,it doesn't look good on our behalf in the international community,but remember,we must not cover up any wrong doing if it actually transpired,furthermore we shouldn't bring down our own either,like I said we are all Bahamians,let us not fight among ourselves,all the name calling and derogatory comments I have read,doesnt make any sense,i think we should have enough common sense to discuss a topic without all of the negative responses towards one another,thank you.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

"IF it actually transpired" , Dear Sir/Madam i think we are way past that point , I don,t think all the name calling ,not by you Bismark , is going to change that .Also to people who claim it ins,t political ,did not the governing party campaign extremely hard for the honor of running the country .Who is the public and foriegn officials to look to ,the boys scouts ,the contractors association, the lawn tennis club.In a peaceful democracy that has good relations with its neighbors we now have a foreign affairs minister calling people "enemies of the state "

bismark 11 years, 6 months ago

Well we would all like to know exactly what happened,but what I have gathered from this so far if the relevant authorities had jumped on this from a more diplomatic approach,we wouldn't have been in this problem from the start,i just didn't like how everybody seems to be fighting among themselves,we are all Bahamians,i like you love my country also,i believe that all human beings should be treated fairly,regardless of race,Bahamians are not a violent race of people,i think you couldn't find a friendlier set of people,i know we have a few,but the majority are loving people,i just hope that a sensible solution is found for this mess that a few individuals has brought upon our country.

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

It is so ironic that Fweddie is so cosy with Cuba and not America. Doesn't anyone remember the HMBS Flamingo? If girly man Christie had any cojones, he would fire Fweddie. But the vomit swimmer would never fire someone who was Ping's "blue-eyed" boy.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Says the boy that uses terms like "rape and pilage " to describe the former PM ,and calls poster that he has a difference of opinion with vile names ,like "racist " etc .

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Still boycotting florida ,boy being the operative word ..I ,m still coming to Nassau a week from monday ..My name is Mr Albury , it would be a pleasure to meet . I,m not a big man ,only 5, 8 about 170 pounds . I would truly look forward to meeting someone with such an expansive vocabulary , lets see ,i,ve been called lots of things ,but i,ve never had someone call me a racist ,traitor ,homophope,to my face . You could step up to the plate and be the first , if you would feel safer you could do it in my attorneys office ,he is an esteem elderly gentlemen that loves a good laugh ,..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

I accept your declaration to "gladly say it to my face " You have my word as a gentlemen that i would not consider litigation . I,ve already named a place ,my attorneys office between september 2nd and september 4th . Your a funny little pavlos dog ...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

I gave you an address and a name and told you when i would be in Nassau,",bore off"?? hmmm, a pasty lil english kid ,,lmfao

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Your very prolific on other sites ,,know who you are ,,,,thanks to my 15 yr old nephew ,know where you are ,,,,,Mr Albury is coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

i,m still on the family islands , i know who you are ,i,m not giving you one red cent when i catch you,,only some advice about how to talk to adults ,,from what i heard you can,t vote in the Bahamas ,,SEE YA SOON

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago


concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

P.S its only defamation if it is not true,,,,,

aloethree 11 years, 6 months ago

Nobody Knows what really happen and its possible that we may never know, Only God and the alleged victims and perpetrators, what we can do now is move on and implement measures to prevent any further allegations of mistreatment, rape or brutalities such as closer monitoring of the facilities and our borders.

These allegations can never be proven and they are just that allegations there is no facts to these protesters allegations. There are no videos and there are no official admittance of any wrongdoing.

Until conditions improve in countries like Haiti, Cuba etc, we will always see an influx of nationals from these countries seeking to migrate to find a better opportunity and quality of life, when they are in our custody we must always remember to continue to treat each migrant humanely and to justify their migration/asylum on a case by case basis.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

Please don't say it could have been two consenting adults...I'm 1000% positive that the military has very strict rules against conducting sexual relationships with prisoners. For all we know the women are planted to glean state secrets (very cloak and dagger, I know). Our men need to start using their brains to make better decisions and not allowing themselves to be led around by other parts of their anatomy

getrightbahamas 11 years, 6 months ago

there are reports of detainees, male and female, engaging in prostitution! They are assisted by officers on duty and the proceeds are shared. if you dig deep enough and look hard enough you will discover that for years the detention center has been a source of many illegal activities and because the detainees are not under criminal detention their access to the outside world is not as restricted. there was a detainee that sent word back to his family to send women to Nassau to work from the center. this goes deep. The authorities know whats going on and the difficulties of controlling it.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Maybe b/c the guards are corrupt ,how dare those unchristian cubans come here and tempt our good boys from this christian nation, lmao, We can,t even find out who killed Harl Taylor and his little gay pimp buddy from COB ,,,i find it hilarious when people think the Bahamas is "more blessed " b/c we are more christian then our neighbors ..we are more blessed b/c Fidel took cuba and the U/S slapped a travel embargo on him ..

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

A cop killed Harl Taylor.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

Soo...he's off the hook because he slept with a detainee (who happens to be a prostitute) while on his watch? A watch that you and I are paying him for by the way...Which of your employees would you excuse for having sex while at work? Or better yet paying a prostitute for sex while at work.

I get what you are saying, fine the whole thing needs to be cleaned up, but I really would like to see people looking at the heart of the issue rather than pointing fingers all over the place: 1. Those who speak out are betrayers, traitors 2. Those Cubans at racists 3. The detainees have military training 4. Well in Cuban prisons this is what happens... 5. Well you know a number of years ago, some detainees set fire to the place 6. And now, well the females are prostitutes you know...

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

@Getitright ,didn,t you see the report that 80% of sex w/ our youth is transactional ..ie sex for light bill money ,hair weave money etc ,,go by any high school and look at the men picking up the girls w/ I phones and gold jewelery,Those older men ain,t their daddys

banker 11 years, 6 months ago

Or the young girls cruise Paradise Island Drive after 9 PM asking the white men on the sidewalk if they want to party.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

The authorities will have a very difficult time controlling it w/ corrupt guards that beat the living snot out of people ,,,,,,,,,,,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

my attorney is Bay and victoria ,but we don,t have to worry about that ,I Know who and where you are ,see ya soon bulla !!

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago


concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

I Know you go to starbucks ....told you my name is Mr Albury ,,now how did i know which starbucks you go to ,,,don,t have to pay to get you outta your mummys house anymore ,,,see ya soon ..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

See ya soon, cheapo ,,,your probably english ,,not sure yet ,i,ll know by tomorrow afternoon

TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

Least some may still be holding some doubt about who the red shirts are more comfortable standing alongside, maybe there loud talk over the past week "on behalf of the Cubans," may quickly settle that argument, even for some you PLP supporters who may be thinking the PM is in trouble is this Cuban thing. Comrades there's no better an opportune time to reflect back on what separates our two main political parties, than over this Martin Luther King Jr remembrance weekend. remember the hard fought struggles of Labour. Once you reflect more about who the red shirts are more comfortable defending, than the Cuban bumps in that PM Christie must deal with, the better you will understand what really separates the two political parties. The red shirts biggest fear is their own people, of which they sure as hell got a good taste back on May 8, 2012. A red party who has proven they will promote the rights of illegals, as if they were entitled to the same constitutional rights afforded Bahamalanders. I honesty believe, if the red shirts are still around as a political party come the 2017 General Elections, their party's Manifesto won't even bother to mention the dreams, hopes and aspiration policies and programs on behalf of Bahamalanders. My Dear Comrades look forward to reading a 2017 Manifesto of an even longer wish list for any one, eager to violate the immigration laws of our tiny Bahamaland.

Mahalia Jackson--How I got over LIVE ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l49N8U3d…

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

yeah , Baby Tiger ,W Jones and J Rithcie are for labor ,they take out the workers NIB and don,t pay and PGC at the time does nothing ,then they all collude to eat their own and get rid of the man that made them pay ..Rithcie went even further and ripped off every man women and child by diverting the cruise ship taxes to the PLPS campaign and PGC did nothing ..Jr Roberts has payed Baby Tiger are the workers paid yet ,and the PLP labour MP does nothing ..Tals really today is september 1st 2013 and PLP are in power ..Numbers referendum ,whole party grinning and shaking like school girls while Nygard injects himself w/ who knows what ,a billion more borrowed and not one block laid on a new project ,E Rahming , violence against an attorney at jaws beach , the whole handling of the beatens at the dentention center ,,,Try to ansrew these situations w/ out bringing up HAI ..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Lest i forget B Sands and Fritzgerald where involed in the original fleecing ,hmm buying ,of city markets w/ money borrowed from the Hotel union ,what kind of return did the little man that pays his union dues get on that ,as the real money ,the city market pension plan that people had been paying in for up to 25 years vanished. Even baby T said don,t blame me by the time i bought city markets for a dollar most of the pension was gone ,,

tommymusic 11 years, 6 months ago

Politicians have to buckle up their belt, grab this political wild buck and sattle it in order to retain the country's reputation.

Baha10 11 years, 6 months ago

Hopefully Monday will bring a number of resignations, firings and discharges, together with an international apology from our PM, so that we can begin to heal as a nation and slowly start to raise our heads again, otherwise our 40th Anniversary will be marked in history as one of embarrassment in terms of human rights, which at the end of the day was what Indenpendence was supposed to be all about by ensuring self determination.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Good post ,brings it back to what it is about ..

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Won,t be long ,going to give you a chance to regain your diginity

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

You can,t even vote here ,don,t need to pay for you to come out of your hole , but if it makes you fell better i,ll give you a couple marlins ,it will only take about 20 mins ,,,come try to get your dignity back ,,,,starbucks ?? told you the time a nd date ,,when you don,t show everyone here will know

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Can,t vote ,not that nice of a car ,,,,hmmmmmmmmmmmm

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Rory i guarantee you i will be there ,if my Lawyer doesn,t have the paper work ready and i delay coming to nassau i will post ..when i,m at starbucks i will post while waiting for an english child at starbucks at east bay

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Rory were detainees beaten ??. I just want to ask you how you were raised and if its normal in your family to call people you debate vile names ..See if you came from people with grandiose boast and an affliction for hyperbole or did you adapt that behavior as a band aid for esteem issues . If you can humble yourself and listen i can show you a healthier way to interact with adults.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago

No, everyone is wondering what is wrong with you Darth

sotiredoftal 11 years, 6 months ago

OMG, am i the only one tired of reading the politically biased inunendo that talrussell posts to a variety of different news reports, some of which have not even a smidgem of political context to it? Its a shame that all you can ever say is "blame the red shirts" or "red shirts this red shirts that", will you ever see the bigger picture? At this point it doesnt matter whos fnm or plp, simply because the Bahamas as a country (comprised of non voters, plps, fnms, dnas, old, young etc) is under scrutiny due to the nature of the allegations made. Its necessary to stick together, but do the right thing at the same time and to ensure the proper and necessary avenues were taken to confront the issue. Gosh!!! I have to scroll past your comments to read sensible and most often RELEVANT opinions. You should go and work for bahamaspress.com.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

One thing about Tals he /she is consistent ..Tals got a litlle snippy w/ PGC about the" numbersmen" but apart from that the whole PLP uppity ups could move to Belize w/ every cent from the treasury and Tals would say ,at least HAI didn,t get none ,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

Don,t eat breakfast the day we are going to meet ,remember you" eat pieces of crap like me for breakfast" See ya soon

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