FNM deputy calls for answers after surgery roster lost at hospital


Tribune Staff Reporter

AFTER preparing for months, several persons who were due for surgery at Princess Margaret Hospital this week were told they will have to wait until next year because the hospital’s surgery roster has been lost.

It is unclear when the roster was lost, how many persons were affected by the incident or whether the roster has since been found.

However, Free National Movement (FNM) deputy leader Loretta Butler Turner is calling for officials at the hospital and Ministry of Health to explain how this incident could have happened. 

One of the persons affected also told The Tribune he considers this to be ridiculous. He said that it was an inconvenience that could negatively impact the quality of his life and even cause him to lose his job. 

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, he said: “My surgery was booked from the 6th of May and I had my last appointment on the 18th of September to prepare for the surgery. I went there on the 26th and they said someone had the appointment book and the book was lost so they had to reschedule persons. Now they trying to give me February 20th of next year as the new date for my surgery. I have abdominal hernia caused from overexerting myself on my job. I still experience discomfort. I see this as ridiculous. You gave me the date and I gave the documents you gave me on that date. I could understand if someone came with an emergency and had to take my space, but to have my appointment cancelled just through negligence is something that I just can’t believe.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said: “I found it to be very unusual that surgeries are only being booked on some kind of ledger and the fact that these were long standing appointments that these people have been waiting on, obviously something is not right here. Someone needs to speak to this. It should not be allowed to go like that. Too many of our people are dependent on the public hospital authority on their healthcare and they can’t even get the hospital roster together? That’s shameful.” 

The Tribune contacted officials at the hospital for details surrounding the incident, but no response was received up to press time yesterday. 


TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Amazing how the deputy leader is now attempting to change the channel away from her party's acting as advisers to the radical Miami-based Cuban group. Sorry, Madame Comrade but the closeness of your party's friendship with a radical Cuban group, hell bent on bringing Bahamaland's tourism to its knees, is goin chase behind you, right into your leadership challenge against Minnis. And, even if you don't happens to become the new leader over Brent Symonette, it will be the 2017 General Elections ghost hanging over all you reds heads. You just watch! Maybe not so much with Brent?

sotiredoftal 11 years, 5 months ago

There you go again with your unrelated ranting...lol...I thought this article was about th missing surgery roster. Gosh, do you read the article properly before you post your comments?

vigilant_citizen 11 years, 5 months ago

As I read your comments it confirms that those most ignorant of a situation make the most assumptions. The cameras cover over 80% of all parking facilities at Pmh... may be over 90% at this point and being as Pmh is a public facility they must aid even the homeless... Who knew. And many of your statements are just plane wrong... I would like you to attempt to walk into Pmh and access someone's medical record and see what that gets you.

And furthermore you need to understand that Pmh with its 32 plus specialties represents one of the most concentrated areas of medical knowledge in this part of the world... all within one one 400 bed facility supporting 350,000 persons. It might not be ideal but you need to understand the burden placed on the public health system is great. We as a nation are killing ourselves because we are a fat nation who instead of walking two blocks we hop in cars... Eventually having that stroke or heart attack... Then look at the doctor to save you. And the worst thing is that they give you your medications, inform you about your condition and needed lifestyle changes and those people same persons don't take their own health as priority and take their meds. These persons don't even take the time out to remember what they sick with. Then they turn around and complain that they wait X hours to get serve at Pmh after feeling bad all week when they could have gone to a clinic, but now they feeling terrible. And still not taking their medication. And did you realize this is one of fifty persons all who getting medical attention free or dirt cheap. So before you condemn the work of pmh and the public health sector educate yourself. I invite you to go to any free health care facility and get the service you get at Pmh. Or go to these other places you go to with ten dollars in your pocket and watch them turn you around.

hj 11 years, 5 months ago

@ rory,........ I don't normaly agree with you,but I am with you on this one.PMH is a typical 3rdworld country hospital. I don't know how many hours one has to wait in the ER. Sometime last year,there was a report blasting the conditions at NICU or children's ward( I can't remember which one),and often you hear storiesabout missing records.

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Of course the paradox box being; it was under her leader's term as the minister of health that would eventually leave behind for the incoming minister of health, a rotten, broken system that resulted in not just no logbook of dead bodies go'in missing, but reports of dead bodies being unaccounted for over at the the Princess Margaret Hospital's morgue? C'mon deputy leader Loretta, have have you really forgotten how the overcrowding of dead bodies under Hubert and your then minister of health Minnis was so damn bad, that they had put your stiff backside out in the hospital backyard in one them portable freezer unit.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

Gone are the records of the Cubans at PMH ,,LMAO

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Comrade there you go again runn'in off topic about the trouble mak'in Cubans.. Can you not at least try to stick with the reds storyline? Like expected of all reds?

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

You brought up the Cubans in your first sentence of the first post on this article,,,,,,,,,i know its a sore spot w / you yellow shirts , One question TALS ,how can you have a fair and balanced investigation w/ the alleged victims back in a communist country where they can,t have a say ??., and as much as Castro dislikes Ramon Sanchez there is no way he will let the alleged victims get near a phone w/ a camera ..lol You can not convict the marines of anything ,b/c even in a military tribunal the accused has the right to face his accusers .

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

I will tell you what tribunal need be calling witnesses, so listen-up my dear Comrade. The public needs to hear from all them backstabbers within the red shirts party, who want Minnis gone within the next 90 days? They are a much troubled party. let them bear witness publicly against Minnis. Bring them in from Nassau Town, Long Island, with a stop over to collect that witness from up in Cooper's Town. Let them come clean!

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

Tals how can you have a fair tribunal or investigation into the detention center incident w/ out the alleged victims ??

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Comrade I think we're both fair people. Shouldn't you and Loretta also be calling for this same tribunal to review and release to the public, Hubert's secret report that he never released to the public, on exactly what this same Miami-based Cuban movement had alleged back then was the serious mistreatment of Cuban nationals at the detention center, under the Hubert regime? Surly, you and Madame Comrade deputy leader must be aware this is NOT the first time the Miami-based Cuban Movement has surfaced in the media to advocate for Bahamalanders to be sweet and nice to simply allow the illegal Cubans to freely roam our islands, as they make their way to America? But this time Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition party become consultants to the Cubans. Even you must know, this ain't smart. No damn wonder Abaco's giant of an MP Edison been sitt'in up in the House all by he self, for weeks now.

Foxie 11 years, 5 months ago

I wonder why Loretta "The Slapper" Butler-Turner picked this topic.. Surely, she can't be blaming the PLP for this as the FNM did not see fit to update from the old fashioned ledger to the so long ago modern computer.... Maybe, just maybe, she went for an appointment and they said we lost it so sorry come back nest year.... MMMMMMMMMMMM... wonder if anybody get slap.........

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

Truth be told and i,m not proud of it ,the British were better administrators then we are .Even w/ out computers and modern technology they ran the public corporations better The biilions of dollars that went through BTC in salaries and pensions and when we sold it it was running on an ancient platform that wasn,t compatible w/ anything .Now i think with BEC nobody will pay to buy it they would rather set up their own power generating equipment and sell us the power /For so long all our money goes to payroll and pension trying to absorb our prolific baby making and buy votes instead of equipment and infastructure ,,

john33xyz 11 years, 5 months ago

Mrs Butler-Turner said: “I found it to be very unusual that surgeries are only being booked on some kind of ledger....

So there was no paper ledger when she was in power? Why didn't she ask what happened to the computer system? Cause she knows there IS no computer system for surgeries.

Don't worry, though, this won't affect the delivery room. Babies will still keep popping out at the same rate, and that's all we really care about in this country.

spoitier 11 years, 5 months ago

Both the FNM and the PLP believe that they could try and use ploy like the one you mention to Bahamians, because they feel as though the typical Bahamian don't have much brains.

briwest1773 11 years, 5 months ago

PMH is a mess....has been a mess for decades, yet I have seen no one losing their jobs!!! Persons get a paycheck at the end of the month but they are not accountable for the responsiblities that they are given. I have been to PMH about 5 times in the last 6 years and each time there was some drama...I try to avoind going there unless absolutely necessary. Govt officials (PLP and FNM) and hospital administrators do not have to use PMH's services so they dont couldnt care less what happens there. Loretta knows this nonsense has been going on for a long time...she should stop pretending as if she is so shocked re: what goes on at PMH!

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