Tribune Staff Reporter
AUTHORITIES are praising yet another “major” drug bust with the early morning discovery of more than $2 million worth of marijuana in Exuma.
Although stressing that it is still too early to tell, Drug Enforcement Unit commander, Supt Samuel Butler said “there could be possibilities” the drug find is part of a much larger operation.
The drugs were flown into Odyssey airport in New Providence on a United States Coast Guard helicopter after being found in Farmer’s Cay by local police who were “acting on intelligence”. The drugs have an estimated weight of 2,300lbs and an estimated street value of $2.3 million.
“We want to let the public know that we are serious about carrying out the mandate of the Commissioner of Police so that we can prevent drug trafficking, drug peddling on our streets,” Supt Butler said.
“When we actually look at a major seizure of this, we always think in terms of the prevention of these types of drugs reaching our streets, reaching the local populace of the Bahamas and destroying some young boy, some young girl – so that really makes us happy to know that our work is not in vain.”
The DEU will continue the effort to fight drug trafficking, Supt Butler said, thanking the “committed” officers for their work and also the public.
“We also like to say thanks for the general public who always continually provide pertinent information to us,” he said. “We would not be able to do this alone, but because of our partnership with the wider community, law enforcement agencies, we continue to be successful.”
Supt Butler noted this drug seizure comes on the heels of several drug busts, most recently – the discovery of a huge marijuana field found at the rear of Dignity Gardens in New Providence, thought to contain $500,000 worth of drugs.
When asked if he thought there could be any connection between this find and any of the previous incidents, he said: “It’s early in our investigation – there could be possibilities – but it’s too early for us to speak to it.”
And confirming police have four Bahamian men in custody in connection with the incident, Supt Butler said police will have to wait for necessary interviews before it can be determined if the men are in any way part of a larger organisation.
“But we know from intelligence,” Supt Butler said, “there is a network of Bahamians who are working together, sharing their resources, so we still wait to unveil what they were doing at this particular location.”
He again noted that it is “too early to say” if the find is related to any other drug matters.
The men in question were flown into New Providence yesterday afternoon. Police are “optimistic” the men could be charged before the courts as early as next week, Supt Butler said, but added the men are still suspects at this time and will be given a “fair opportunity” to be interviewed by authorities.
rory 11 years, 5 months ago
What a load of bollocks - if they were really concerned about the use of weed they would ban the sale of backwood especially at gas stations and pharmacies, not to mention liquor stores and everywhere else it is sold. Or here is a thought, track everyone that buys backwood and follow them to their dealers - problem solved.
WinstonSmith 11 years, 5 months ago
Ban the sale of a completely legal item because some people use it illegally? You'd have to ban cigarettes, pipes, and papers too. Why not ban lighters and matches while you're at it? You do realize there are plenty of ways to smoke/vaporize/ingest Marijuana/THC right? Even a child can figure out how to use a soda can or even a hollowed out apple to smoke out of. If they really wanted to solve the problem they would legalize the plant and end all the shady business, smuggling and crime associated with the import and distribution of a substance that factually causes waaaaayyyyyy less harm than the drug of choice in the Bahamas--- that would be Alcohol.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see how Marijuana has the potential for "destroying some young boy, some young girl" when nearly every other aspect of life in the Bahamas is much more efficient at holding people back and bringing them down.
In 5 years when Marijuana is legalized throughout the US and the failed war on drugs is finally ended, the Bahamas will be the last country in the area to take advantage of the mighty cannabis tourism/tax potential.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
GREAT POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
Your out of your mind ,Helmet boy ..
vigilant_citizen 11 years, 5 months ago
Ignorance and fear of change leads to anger. The truth of the situation is that you rory simply do not know. Backwood is one of many ways someone uses weed. Some stuff cigarettes, others unroll cigars, some use papers, pipes, vaporizer, tea or cakes. If The Bahamas continue to clench onto outdated laws, which we never understood to begin with, while the counties where we adapted it from realize their mistake and legalize it we will be left behind. Let me ask you why is marijuana illegal? This plant which has been proven over and over through proper research that it is less physically addictive than cough syrup which you buy in the grocery, and people overdose on yearly. This plant which has a mortality rate of zero that you cannot ingest a Lethal dose of. This plant which reduces your risk factors for medical illness. The truth is it makes no sense. If legalized the Bahamas could farm hemp for its fibers and oil and create a booming export business, or even boost tourism. The fact is the illegality of marijuana has only served to burden the Bahamian community by fostering the gangster lifestyle and place financial strain on the people by keeping persons incarcerated, tying up the judicial system and police force. Keeping its illegality simply makes no sense. And before you get angry and call me a criminal... just know that I don't smoke. I just realize that not all laws make sense and this is one of them and not all laws should be upheld. There is a woman who was raped in the middle East and was sentenced to 200 lashes across her back and jail time because it is the law... So do not just be the sheep, stop and ask why and educate yourself before you condemn and curse your fellow man.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
Wow I'm actually going to agree with Rory on this one. Not so much the name calling but the essence. If you owned a business how many of your employees would you wish to have smoking marijuana before coming to work? It's a mind numbing drug and the one thing the Bahamas does not need is more mind numbed young men. We need people with strong minds who can come up with better ways to handle stress than to blow their minds away. It's also a gateway drug, young people start with it then get tripped up into a bigger rush.
WinstonSmith 11 years, 1 month ago
| I dont talk to criminals.
Too late. Better luck next year.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Selling addictive and toxic purified industrial solvents for human consumption is perfectly legal and fine with the establishment.
Other gifts directly from god, not so much.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
I do. It's the only and best way to rehabilitate them, if that is possible, and generally I believe that is better for society than an expensive incarceration. Since you apparently consider the vast majority of the world's citizens to be criminals, that really does restrict your options for producing a better society.
JohnDoes 11 years, 5 months ago
rory is absolutely oblivious to this type of situation that is currently at hand in our country and the world. I would ask that you do some research before you reveal your ignorant/arrogant comment/s. I haven't heard about any cocaine, molly, or pill busts. There are far more dangerous drugs that are rampant in this country, marijuana is a joke.
WinstonSmith 11 years, 1 month ago
Do you not realize that your inability to type a coherent response without resorting to childish attacks is a recurring theme that only adds to the noise on these forums?
redlight 11 years, 5 months ago
What we need to be doing is legalizing Marijuana. Marijuana is not the cause of our social ills. The legal ramifications as a result of possessing Marijuana is the problem. Criminal records are the highest impediment for young males to find gainful employment and as a result of not being able to obtain a job they revert to criminal activity. WE NEED TO GET REAL
These police officers are parading around their self righteous achievements like they are achieving something. IT IS NOT HELPING
redlight 11 years, 5 months ago
What about the cocaine and prescription drug dealers, where are those arrests. I agree this is a waste of tax payers money. Go catch real criminals.
redlight 11 years, 5 months ago
A Crime is a Crime?, Rory you have a very self righteous outlook on activities of your citizens. Some legislated crimes make no sense to even be a crime. Especially activities that have to do with peoples personal choices, that only effect them personally. I recall that buggery was a crime so should we have locked up all Gay men that indulged in their chosen sexual activity. You should really consider what your saying. If you don't want to live in a society that is free from government interfering in your personal choices than move to Cuba, you would get along well in that dictatorship. The majority of us Bahamians are capable of running our own lives and making our owns choices without having the government blindly legislating human activity that they can not control. I would behoove you to step out of your narrow box and do some research on the war on drugs it might change your view point.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Bahamian society isn't that bad, you are. You are your own worst enemy.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
No, it makes you a rabid pot cake dog who bites the hand that feeds you.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
I am saying that you are doing your nation and your economy a disservice.
It's your country. It's your choice. I don't see you personally changing your mind.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
As long as you continue to post here on this subject, I will respond. It's the least I can do for my Bahamian brothers and sisters.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
You are not 'we'. You are some guy named rory and you speak only for yourself. Calling yourself 'we' is quite revealing. Keep it up, this is fun.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Everybody in the Bahamas already knows me, including you. The Bahamas is a very small country. I'm a very big man in the Bahamas.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
It seems to me easier and more productive to change the minds of Bahamians so that they will change their laws. You are helping immensely.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Not as many as a legal Bahamian drunk.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Wow, it sounds like it's time to start a 'Boycott the Bahamas' tourism campaign. Tourists should be informed that they are visiting a hostile, homophobic and intolerant Christian theocracy inhabited by rabid fascists, where they are likely to be treated like criminals for their non-beliefs.
Heckava job there, Darth Vader. Beholden to the US state department?
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
I'll be sure to pass your comment on to any potential Bahamian tourists that I run across in my travels.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
No, I am simply pointing out the fact that this new Bahamian drug war is a fraud, that you are a fraud, and that Bahamian national prestige in the eyes of the world has already been seriously compromised, and that your tourism industry will suffer because of it.
A deep depression is coming to the US that you so dearly depend upon. If you want to make it a LOT worse, all you have to do is keep on the path that your government, as a state department proxy, has chosen for you. If you want to hurt Bahamian tourism, you are doing exactly the right thing.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
I will be sure to pass on your compassionate comments to any potential Bahamas tourists I run across in my travels, sir. I'm sure they will take your statements and the actions of your government into consideration before deciding to travel to, visit and spend money in the Bahamas.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Your thoughts on this subject are broadcasting loud and clear across the world.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
And of course, you speak for Jesus as well, especially Jesus's views on the criminality of the use of a medicinal weed provided to you by God almighty herself.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Doctors in the rest of the world have long ago judged otherwise.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
It doesn't matter, this exercise has already severely damaged your national reputation in the eyes of the international world, your tourism industry and your economy. If that is your goal you are doing a great job of achieving it.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Whatever. Enjoy your tourism industry while it lasts. Then it's back to sculling and hand lines. You'll be fine without the tourist dollars that you are giving up for your phoney drug war.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
That is the big difference between you and I. All you are concerned about is yourself. I am concerned with your nation, its citizens and its economy.
If you think diminishing the respect of the Bahamas in the international community and diminishing your economic standard is going to help YOU, then by all means, proceed. Who am I to stop you. I'm just the messenger.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Good luck on your new 'Attracting More Tourism to the Bahamas' effort.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
And you are making your best effort to destroy tourism in the Bahamas.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
There is no 'us' there is only you, and you only speak for yourself.
Your government has already spoken for you on the subject of how important they feel the tourism industry is to the economy of the Bahamas.
Tourism is not an important Bahamian industry in the eyes of your government, apparently.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
Not a problem, it's your tourism industry to destroy. You are doing a great job of it.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
As long as you continue to post your insane comments, I will respond. But thanks for your concern and compassion for my well being.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
But the reality of the situation is that I AM HERE. And the only way you can get rid of me is to lock me up. That's what you want because you are a fascist and can't stand anyone or anything that doesn't conform to your cultural or religious or political beliefs. The Bahamas is unremarkable compared to other nations in that regard. So you make laws to promote your beliefs. It's the fascist way.
vigilant_citizen 11 years, 5 months ago
@Rory you are one pretentious ignorant bastard of a man. The sad thing isn't even that you're an asshole but the fact that you are an asshole that believes the bullshit that you are saying. Thinking in one dimension is a gift only special people such as yourself possess; I pity you. You argue like a crack head or child, without facts or knowledge but by loud name calling and jeers. I hope you find that yellow bring road and ask the wizard for the brain you obviously lost a while ago.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
leeza 11 years, 5 months ago
Bastards not bastids are you Bahamian or foreign I know you are not in law enforcement
positiveinput 11 years, 5 months ago
@ rory. I must say you strongly dislike criminals in every way shape and form, which for a better Bahamas, your zero tolerance is good. However all of the verbal abuse puts you in which category????? Like you stated indirectly criminals come in all shapes as sizes (running the red light etc). However using fowl language especially in a public forum makes you one also. Now, lets talk. Why are you so enraged against 'dope' smokers. Did someone from your family used it and life was destroyed? Or did someone who used it from your family destroyed your life (molest you as a child) lmfao, and now you are bitter with the world. Come on buddy talk to us. From the amount of replies you are getting, you know someone is listening. lol Ges your first comment was two days ago, yet you still checking on what others post. Find facebook bro and update your profile all you want or get followed or poke there. Everyone is entitle to make a comment. Yours alone is not to be the final say/post.
positiveinput 11 years, 5 months ago
@ rory. Like you said pick a side. Your post that was made up using the word or should I say letters 'fcking' and 'fck' clearly is use for the words ' f u c k i n g' and 'f u c k'. Notice my creative way in using such words yet you know what I mean. Those are the fowl words. Then again the verbal abuse you tend to pour out of your keyboard adds to the creative way you deliver your fowl quotes. For the rest of the bloggers I'm sorry for by making a point to rory having to fully spell out certain words. You're (rory) quick to call people pot head, etc yet can't even remember words you yourself posted. What does that make you? I support you fully with the zero tolerance to crime but the way you execute your message explains why in instances with police brutality how it occurs. Some officers really want a crime free society, yet the way they execute their duties makes them no better than the criminals, causing other members of society to remain silent towards the cause.
Stanley 11 years, 5 months ago
It's only a crime because YOU make it a crime. But hey, it's your tourism economy to destroy. You are doing a great job of it, keep up the good work!
positiveinput 11 years, 5 months ago
The words I listed according to the dictionary are 'meaningless words, however considered vulgar'. However, if you dont class them to be swear words especially the 'f' one, stand next to an officer an freely use it.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
Damm shabaam Helmet boy done turned into superman ,well muddoes !!
positiveinput 11 years, 5 months ago
u mean stupidman lol
positiveinput 11 years, 5 months ago
@ rory. I guess if your significant other text you they are going out to fck someone else there should be no problem because according to you that's just a typed word which are not part of the English language. Your level of stupidity is so high you probably stole the worlds supply of stupid, used it up and joined the line again thinking there would be more. Empty barrels make the most noise so from now on I will allow you to let your peanut for a brain rattle in your barrel of a head.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
Dude youv,e lost your mind ..Why don,t you take a couple draws on this raw ,catch yourself and think about the sh#t you babble .
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